require 'fog/aws' require 'thor' require 'active_support/all' require 'zlib' require 'digest/md5' require 'pathname' class CKnifeAws < Thor FILE_BUFFER_SIZE = 10.megabytes LOCAL_MOD_KEY = "x-amz-meta-mtime" EPSILON = 1.second no_tasks do def config return @config if @config @config = { :key => ENV["KEY"] || ENV['AMAZON_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], :secret => ENV["SECRET"] || ENV['AMAZON_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] } config_file = nil do |here| config_file = [["cknife.yml"], ["tmp", "cknife.yml"]].map { |args| here.join(*args) }.select { |path| File.exists?(path) }.first end if config_file begin @config.merge!(YAML.load(!) rescue say ("Found, but could not parse config: #{config_file}") end end @config end def fog_opts opts = { :provider => 'AWS', :aws_access_key_id => config[:key], :aws_secret_access_key => config[:secret] } opts.merge!({ :region => options[:region] }) if !options[:region].blank? opts end def fog_storage return @storage if @storage @storage = begin @storage.directories.count # test login rescue Excon::Errors::Forbidden => e say("Received Forbidden error while accessing account info. Is your key/secret correct?") raise SystemExit end @storage end def fog_compute @compute ||= end def fog_cdn @cdn ||= end def get_bucket(bucket_name) d = { |d| d.key == bucket_name }.first if d.nil? say ("Found no bucket by name #{bucket_name}") return end d end def get_file(bucket, file_name) f = { |f| f.key == file_name }.first if f.nil? say("Found no file in #{bucket.key} having name #{file_name}.") return end f end def get_bucket_and_file(bucket_name, file_name) d = get_bucket(bucket_name) return [nil, nil] if d.nil? f = get_file(d, file_name) return [nil, nil] if f.nil? [d, f] end def show_buckets fog_storage.directories.sort { |a,b| a.key <=> b.key }.each { |b| puts "#{b.key}" } end def show_servers fog_compute.servers.sort { |a,b| a.key_name <=> b.key_name }.each do |s| puts "#{s.tags['Name']} (state: #{s.state}): id=#{} keyname=#{s.key_name} dns=#{s.dns_name} flavor=#{s.flavor_id}" end end def show_cdns puts fog_cdn.get_distribution_list.body['DistributionSummary'].to_yaml end def with_bucket(bucket_name) d = { |d| d.key == bucket_name }.first if d.nil? say ("Could not find bucket with name #{bucket_name}") return end say ("Found bucket named #{bucket_name}") yield d end def s3_download(s3_file) dir_path = dir_path.mkpath, "w") do |f| f.write s3_file.body end end def content_hash(file) md5 = while !file.eof? md5.update( end md5.hexdigest end def fresh_file_upload(to_upload, d, key, is_public) do |localfile| file = d.files.create( :key => key, :public => is_public, :body => "" ) file.metadata = { LOCAL_MOD_KEY => localfile.mtime.to_s } file.multipart_chunk_size = FILE_BUFFER_SIZE # creates multipart_save file.body = localfile end end def n_file_heads(directory, glob=nil, max=30) found = [] n = 0 directory.files.each do |f| if glob.nil? || File.fnmatch(glob, f.key) found.push(directory.files.head(f.key)) break if n >= max n += 1 end end found end end desc "list_servers", "Show all servers" def list_servers show_servers end desc "start_server [SERVER_ID]", "Start a given EC2 server" def start_server(server_id) s = { |s| == server_id}.first if s say("found server. starting/resuming. #{}") s.start show_servers else say("no server with that id found. nothing done.") end end desc "stop_server [SERVER_ID]", "Stop a given EC2 server (does not terminate it)" def stop_server(server_id) s = { |s| == server_id}.first if s say("found server. stopping. #{}") s.stop else say("no server with that id found. nothing done.") end end desc "list_cloudfront", "List cloudfront distributions (CDNs)" def list_cloudfront show_cdns end desc "create_cloudfront [BUCKET_NAME]", "Create a cloudfront distribution (a CDN)" def create_cloudfront(bucket_id) fog_cdn.post_distribution({ 'S3Origin' => { 'DNSName' => "#{bucket_id}" }, 'Enabled' => true }) show_cdns end desc "list", "Show all buckets" method_options :region => "us-east-1" def list show_buckets end desc "url [BUCKET_NAME] [FILE]", "Generate a temporary (15 minute) URL for a file." method_options :region => "us-east-1" method_options :duration => 15 def url(bucket_name, file_name) d, f = get_bucket_and_file(bucket_name, file_name) return if d.nil? || f.nil? minutes = options[:duration].to_i expiry = ( + minutes.minutes).to_i url = f.url(expiry, path_style: true) say("URL created.") say(url) end desc "afew [BUCKET_NAME]", "Show first 5 files in bucket" method_options :count => "5" method_options :glob => "*" def afew(bucket_name) d = get_bucket(bucket_name) return if d.nil? found = n_file_heads(d, options[:glob], options[:count].to_i) unit_to_mult = { 'B' => 1, 'K' => 2**10, 'M' => 2**20, 'G' => 2**30 } { |f| matching = { |k| f.content_length >= unit_to_mult[k] }.last [f.key, "#{f.content_length == 0 ? 