require 'cases/helper_sqlserver' require 'models/event' class UniquenessValidationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # So sp_executesql swallows this exception. Run without prpared to see it. coerce_tests! :test_validate_uniqueness_with_limit def test_validate_uniqueness_with_limit_coerced connection.unprepared_statement do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::ValueTooLong) do Event.create(title: "abcdefgh") end end end # So sp_executesql swallows this exception. Run without prpared to see it. coerce_tests! :test_validate_uniqueness_with_limit_and_utf8 def test_validate_uniqueness_with_limit_and_utf8_coerced connection.unprepared_statement do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::ValueTooLong) do Event.create(title: "一二三四五六七八") end end end end require 'models/event' module ActiveRecord class AdapterTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # I really dont think we can support legacy binds. coerce_tests! :test_select_all_with_legacy_binds # As far as I can tell, SQL Server does not support null bytes in strings. coerce_tests! :test_update_prepared_statement # So sp_executesql swallows this exception. Run without prpared to see it. coerce_tests! :test_value_limit_violations_are_translated_to_specific_exception def test_value_limit_violations_are_translated_to_specific_exception_coerced connection.unprepared_statement do error = assert_raises(ActiveRecord::ValueTooLong) do Event.create(title: 'abcdefgh') end assert_not_nil error.cause end end end end require 'models/topic' class AttributeMethodsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase coerce_tests! %r{typecast attribute from select to false} def test_typecast_attribute_from_select_to_false_coerced Topic.create(:title => 'Budget') topic = Topic.all.merge!(:select => "topics.*, IIF (1 = 2, 1, 0) as is_test").first assert !topic.is_test? end coerce_tests! %r{typecast attribute from select to true} def test_typecast_attribute_from_select_to_true_coerced Topic.create(:title => 'Budget') topic = Topic.all.merge!(:select => "topics.*, IIF (1 = 1, 1, 0) as is_test").first assert topic.is_test? end end class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase coerce_tests! :test_column_names_are_escaped def test_column_names_are_escaped_coerced conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection assert_equal '[t]]]', conn.quote_column_name('t]') end # We do not have do the DecimalWithoutScale type. coerce_tests! :test_numeric_fields coerce_tests! :test_numeric_fields_with_scale # Just like PostgreSQLAdapter does. coerce_tests! :test_respect_internal_encoding # Caused in Rails v4.2.5 by adding `firm_id` column in this # commit. Trust Rails has this covered. coerce_tests! :test_find_keeps_multiple_group_values end class BelongsToAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Since @client.firm is a single first/top, and we use FETCH the order clause is used. coerce_tests! :test_belongs_to_does_not_use_order_by coerce_tests! :test_belongs_to_with_primary_key_joins_on_correct_column def test_belongs_to_with_primary_key_joins_on_correct_column_coerced sql = Client.joins(:firm_with_primary_key).to_sql assert_no_match(/\[firm_with_primary_keys_companies\]\.\[id\]/, sql) assert_match(/\[firm_with_primary_keys_companies\]\.\[name\]/, sql) end end module ActiveRecord class BindParameterTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Never finds `sql` since we use `EXEC sp_executesql` wrappers. coerce_tests! :test_binds_are_logged end end class CalculationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # This fails randomly due to schema cache being lost? coerce_tests! :test_offset_is_kept def test_offset_is_kept_coerced Account.first queries = assert_sql { Account.offset(1).count } assert_equal 1, queries.length assert_match(/OFFSET/, queries.first) end # Are decimal, not integer. coerce_tests! :test_should_return_decimal_average_of_integer_field def test_should_return_decimal_average_of_integer_field_coerced value = Account.average(:id) assert_equal BigDecimal('3.0').to_s, BigDecimal(value).to_s end coerce_tests! :test_limit_is_kept def test_limit_is_kept_coerced queries = capture_sql_ss { Account.limit(1).count } assert_equal 1, queries.length queries.first.must_match %r{ORDER BY \[accounts\]\.\[id\] ASC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @0 ROWS ONLY.*@0 = 1} end coerce_tests! :test_limit_with_offset_is_kept def test_limit_with_offset_is_kept_coerced queries = capture_sql_ss { Account.limit(1).offset(1).count } assert_equal 1, queries.length queries.first.must_match %r{ORDER BY \[accounts\]\.\[id\] ASC OFFSET @0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @1 ROWS ONLY.