require "bundler/gem_tasks" require 'rspec/core/rake_task' gem_name = :authkit ["generator:cleanup", "generator:prepare", "generator:#{gem_name}"]) do |task| task.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb" task.rspec_opts = "--color --drb" task.verbose = true end namespace :spec do ["generator:cleanup", "generator:prepare", "generator:database", "generator:#{gem_name}"]) do |task| task.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb" task.verbose = true end end # When using sed to replace in place, don't rely on -i for POSIX compatibility def sed(command, filename) system "sed '#{command}' #{filename} > #{filename}.tmp && mv #{filename}.tmp #{filename}" end namespace :generator do desc "Cleans up the sample app before running the generator" task :cleanup do FileUtils.rm_rf("spec/tmp/sample") if Dir.exist?("spec/tmp/sample") if ENV['SKIP_CLEANUP'].nil? end desc "Prepare the sample app before running the generator" task :prepare do next if Dir.exist?("spec/tmp/sample") FileUtils.mkdir_p("spec/tmp") system "cd spec/tmp && rails new sample" # bundle gem_root = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) system "echo \"gem 'rspec-rails'\" >> spec/tmp/sample/Gemfile" system "echo \"gem '#{gem_name}', :path => '#{gem_root}'\" >> spec/tmp/sample/Gemfile" system "cd spec/tmp/sample && bundle install" system "cd spec/tmp/sample && rails g rspec:install" # Open up the root route for specs sed("s/# root/root/", "spec/tmp/sample/config/routes.rb") # Make a thing system "cd spec/tmp/sample && rails g scaffold thing name:string mood:string" end # This task is not used unless you need to test the generator with an alternate database # such as mysql or postgres. By default the sample application utilize sqlite3 desc "Prepares the application with an alternate database" task :database do puts "== Configuring the database ==================================================" system "cp config/database.yml.example spec/tmp/sample/config/database.yml" system "cd spec/tmp/sample && rake db:migrate:reset" end desc "Run the #{gem_name} generator" task gem_name do system "cd spec/tmp/sample && rails g #{gem_name}:install --force && rake db:migrate db:test:prepare" end end task :default => :spec