0 : (f.content_length.to_f / unit_to_mult[matching]).round(2)}#{matching}", f.content_type, f.last_modified ] }.tap do |tabular| print_table(tabular, :ident => 2) end end desc "download [BUCKET_NAME]", "Download all files in a bucket to CWD. Or one file." method_options :region => "us-east-1" method_options :one => nil def download(bucket_name) with_bucket bucket_name do |d| if options[:one].nil? if yes?("Are you sure you want to download all files into the CWD?", :red) d.files.each do |s3_file| say("Creating path for and downloading #{s3_file.key}") s3_download(s3_file) end else say("No action taken.") end else s3_file = d.files.get(options[:one]) if !s3_file.nil? s3_download(s3_file) else say("Could not find #{options[:one]}. No action taken.") end end end end desc "upsync [BUCKET_NAME] [DIRECTORY]", "Push local files matching glob PATTERN into bucket. Ignore unchanged files." method_options :public => false method_options :region => "us-east-1" method_options :noprompt => nil method_options :glob => "**/*" method_options :backups_retain => false method_options :days_retain => 30 method_options :months_retain => 3 method_options :weeks_retain => 5 method_options :dry_run => false def upsync(bucket_name, directory) say("This is a dry run.") if options[:dry_run] if !File.exists?(directory) || ! say("'#{directory} does not exist or is not a directory.") return end target_root = files = Dir.glob(target_root.join(options[:glob])).select { |f| ! }.map(&:to_s) if !options[:backups_retain] && files.count == 0 say("No files to upload and no backups retain requested.") return end say("Found #{files.count} candidate file upload(s).") spn = dn = sn = un = cn = 0 with_bucket bucket_name do |d| # having a brain fart and cant get this to simplify go = false if options[:noprompt] != nil go = true else go = yes?("Proceed?", :red) end if go time_marks = [] immediate_successors = {} if options[:backups_retain] # inclusive lower bound, exclusive upper bound time_marks = [] do |start| options[:days_retain].times do |i| time_marks.push(start - i.days) end end do |start| options[:weeks_retain].times do |i| time_marks.push(start - i.weeks) end end do |start| options[:months_retain].times do |i| time_marks.push(start - i.months) end end time_marks.each do |tm| files.each do |to_upload| do |localfile| if localfile.mtime >= tm && (immediate_successors[tm].nil? || localfile.mtime < immediate_successors[tm][:last_modified]) immediate_successors[tm] = { :local_path => to_upload, :last_modified => localfile.mtime } end end end end end # don't pointlessly upload large files if we already know we're going to delete them! if options[:backups_retain] { |h| h[:local_path] }.tap do |kept_files| before_reject = files.count # blah...lame files.reject! { |to_upload| !kept_files.include?(to_upload) } sn += before_reject - files.count say("Found #{files.count} file(s) that meet backups retention criteria for upload. Comparing against bucket...") end end files.each do |to_upload| say("#{to_upload} (no output if skipped)...") k = File.basename(to_upload) existing_head = d.files.head(k) time_mismatch = false content_hash_mistmatched = false do |localfile| time_mismatch = !existing_head.nil? && (existing_head.metadata[LOCAL_MOD_KEY].nil? || (Time.parse(existing_head.metadata[LOCAL_MOD_KEY]) - localfile.mtime).abs > EPSILON) if time_mismatch content_hash_mistmatched = existing_head.etag != content_hash(localfile) end end if existing_head && time_mismatch && content_hash_mistmatched if !options[:dry_run] do |localfile| existing_head.metadata = { LOCAL_MOD_KEY => localfile.mtime.to_s } existing_head.body = localfile existing_head.multipart_chunk_size = FILE_BUFFER_SIZE # creates multipart_save end end say("updated.") un += 1 elsif existing_head && time_mismatch