*@0 = 1, @1 = 1} end # Leave it up to users to format selects/functions so HAVING works correctly. coerce_tests! :test_having_with_strong_parameters end module ActiveRecord class Migration class ChangeSchemaTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We test these. coerce_tests! :test_create_table_with_bigint, :test_create_table_with_defaults end class ChangeSchemaWithDependentObjectsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # In SQL Server you have to delete the tables yourself in the right order. coerce_tests! :test_create_table_with_force_cascade_drops_dependent_objects end end end module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters class QuoteARBaseTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Use our date format. coerce_tests! :test_quote_ar_object def test_quote_ar_object_coerced value = @time) assert_equal "'02-14-2017 12:34:56.79'", @connection.quote(value) end # Use our date format. coerce_tests! :test_type_cast_ar_object def test_type_cast_ar_object_coerced value = @time) assert_equal "02-14-2017 12:34:56.79", @connection.type_cast(value) end end end end module ActiveRecord class Migration class ColumnAttributesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We have a default 4000 varying character limit. coerce_tests! :test_add_column_without_limit def test_add_column_without_limit_coerced add_column :test_models, :description, :string, limit: nil TestModel.reset_column_information TestModel.columns_hash["description"].limit.must_equal 4000 end end end end module ActiveRecord class Migration class ColumnsTest # Our defaults are real 70000 integers vs '70000' strings. coerce_tests! :test_rename_column_preserves_default_value_not_null def test_rename_column_preserves_default_value_not_null_coerced add_column 'test_models', 'salary', :integer, :default => 70000 default_before = connection.columns("test_models").find { |c| == "salary" }.default assert_equal 70000, default_before rename_column "test_models", "salary", "annual_salary" TestModel.reset_column_information assert TestModel.column_names.include?("annual_salary") default_after = connection.columns("test_models").find { |c| == "annual_salary" }.default assert_equal 70000, default_after end # Dropping the column removes the single index. coerce_tests! :test_remove_column_with_multi_column_index def test_remove_column_with_multi_column_index_coerced add_column "test_models", :hat_size, :integer add_column "test_models", :hat_style, :string, :limit => 100 add_index "test_models", ["hat_style", "hat_size"], :unique => true assert_equal 1, connection.indexes('test_models').size remove_column("test_models", "hat_size") assert_equal [], connection.indexes('test_models').map(&:name) end # Choose `StatementInvalid` vs `ActiveRecordError`. coerce_tests! :test_rename_nonexistent_column def test_rename_nonexistent_column_coerced exception = ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid assert_raise(exception) do rename_column "test_models", "nonexistent", "should_fail" end end end end end class MigrationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We do not have do the DecimalWithoutScale type. coerce_tests! :test_add_table_with_decimals def test_add_table_with_decimals_coerced Person.connection.drop_table :big_numbers rescue nil assert !BigNumber.table_exists? GiveMeBigNumbers.up BigNumber.reset_column_information assert BigNumber.create( :bank_balance => 1586.43, :big_bank_balance => BigDecimal("1000234000567.95"), :world_population => 6000000000, :my_house_population => 3, :value_of_e => BigDecimal("2.7182818284590452353602875") ) b = BigNumber.first assert_not_nil b assert_not_nil b.bank_balance assert_not_nil b.big_bank_balance assert_not_nil b.world_population assert_not_nil b.my_house_population assert_not_nil b.value_of_e assert_kind_of BigDecimal, b.world_population assert_equal '6000000000.0', b.world_population.to_s assert_kind_of Integer, b.my_house_population assert_equal 3, b.my_house_population assert_kind_of BigDecimal, b.bank_balance assert_equal BigDecimal("1586.43"), b.bank_balance assert_kind_of BigDecimal, b.big_bank_balance assert_equal BigDecimal("1000234000567.95"), b.big_bank_balance GiveMeBigNumbers.down assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { BigNumber.first } end # For some reason our tests set Rails.@_env which breaks test env switching. coerce_tests! :test_migration_sets_internal_metadata_even_when_fully_migrated coerce_tests! :test_internal_metadata_stores_environment end class CoreTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # I think fixtures are useing the wrong time zone and the `:first` # `topics`.