module RearUtils include RearConstants # just define controller, do not set model def initialize_model_controller model return model.const_get(:RearController) if model.const_defined?(:RearController) ctrl = model.const_set(:RearController, RearControllerSetup.init(ctrl) EUtils.class_to_route(model) ctrl.model model ctrl end module_function :initialize_model_controller def associated_model_controller model, ensure_mounted = false ctrl = ObjectSpace.each_object(Class).find do |o| EUtils.is_app?(o) && o.respond_to?(:model) && o.model == model end unless ctrl ctrl = initialize_model_controller(model) ctrl.label(false) # automatically generated controllers not shown in menu end ctrl.mounted? || ctrl.mount if ensure_mounted ctrl end module_function :associated_model_controller def extract_assocs model, *args send('extract_%s_assocs' % orm(model), model, *args) end module_function :extract_assocs def extract_associated_ar_model model, assoc class_name = assoc.options[:class_name] || ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize(ActiveSupport::Inflector.singularize( if (ns = class_name.to_s.split('::')).size > 1 return ns.inject(Object) {|n,c| n.const_get c} else if (ns ='::')).size > 1 ns.pop model_namespace = ns.inject(Object) {|n,c| n.const_get c} else model_namespace = Object end return model_namespace.const_get(class_name) end nil end module_function :extract_associated_ar_model def extract_ar_assocs model, any = false model.reflect_on_all_associations.inject( do |map, r| target_model = extract_associated_ar_model(model, r) || raise(NameError, "Was unable to detect model for %s relation" % r) target_pkey = r.options[:primary_key] || target_model.primary_key if any || target_pkey # models without primary key not handled by default target_pkey = target_pkey.to_sym if target_pkey readonly = nil belongs_to_keys = {source: nil, target: nil} assoc_type = case r.macro when :belongs_to belongs_to_keys[:source] = (r.options[:foreign_key] || ActiveSupport::Inflector.foreign_key( belongs_to_keys[:target] = target_pkey :belongs_to when :has_one readonly = true if r.options[:through] :has_one else :has_many end map[assoc_type].update => { type: assoc_type, name:, remote_model: target_model, remote_pkey: target_pkey, readonly: readonly, dom_id: dom_id_generator(model, assoc_type,, belongs_to_keys: belongs_to_keys }.freeze end map end.freeze end module_function :extract_ar_assocs def extract_dm_assocs model, any = false model.relationships.entries.inject( do |map, r| _, target_pkey = extract_dm_columns(r.target_model) if any || target_pkey # only models with a primary key are handled by default readonly = nil belongs_to_keys = {source: nil, target: nil} assoc_type = case'::')[2] when 'ManyToOne' belongs_to_keys[:source] = belongs_to_keys[:target] = :belongs_to when 'OneToOne' readonly = true if r.options[:through] :has_one else :has_many end map[assoc_type].update => { type: assoc_type, name:, remote_model: r.target_model, remote_pkey: target_pkey, readonly: readonly, dom_id: dom_id_generator(model, assoc_type,, belongs_to_keys: belongs_to_keys }.freeze end map end.freeze end module_function :extract_dm_assocs def extract_sq_assocs model, any = false model.associations.inject( do |map,an| a = model.association_reflection(an) target_model = extract_constant(a[:class_name]) _, target_pkey = extract_sq_columns(target_model) if any || target_pkey # only models with a primary key are handled by default readonly = nil belongs_to_keys = {source: nil, target: nil} assoc_type = case a[:type] when :many_to_one belongs_to_keys[:source] = a[:key] belongs_to_keys[:target] = a[:primary_key] || target_pkey :belongs_to when :one_to_one readonly = true if a[:through] :has_one else :has_many end map[assoc_type].update a[:name] => { type: assoc_type, name: a[:name], remote_model: target_model, remote_pkey: target_pkey, readonly: readonly, dom_id: dom_id_generator(model, assoc_type, a[:name]), belongs_to_keys: belongs_to_keys }.freeze end map end.freeze end module_function :extract_sq_assocs def extract_columns model send('extract_%s_columns' % orm(model), model) end module_function :extract_columns def extract_ar_columns model unless model.table_exists? puts "WARN: %s table does not exists!" % model.table_name return [[], :id] end pkey = nil columns = model.columns.inject([]) do |f,c| name, type =, c.type.to_s.downcase.to_sym type = COLUMNS__DEFAULT_TYPE unless COLUMNS__HANDLED_TYPES.include?(type) (c.primary && pkey = name) ? f : f << [name, type] end [columns.freeze, pkey] end module_function :extract_ar_columns def extract_dm_columns model pkey = nil # TODO: find a way to handle Enum columns columns =[]) do |f,c| name, type =,'::').last.downcase.to_sym type = COLUMNS__DEFAULT_TYPE unless [:serial].concat(COLUMNS__HANDLED_TYPES).include?(type) (type == :serial && pkey = name) ? f : f << [name, type] end [columns.freeze, pkey] end module_function :extract_dm_columns def extract_sq_columns model pkey = nil columns = model.db_schema.inject([]) do |map,(n,s)| if s[:primary_key] pkey = n map else type = s[:db_type].to_s.split(/\W/).first.to_s.downcase.to_sym unless COLUMNS__HANDLED_TYPES.include?(type) type = s[:type].to_s.downcase.to_sym unless COLUMNS__HANDLED_TYPES.include?(type) type = COLUMNS__DEFAULT_TYPE end end map << [n, type] end end [columns.freeze, pkey] end module_function :extract_sq_columns def quote_column model, column send('quote_%s_column' % orm(model), model, column) end module_function :quote_column def quote_ar_column model, column model.connection.quote_column_name(column) end module_function :quote_ar_column def quote_dm_column model, column property = {|p| == column} model.repository(model.repository_name).adapter.property_to_column_name(property, false) end module_function :quote_dm_column def quote_sq_column model, column model.db.quote_identifier(column) end module_function :quote_sq_column def ar? model [:connection, :columns, :reflect_on_all_associations].all? do |m| model.respond_to?(m) end end module_function :ar? def dm? model [:repository, :properties, :relationships].all? do |m| model.respond_to?(m) end end module_function :dm? def sq? model [:db_schema, :columns, :dataset, :associations].all? do |m| model.respond_to?(m) end end module_function :sq? def orm model [:ar, :dm, :sq].find {|o| send('%s?' % o, model)} end alias is_orm? orm module_function :orm module_function :is_orm? def number_with_delimiter n n.to_s.gsub(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, '\1,') end module_function :number_with_delimiter def normalize_html_attrs attrs (attrs||{}).inject({}) {|h,(k,v)| h.merge k.to_s.downcase => v} end module_function :normalize_html_attrs def dom_id_generator *args (args + [args.__id__]).flatten.join('__').gsub(/\W+/, '') end module_function :dom_id_generator def extract_constant smth return Object.const_get(smth) if smth.is_a?(Symbol) return smth.sub('::', '').split('::').inject(Object) {|o,c| o.const_get(c)} if smth.is_a?(String) smth end module_function :extract_constant end