# # ActiveFacts Generators. # Generate CQL from an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts/vocabulary' require 'activefacts/registry' require 'activefacts/generate/helpers/ordered' module ActiveFacts module Generate #:nodoc: # Generate CQL for an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # Invoke as # afgen --cql .cql class CQL < Helpers::OrderedDumper private def vocabulary_start puts "vocabulary #{@vocabulary.name};\n\n" build_indices end def vocabulary_end end def units_banner puts "/*\n * Units\n */" end def unit_dump unit puts unit.as_cql end def units_end puts "\n" end def value_type_banner puts "/*\n * Value Types\n */" end def value_type_end puts "\n" end def data_type_dump(o) value_type_dump(o, o.name, {}) if o.all_role.size > 0 end def value_type_dump(o, super_type_name, facets) # No need to dump it if the only thing it does is be a supertype; it'll be created automatically # return if o.all_value_type_as_supertype.size == 0 # REVISIT: A ValueType that is only used as a reference mode need not be emitted here. puts o.as_cql end def entity_type_dump(o) o.ordered_dumped! pi = o.preferred_identifier supers = o.supertypes if (supers.size > 0) # Ignore identification by a supertype: pi = nil if pi && pi.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.role.fact_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance) } subtype_dump(o, supers, pi) else non_subtype_dump(o, pi) end pi.ordered_dumped! if pi end def append_ring_to_reading(reading, ring) reading << " [#{(ring.ring_type.scan(/StronglyIntransitive|[A-Z][a-z]*/)*", ").downcase}]" end def mapping_pragma(entity_type, ignore_independence = false) ti = entity_type.all_type_inheritance_as_subtype assimilation = ti.map{|t| t.assimilation }.compact[0] return "" unless (entity_type.is_independent && !ignore_independence) || assimilation " [" + [ entity_type.is_independent && !ignore_independence ? "independent" : nil, assimilation || nil ].compact*", " + "]" end # If this entity_type is identified by a single value, return four relevant objects: def value_role_identification(entity_type, identifying_facts) external_identifying_facts = identifying_facts - [entity_type.fact_type] fact_type = external_identifying_facts[0] ftr = fact_type && fact_type.all_role.sort_by{|role| role.ordinal} if external_identifying_facts.size == 1 and entity_role = ftr[n = (ftr[0].object_type == entity_type ? 0 : 1)] and value_role = ftr[1-n] and value_player = value_role.object_type and value_player.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType) and value_name = value_player.name and value_residual = value_name.sub(%r{^#{entity_role.object_type.name} ?},'') and value_residual != '' and value_residual != value_name [fact_type, entity_role, value_role, value_residual] else [] end end # This entity is identified by a single value, so find whether standard refmode readings were used def detect_standard_refmode_readings fact_type, entity_role, value_role forward_reading = reverse_reading = nil fact_type.all_reading.each do |reading| if reading.text =~ /^\{(\d)\} has \{\d\}$/ if reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.ordinal == $1.to_i}.role == entity_role forward_reading = reading else reverse_reading = reading end elsif reading.text =~ /^\{(\d)\} is of \{\d\}$/ if reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.ordinal == $1.to_i}.role == value_role reverse_reading = reading else forward_reading = reading end end end trace :mode, "Didn't find standard forward reading" unless forward_reading trace :mode, "Didn't find standard reverse reading" unless reverse_reading [forward_reading, reverse_reading] end # If this entity_type is identified by a reference mode, return the verbalisation def identified_by_ref_mode(entity_type, identifying_facts) fact_type, entity_role, value_role, value_residual = *value_role_identification(entity_type, identifying_facts) return nil unless fact_type # This EntityType is identified by its association with a single ValueType # whose name