`bonus_time` attribute of 2005-01-30t15:28:00.00+01:00 is # getting local EST time for me and set to "09:28:00.0000000". coerce_tests! :test_pretty_print_persisted end module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters # Just like PostgreSQLAdapter does. TypeLookupTest.coerce_all_tests! if defined?(TypeLookupTest) # All sorts of errors due to how we test. Even setting ENV['RAILS_ENV'] to # a value of 'default_env' will still show tests failing. Just ignoring all # of them since we have no monkey in this circus. MergeAndResolveDefaultUrlConfigTest.coerce_all_tests! if defined?(MergeAndResolveDefaultUrlConfigTest) end end module ActiveRecord class DatabaseTasksDumpSchemaCacheTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Skip this test with /tmp/my_schema_cache.yml path on Windows. coerce_tests! :test_dump_schema_cache if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/ end class DatabaseTasksCreateAllTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We extend `local_database?` so that common VM IPs can be used. coerce_tests! :test_ignores_remote_databases, :test_warning_for_remote_databases end class DatabaseTasksDropAllTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We extend `local_database?` so that common VM IPs can be used. coerce_tests! :test_ignores_remote_databases, :test_warning_for_remote_databases end end class DefaultScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We are not doing order duplicate removal anymore. coerce_tests! :test_order_in_default_scope_should_not_prevail # Use our escaped format in assertion. coerce_tests! :test_with_abstract_class_scope_should_be_executed_in_correct_context def test_with_abstract_class_scope_should_be_executed_in_correct_context_coerced vegetarian_pattern, gender_pattern = [/[lions].[is_vegetarian]/, /[lions].[gender]/] assert_match vegetarian_pattern, Lion.all.to_sql assert_match gender_pattern, Lion.female.to_sql end end require 'models/post' require 'models/subscriber' class EachTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Quoting in tests does not cope with bracket quoting. coerce_tests! :test_find_in_batches_should_quote_batch_order def test_find_in_batches_should_quote_batch_order_coerced c = Post.connection assert_sql(/ORDER BY \[posts\]\.\[id\]/) do Post.find_in_batches(:batch_size => 1) do |batch| assert_kind_of Array, batch assert_kind_of Post, batch.first end end end # Quoting in tests does not cope with bracket quoting. coerce_tests! :test_in_batches_should_quote_batch_order def test_in_batches_should_quote_batch_order_coerced c = Post.connection assert_sql(/ORDER BY \[posts\]\.\[id\]/) do Post.in_batches(of: 1) do |relation| assert_kind_of ActiveRecord::Relation, relation assert_kind_of Post, relation.first end end end end class EagerAssociationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Use LEN() vs length() function. coerce_tests! :test_count_with_include def test_count_with_include_coerced assert_equal 3, authors(:david).posts_with_comments.where("LEN(comments.body) > 15").references(:comments).count end # Use TOP (1) in scope vs limit 1. coerce_tests! %r{including association based on sql condition and no database column} end require 'models/topic' class FinderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase coerce_tests! %r{doesn't have implicit ordering}, :test_find_doesnt_have_implicit_ordering # We have implicit ordering, via FETCH. coerce_tests! :test_exists_does_not_select_columns_without_alias def test_exists_does_not_select_columns_without_alias_coerced assert_sql(/SELECT\s+1 AS one FROM \[topics\].*OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @0 ROWS ONLY.*@0 = 1/i) do Topic.exists? end end coerce_tests! :test_take_and_first_and_last_with_integer_should_use_sql_limit def test_take_and_first_and_last_with_integer_should_use_sql_limit_coerced assert_sql(/OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @0 ROWS ONLY.* @0 = 3/) { Topic.take(3).entries } assert_sql(/OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @0 ROWS ONLY.* @0 = 2/) { Topic.first(2).entries } assert_sql(/OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @0 ROWS ONLY.