class Libri::CLI attr_accessor :award, :awards_array, :books_array, :book_info_hash, :quotes_array, :title_by_author LINE = "----------------------------------------------------------" SPACE = " " STRING = <<-EOS . . !!!!!!! ..'''::::.. . [[[|]]] . .::' ``::.. !!!!!!!!|--_--|!!!!! '...::' `'':::. [[[[[[[[\\_(X)_/]]]]] . . |=| ._/-__-__\\===========/-__\\_ !!!!!!!!!\\========[ /]]|[[\\ ]=====/ /_-_-| | |-_--|=| | | ||=|_|_|=||"|==| /-__--|_|_|_-_-| |_|_|=||______=||_| =| /-----------------------\\===========/-----/ ^^^\\^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^[[|]]|[[|]]=====/ |.' ..==::'"'::==.. '.[ /~~~~~\\ ]]]]]]] | .'=[[[|]]|[[|]]]=`._||== = || =\\ ] ||= == ||:^s^:|| = == ||=| | | || |=|| _||_ = =||o---.|| = ==_||_= == =||==_||_ \\__/= = ||: :||= == \\__/[][][][][]\\__/ [||]= ==||:___:|| = = [||]\\//\\//\\[||] } {---'"'-----'"'- --} {//\\//\\//} { ____[==]__________________[==]\\//\\//\\[==]_____ |`|~~~~|================|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~|| jgs|^| ^ |================|^ | ^ ^^ ^ | ^ || EOS def call puts STRING puts SPACE puts "Welcome to Libri, a chamber full of literary wonders.".blue puts "Below are some of the most prized literary awards of our time.".blue puts "Come freely. This will take a few moments..".blue puts LINE make_awards list_awards puts LINE leave end def make_awards @awards_array = Scraper.scrape_barnes_noble Libri::Awards.create_from_collection(awards_array) end def list_awards Libri::Awards.all.each.with_index(1) { |award, i| puts "#{i}. #{}" } puts LINE puts "Which award would you like to explore?".blue puts LINE menu_awards end def make_books(award) @books_array = Scraper.scrape_award(award) Libri::Books.create_from_collection(books_array) end def list_books(award) Libri::Books.all.each.with_index(1) { |book, i| puts "#{i}. #{book.title} #{}" } puts LINE puts "Which book would you like to know more about?".blue puts LINE menu_books(award) end def list_details(book) @book_info_hash = Scraper.scrape_book(book) @book_info_hash.each { |key, val| puts SPACE puts "#{key}" puts LINE puts "#{val}" } end def random_quote @quotes_array = Scraper.scrape_quote Libri::Quote.create_from_collection(quotes_array) random = @quotes_array.sample random.each { |key, val| puts SPACE puts "#{val}" } puts SPACE end def menu_awards input = STDIN.gets.strip.downcase if input.to_i.between?(1,15) award = @awards_array[input.to_i - 1] Libri::Books.all.clear make_books(award) list_books(award) elsif input == "awards" list_awards elsif input == "exit" nil elsif input == "nevermore" puts LINE random_quote else puts "The raven croaked, 'Please try again.'".red puts LINE list_awards end end def menu_books(award) input = STDIN.gets.strip.downcase if input.to_i.between?(1,20) book = @books_array[input.to_i - 1] list_details(book) puts LINE puts " To list the books of the same award again, type books".blue puts " To list all the awards again, type awards".blue puts LINE menu_books(award) elsif input == "nevermore" puts LINE random_quote elsif input == "books" list_books(award) elsif input == "awards" list_awards elsif input == "exit" nil else puts "The raven croaked, 'Please try again.'".red puts LINE list_books(award) end end def leave puts "Farewell!".blue end end