require 'spec_helper' require 'adhearsion/host_definitions' describe 'HostDefinition' do after :each do Adhearsion::HostDefinition.clear_definitions! end it 'when loading from a YAML array, it should pass each nested Hash to the constructor' do hosts = [ {:host => "hostname1", :username => "user", :password => "password"}, {:host => "hostname2", :username => "user", :password => "password"}, {:host => "hostname3", :username => "user", :password => "password"} ] flexmock(Adhearsion::HostDefinition).should_receive(:new).once.with(hosts[0]) flexmock(Adhearsion::HostDefinition).should_receive(:new).once.with(hosts[1]) flexmock(Adhearsion::HostDefinition).should_receive(:new).once.with(hosts[2]) Adhearsion::HostDefinition.import_from_yaml hosts.to_yaml end it 'should set the @name property to a new UUID when no name is given' do definition = {:host => "hostname", :username => "user", :password => "pass"} =~ /^[a-z0-9]{8}-([a-z0-9]{4}-){3}[a-z0-9]{12}$/i end it 'when loading from YAML keys, it should pass each nested Hash to the constructor with the key as :name' do definitions = { :pbx1 => {}, :pbx2 => {}, :pbx3 => {} } definitions.each_pair do |key,value| flexmock(Adhearsion::HostDefinition).should_receive(:new).once.with(value.merge(:name => key)) end Adhearsion::HostDefinition.import_from_data_structure(definitions) end it 'should have an Array class variable named definitions' do Adhearsion::HostDefinition.definitions.should be_a_kind_of Array end it 'should add each HostDefinition to a class variable named @@definitions when instantiated' do Adhearsion::HostDefinition.definitions.size.should be 0 :name => "foobar", :host => "hostname", :username => "user", :password => "password" Adhearsion::HostDefinition.definitions.size.should be 1 Adhearsion::HostDefinition.clear_definitions! Adhearsion::HostDefinition.definitions.size.should be 0 end it 'should raise a HostDefinitionException when a password and a key are given' do the_following_code { => "user", :host => "foobar", :key => "doesntmatter", :password => "pass") }.should raise_error Adhearsion::HostDefinition::HostDefinitionException end it 'should raise a HostDefinitionException when no password or key is given' do the_following_code { => "user", :host => "foobar") }.should raise_error Adhearsion::HostDefinition::HostDefinitionException end it 'should raise a HostDefinitionException when no username is given' do the_following_code { => "host", :password => "password") }.should raise_error Adhearsion::HostDefinition::HostDefinitionException end it 'should raise a HostDefinitionException when no "host" key is given' do the_following_code { => "foobar", :password => "password") }.should raise_error Adhearsion::HostDefinition::HostDefinitionException end it 'should raise a HostDefinitionException when an unrecognized key is given' do the_following_code { => "foobar", :password => "password", :host => "blah", :thiskeyisnotrecognized => nil) }.should raise_error Adhearsion::HostDefinition::HostDefinitionException end end