if !options[:dry_run] do |localfile| existing_head.metadata = { LOCAL_MOD_KEY => localfile.mtime.to_s } end end say("updated.") un += 1 elsif existing_head.nil? if !options[:dry_run] fresh_file_upload(to_upload, d, k, options[:public]) end say("created.") cn += 1 else sn += 1 # skipped end end if options[:backups_retain] # This array of hashes is computed because we need to do # nested for loops of M*N complexity, where M=time_marks # and N=files. We also need to do an remote get call to # fetch the metadata of all N remote files (d.files.each # will not do this). so, for performance sanity, we cache # all the meta data for all the N files. file_keys_modtimes = [] d.files.each { |f| if File.fnmatch(options[:glob], f.key) existing_head = d.files.head(f.key) md = existing_head.metadata file_keys_modtimes.push({ :key => f.key, :last_modified => md[LOCAL_MOD_KEY] ? Time.parse(md[LOCAL_MOD_KEY]) : f.last_modified, :existing_head => existing_head }) end } say("#{file_keys_modtimes.length} file(s) found to consider for remote retention or remote deletion.") # this generates as many 'kept files' as there are time marks...which seems wrong. immediate_successors = {} time_marks.each do |tm| file_keys_modtimes.each do |fkm| if fkm[:last_modified] >= tm && (immediate_successors[tm].nil? || fkm[:last_modified] < immediate_successors[tm][:last_modified]) immediate_successors[tm] = fkm end end end { |v| v[:key] }.tap do |kept_keys| file_keys_modtimes.each do |fkm| if kept_keys.include?(fkm[:key]) say("Remote retained #{fkm[:key]}.") spn += 1 else fkm[:existing_head].destroy if !options[:dry_run] say("Remote deleted #{fkm[:key]}.") dn += 1 end end end end else say ("No action taken.") end end say("Done. #{cn} created. #{un} updated. #{sn} local skipped. #{dn} deleted remotely. #{spn} retained remotely.") end desc "fdelete [BUCKET_NAME] [FILE_NAME]", "Delete a file in a bucket." method_options :noprompt => false method_options :region => "us-east-1" def fdelete(bucket_name, file_name) d, f = get_bucket_and_file(bucket_name, file_name) return if d.nil? || f.nil? if options[:noprompt] || yes?("Are you sure you want to delete #{f.key} in #{d.key}?", :red) f.destroy say "Destroyed #{f.key} in #{d.key}." else say "No action taken." end end desc "fupload [BUCKET_NAME] [LOCAL_FILE]", "Upload a file to a bucket. Path to file is ignored." method_options :public => false method_options :region => "us-east-1" def fupload(bucket_name, file_name) d = { |d| d.key == bucket_name }.first if d.nil? say ("Found no bucket by name #{bucket_name}") return end if !File.exists?(file_name) say("Found no such file #{file_name} on the local disk.") return end key = File.basename(file_name) f = { |f| f.key == key }.first if !f.nil? && !yes?("There is already a file named #{key} in #{d.key}. Do you want to overwrite it with this upload?", :red) say("No action taken.") return f.destroy say "Destroyed #{f.key} in #{d.key}." end fresh_file_upload(file_name, d, key, options[:public]) say "Uploaded #{key} to #{d.key}." end desc "delete [BUCKET_NAME]", "Destroy a bucket" method_options :noprompt => false method_options :region => "us-east-1" method_options :deep => false def delete(bucket_name) d = { |d| d.key == bucket_name }.first if d.nil? say ("Found no bucket by name #{bucket_name}") return end if options[:noprompt] || yes?("Are you sure you want to delete this bucket #{d.key}?", :red) if d.files.length > 0 if !options[:deep] say "Bucket has #{d.files.length} files. Please empty before destroying." return end found = n_file_heads(d) while found.length > 0 found.each do |f| f.destroy say("Deleted file #{f.key}.") end found = n_file_heads(d) end end d.destroy say "Destroyed bucket named #{bucket_name}." show_buckets else say "No action taken." end end desc "create [BUCKET_NAME]", "Create a bucket" method_options :region => "us-east-1" def create(bucket_name = nil) if !bucket_name puts "No bucket name given." return end fog_storage.directories.create( :key => bucket_name, :location => options[:region] ) puts "Created bucket #{bucket_name}." show_buckets end desc "show [BUCKET_NAME]", "Show info about bucket" method_options :region => "us-east-1" def show(bucket_name = nil) if !bucket_name puts "No bucket name given." return end with_bucket(bucket_name) do |d| say "#{d}: " say d.location end end end