is an extension (the value_residual) of the EntityType's name. # If we have at least one of the standard refmode readings, dump it that way, # else exit and use the long-hand verbalisation instead. forward_reading, reverse_reading = *detect_standard_refmode_readings(fact_type, entity_role, value_role) return nil unless (forward_reading || reverse_reading) # We can't subscript reference modes. # If an objectified fact type has a role played by its identifying player, go long-hand. return nil if entity_type.fact_type and entity_type.fact_type.all_role.detect{|role| role.object_type == value_role.object_type } fact_type.ordered_dumped! # We've covered this fact type # Elide the constraints that would have been emitted on the standard readings. # If there is a UC that's not in the standard form for a reference mode, # we have to emit the standard reading anyhow. fact_constraints = @presence_constraints_by_fact[fact_type] fact_constraints.each do |pc| if (pc.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size == 1 and pc.max_frequency == 1) # It's a uniqueness constraint, and will be regenerated pc.ordered_dumped! end end # Figure out which non-standard readings exist, if any: nonstandard_readings = fact_type.all_reading - [forward_reading, reverse_reading] trace :mode, "--- nonstandard_readings.size now = #{nonstandard_readings.size}" if nonstandard_readings.size > 0 verbaliser = ActiveFacts::Metamodel::Verbaliser.new # The verbaliser needs to have a Player for the roles of entity_type, so it doesn't get subscripted. entity_roles = nonstandard_readings.map{|r| r.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.role.object_type == entity_type}}.compact verbaliser.role_refs_have_same_player entity_roles verbaliser.alternate_readings nonstandard_readings if entity_type.fact_type verbaliser.alternate_readings entity_type.fact_type.all_reading end verbaliser.create_subscripts(:rolenames) # Ok, the Verbaliser is ready to fly fact_readings = nonstandard_readings.map { |reading| expanded_reading(verbaliser, reading, fact_constraints, true) } fact_readings += fact_readings_with_constraints(verbaliser, entity_type.fact_type) if entity_type.fact_type # If we emitted a reading for the refmode, it'll include any role_value_constraint already if nonstandard_readings.size == 0 and c = value_role.role_value_constraint constraint_text = " "+c.as_cql end (entity_type.is_independent ? ' independent' : '') + " identified by its #{value_residual}#{constraint_text}#{mapping_pragma(entity_type, true)}" + entity_type.concept.all_context_note_as_relevant_concept.map do |cn| cn.verbalise end.join("\n") + (fact_readings.size > 0 ? " where\n\t" : "") + fact_readings*",\n\t" end def identified_by_roles_and_facts(entity_type, identifying_role_refs, identifying_facts) # Detect standard reference-mode scenarios: if srm = identified_by_ref_mode(entity_type, identifying_facts) return srm end verbaliser = ActiveFacts::Metamodel::Verbaliser.new # Announce all the identifying fact roles to the verbaliser so it can decide on any necessary subscripting. # The verbaliser needs to have a Player for the roles of entity_type, so it doesn't get subscripted. entity_roles = identifying_facts.map{|ft| ft.preferred_reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.role.object_type == entity_type}}.compact verbaliser.role_refs_have_same_player entity_roles identifying_facts.each do |fact_type| # The RoleRefs for corresponding roles across all readings are for the same player. verbaliser.alternate_readings fact_type.all_reading fact_type.ordered_dumped! unless fact_type.entity_type # Must dump objectification still! end verbaliser.create_subscripts(:rolenames) irn = verbaliser.identifying_role_names identifying_role_refs identifying_fact_text = identifying_facts.map{|f| fact_readings_with_constraints(verbaliser, f) }.flatten*",\n\t" (entity_type.is_independent ? ' independent' : '') + " identified by #{ irn*" and " }" + mapping_pragma(entity_type, true) + entity_type.concept.all_context_note_as_relevant_concept.map do |cn| cn.verbalise end.join("\n") + " where\n\t"+identifying_fact_text end def entity_type_banner puts "/*\n * Entity Types\n */" end def entity_type_group_end puts "\n" end def subtype_dump(o, supertypes, pi) print "#{o.name} is a kind of #{ o.is_independent ? 