* @0 = 5/) { Topic.last(5).entries } end # This fails only when run in the full test suite task. Just taking it out of the mix. coerce_tests! :test_find_with_order_on_included_associations_with_construct_finder_sql_for_association_limiting_and_is_distinct # Can not use array condition due to not finding right type and hence fractional second quoting. coerce_tests! :test_condition_utc_time_interpolation_with_default_timezone_local def test_condition_utc_time_interpolation_with_default_timezone_local_coerced with_env_tz 'America/New_York' do with_timezone_config default: :local do topic = Topic.first assert_equal topic, Topic.where(written_on: topic.written_on.getutc).first end end end # Can not use array condition due to not finding right type and hence fractional second quoting. coerce_tests! :test_condition_local_time_interpolation_with_default_timezone_utc def test_condition_local_time_interpolation_with_default_timezone_utc_coerced with_env_tz 'America/New_York' do with_timezone_config default: :utc do topic = Topic.first assert_equal topic, Topic.where(written_on: topic.written_on.getlocal).first end end end end module ActiveRecord class Migration class ForeignKeyTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We do not support :restrict. coerce_tests! :test_add_on_delete_restrict_foreign_key def test_add_on_delete_restrict_foreign_key_coerced assert_raises ArgumentError do @connection.add_foreign_key :astronauts, :rockets, column: "rocket_id", on_delete: :restrict end assert_raises ArgumentError do @connection.add_foreign_key :astronauts, :rockets, column: "rocket_id", on_update: :restrict end end end end end class HasOneAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We use OFFSET/FETCH vs TOP. So we always have an order. coerce_tests! :test_has_one_does_not_use_order_by end require 'models/company' class InheritanceTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase coerce_tests! :test_a_bad_type_column def test_a_bad_type_column_coerced Company.connection.with_identity_insert_enabled('companies') do Company.connection.insert "INSERT INTO companies (id, #{QUOTED_TYPE}, name) VALUES(100, 'bad_class!', 'Not happening')" end assert_raise(ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound) { Company.find(100) } end coerce_tests! :test_eager_load_belongs_to_primary_key_quoting def test_eager_load_belongs_to_primary_key_quoting_coerced con = Account.connection assert_sql(/\[companies\]\.\[id\] = 1/) do Account.all.merge!(:includes => :firm).find(1) end end end class LeftOuterJoinAssociationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Uses || operator in SQL. Just trust core gets value out of this test. coerce_tests! :test_does_not_override_select end class NamedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # This works now because we add an `order(:id)` sort to break the order tie for deterministic results. coerce_tests! :test_scopes_honor_current_scopes_from_when_defined def test_scopes_honor_current_scopes_from_when_defined_coerced assert !Post.ranked_by_comments.order(:id).limit_by(5).empty? assert !authors(:david).posts.ranked_by_comments.order(:id).limit_by(5).empty? assert_not_equal Post.ranked_by_comments.order(:id).limit_by(5), authors(:david).posts.ranked_by_comments.order(:id).limit_by(5) assert_not_equal Post.order(:id).top(5), authors(:david).posts.order(:id).top(5) # Oracle sometimes sorts differently if WHERE condition is changed assert_equal authors(:david).posts.ranked_by_comments.limit_by(5).to_a.sort_by(&:id), authors(:david) assert_equal Post.ranked_by_comments.limit_by(5), end end require 'models/developer' require 'models/computer' class NestedRelationScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase coerce_tests! :test_merge_options def test_merge_options_coerced Developer.where('salary = 80000').scoping do Developer.limit(10).scoping do devs = Developer.all sql = devs.to_sql assert_match '(salary = 80000)', sql assert_match 'FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY', sql end end end end require 'models/topic' class PersistenceTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We can not UPDATE identity columns. coerce_tests! :test_update_columns_changing_id # Previous test required updating a identity column. coerce_tests! :test_update_all_doesnt_ignore_order def test_update_all_doesnt_ignore_order_coerced david, mary = authors(:david), authors(:mary) 1 2 assert_sql(/UPDATE.*\(SELECT \[authors\].\[id\] FROM \[authors\].*ORDER BY \[authors\].\[id\]/i) do Author.where('[id] > 1').order(:id).update_all(name: 'Test') end 'David' 'Test' end # We can not UPDATE identity columns. coerce_tests! :test_update_attributes def test_update_attributes_coerced topic = Topic.find(1) assert !topic.approved? assert_equal "The First Topic", topic.title topic.update_attributes("approved" => true, "title" => "The First Topic Updated") topic.reload assert topic.approved? assert_equal "The First Topic Updated", topic.title topic.update_attributes(approved: false, title: "The First Topic") topic.reload assert !topic.approved? assert_equal "The First Topic", topic.title # SQLServer: Here is where it breaks down. No exceptions. # assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique, ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) do # topic.update_attributes(id: 3, title: "Hm is it possible?") # end # assert_not_equal "Hm is it possible?", Topic.find(3).title # topic.update_attributes(id: 1234) # assert_nothing_raised { topic.reload } # assert_equal topic.title, Topic.find(1234).title end end require 'models/topic' module ActiveRecord class PredicateBuilderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase coerce_tests! :test_registering_new_handlers def test_registering_new_handlers_coerced Topic.predicate_builder.register_handler(Regexp, proc do |column, value|'~', column, Arel.sql(value.source)) end) assert_match %r{\[topics\].\[title\] ~ rails}i, Topic.where(title: /rails/).to_sql ensure Topic.reset_column_information end end end class PrimaryKeysTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Gonna trust Rails core for this. We end up with 2 querys vs 3 asserted # but as far as I can tell, this is only one for us anyway. coerce_tests! :test_create_without_primary_key_no_extra_query end require 'models/task' class QueryCacheTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase coerce_tests! :test_cache_does_not_wrap_string_results_in_arrays def test_cache_does_not_wrap_string_results_in_arrays_coerced Task.cache do assert_kind_of Numeric, Task.connection.select_value("SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM tasks") end end end require 'models/post' class RelationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Use LEN vs LENGTH function. coerce_tests! :test_reverse_order_with_function def test_reverse_order_with_function_coerced topics = Topic.order("LEN(title)").reverse_order assert_equal topics(:second).title, topics.first.title end # Use LEN vs LENGTH function. coerce_tests! :test_reverse_order_with_function_other_predicates def test_reverse_order_with_function_other_predicates_coerced topics = Topic.order("author_name, LEN(title), id").reverse_order assert_equal topics(:second).title, topics.first.title topics = Topic.order("LEN(author_name), id, LEN(title)").reverse_order assert_equal topics(:fifth).title, topics.first.title end # We have implicit ordering, via FETCH. coerce_tests! %r{doesn't have implicit ordering} # We are not doing order duplicate removal anymore. coerce_tests! :test_order_using_scoping # We are not doing order duplicate removal anymore. coerce_tests! :test_default_scope_order_with_scope_order # Leave it up to users to format selects/functions so HAVING works correctly. coerce_tests! :test_multiple_where_and_having_clauses coerce_tests! :test_having_with_binds_for_both_where_and_having # Find any limit via our expression. coerce_tests! %r{relations don't load all records in #inspect} def test_relations_dont_load_all_records_in_inspect_coerced assert_sql(/NEXT @0 ROWS.*@0 = \d+/) do Post.all.inspect end end # I wanted to add `.order("author_id")` scope to avoid error: Column "" is invalid in the ORDER BY # However, this pull request on Rails core drops order on exists relation. # so we are skipping all together. coerce_tests! :test_empty_complex_chained_relations # Use LEN() vs length() function. coerce_tests! :test_reverse_arel_assoc_order_with_function def test_reverse_arel_assoc_order_with_function_coerced topics = Topic.order(Arel.sql("LEN(title)") => :asc).reverse_order assert_equal topics(:second).title, topics.first.title end end require 'models/post' class SanitizeTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase coerce_tests! :test_sanitize_sql_like_example_use_case def test_sanitize_sql_like_example_use_case_coerced searchable_post = do def where("title LIKE ?", sanitize_sql_like(term, '!')) end end assert_sql(/\(title LIKE N'20!% !_reduction!_!!'\)/) do"20% _reduction_!").to_a end end end class SchemaDumperTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We have precision to 38. coerce_tests! :test_schema_dump_keeps_large_precision_integer_columns_as_decimal def test_schema_dump_keeps_large_precision_integer_columns_as_decimal_coerced output = standard_dump assert_match %r{t.decimal\s+"atoms_in_universe",\s+precision: 38}, output end # This is a poorly written test and really does not catch the bottom'ness it is meant too. Ours throw it off. coerce_tests! :test_foreign_keys_are_dumped_at_the_bottom_to_circumvent_dependency_issues # Fall through false positive with no filter. coerce_tests! :test_schema_dumps_partial_indices def test_schema_dumps_partial_indices_coerced index_definition = standard_dump.split(/\n/).grep(/t.index.*company_partial_index/).first.strip assert_equal 't.index ["firm_id", "type"], name: "company_partial_index", where: "([rating]>(10))"', index_definition end # We do not quote the 2.78 string default. coerce_tests! :test_schema_dump_includes_decimal_options def test_schema_dump_includes_decimal_options_coerced output = dump_all_table_schema([/^[^n]/]) assert_match %r{precision: 3,[[:space:]]+scale: 2,[[:space:]]+default: 2\.78}, output end end class SchemaDumperDefaultsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # These date formats do not match ours. We got these covered in our dumper tests. coerce_tests! :test_schema_dump_defaults_with_universally_supported_types end class TestAdapterWithInvalidConnection < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We trust Rails on this since we do not want to install mysql. coerce_tests! %r{inspect on Model class does not raise} end require 'models/topic' class TransactionTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase coerce_tests! :test_releasing_named_savepoints def test_releasing_named_savepoints_coerced Topic.transaction do Topic.connection.create_savepoint("another") Topic.connection.release_savepoint("another") # We do not have a notion of releasing, so this does nothing vs raise an error. Topic.connection.release_savepoint("another") end end end require 'models/tag' class TransactionIsolationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # SQL Server will lock the table for counts even when both # connections are `READ COMMITTED`. So we bypass with `READPAST`. coerce_tests! %r{read committed} test "read committed coerced" do Tag.transaction(isolation: :read_committed) do assert_equal 0, Tag.count Tag2.transaction do Tag2.create assert_equal 0, Tag.lock('WITH(READPAST)').count end end assert_equal 1, Tag.count end # I really need some help understanding this one. coerce_tests! %r{repeatable read} end require 'models/book' class ViewWithPrimaryKeyTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We have a few view tables. use includes vs equality. coerce_tests! :test_views def test_views_coerced assert_includes @connection.views, Ebook.table_name end # We do better than ActiveRecord and find the views PK. coerce_tests! :test_does_not_assume_id_column_as_primary_key def test_does_not_assume_id_column_as_primary_key_coerced model = { self.table_name = "ebooks" } assert_equal 'id', model.primary_key end end class ViewWithoutPrimaryKeyTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We have a few view tables. use includes vs equality. coerce_tests! :test_views def test_views_coerced assert_includes @connection.views, Paperback.table_name end end require 'models/author' class YamlSerializationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase coerce_tests! :test_types_of_virtual_columns_are_not_changed_on_round_trip def test_types_of_virtual_columns_are_not_changed_on_round_trip_coerced author ='authors.*, 5 as posts_count').first dumped = YAML.load(YAML.dump(author)) assert_equal 5, author.posts_count assert_equal 5, dumped.posts_count end end class DateTimePrecisionTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Original test had `7` which we support vs `8` which we use. coerce_tests! :test_invalid_datetime_precision_raises_error def test_invalid_datetime_precision_raises_error_coerced assert_raises ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError do @connection.create_table(:foos, force: true) do |t| t.timestamps precision: 8 end end end end class DefaultNumbersTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # We do better with native types and do not return strings for everything. coerce_tests! :test_default_positive_integer def test_default_positive_integer_coerced record = assert_equal 7, record.positive_integer assert_equal 7, record.positive_integer_before_type_cast end coerce_tests! :test_default_negative_integer def test_default_negative_integer_coerced record = assert_equal -5, record.negative_integer assert_equal -5, record.negative_integer_before_type_cast end end module ActiveRecord class CollectionCacheKeyTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Will trust rails has this sorted since you cant offset without a limit. coerce_tests! %r{with offset which return 0 rows} end end module ActiveRecord class StatementCacheTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase # Getting random failures. coerce_tests! :test_find_does_not_use_statement_cache_if_table_name_is_changed end end module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters class SchemaCacheTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase private # We need to give the full path for this to work. def schema_dump_path File.join ARTest::SQLServer.root_activerecord, 'test/assets/schema_dump_5_1.yml' end end end end