'independent ' : '' }#{ o.supertypes.map(&:name)*", " }" if pi puts identified_by(o, pi)+';' return end print mapping_pragma(o, true) if o.fact_type verbaliser = ActiveFacts::Metamodel::Verbaliser.new # Announce all the objectified fact roles to the verbaliser so it can decide on any necessary subscripting. # The RoleRefs for corresponding roles across all readings are for the same player. verbaliser.alternate_readings o.fact_type.all_reading verbaliser.create_subscripts(:rolenames) print " where\n\t" + fact_readings_with_constraints(verbaliser, o.fact_type)*",\n\t" end puts ";\n" end def non_subtype_dump(o, pi) puts "#{o.name} is" + identified_by(o, pi) + ';' end def naiive_expand(reading) role_refs = reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order reading.text.gsub(/\{(\d+)\}/) do role_refs[$1.to_i].role.object_type.name end end def fact_type_dump(fact_type, name) if (o = fact_type.entity_type) print "#{o.name} is" supertypes = o.supertypes if supertypes.empty? print ' independent' if o.is_independent else print " a kind of#{ o.is_independent ? ' independent' : '' } #{ supertypes.map(&:name)*', ' }" end # Alternate identification of objectified fact type? primary_supertype = supertypes[0] pi = fact_type.entity_type.preferred_identifier if pi && primary_supertype && primary_supertype.preferred_identifier != pi puts identified_by(o, pi) + ';' return end print " where\n\t" end # Check whether this fact type has readings which could be confused for a previously-dumped one: reading_texts = fact_type.all_reading.map{|r| naiive_expand(r)} if reading_texts.size > 1 ambiguity = fact_type.all_role.to_a[0].object_type.all_role.map{|r| r.fact_type}. select{|f| f != fact_type && f.ordered_dumped }. detect do |dft| ambiguous_readings = reading_texts & dft.all_reading.map{|r| naiive_expand(r)} ambiguous_readings.size > 0 end if ambiguity puts fact_type.default_reading([], true)+'; // Avoid ambiguity; this is a new fact type' end end # There can be no roles of the objectified fact type in the readings, so no need to tell the Verbaliser anything special verbaliser = ActiveFacts::Metamodel::Verbaliser.new verbaliser.alternate_readings fact_type.all_reading pr = fact_type.preferred_reading if (pr.role_sequence.all_role_ref.to_a[0].play) verbaliser.prepare_role_sequence pr.role_sequence end verbaliser.create_subscripts(:rolenames) print(fact_readings_with_constraints(verbaliser, fact_type)*",\n\t") if (pr.role_sequence.all_role_ref.to_a[0].play) print " where\n\t"+verbaliser.verbalise_over_role_sequence(pr.role_sequence) end puts(';') end def fact_type_banner puts "/*\n * Fact Types\n */" end def fact_type_end puts "\n" end def constraint_banner puts "/*\n * Constraints:" puts " */" end def constraint_end end # Of the players of a set of roles, return the one that's a subclass of (or same as) all others, else nil def roleplayer_subclass(roles) roles[1..-1].inject(roles[0].object_type){|subclass, role| next nil unless subclass and EntityType === role.object_type role.object_type.supertypes_transitive.include?(subclass) ? role.object_type : nil } end def dump_presence_constraint(c) # Loose binding in PresenceConstraints is limited to explicit role players (in an occurs list) # having no exact match, but having instead exactly one role of the same player in the readings. verbaliser = ActiveFacts::Metamodel::Verbaliser.new # For a mandatory constraint (min_frequency == 1, max == nil or 1) any subtyping step is over the proximate role player # For all other presence constraints any subtyping step is over the counterpart player role_proximity = c.min_frequency == 1 && [nil, 1].include?(c.max_frequency) ? :proximate : :counterpart if role_proximity == :proximate verbaliser.role_refs_have_subtype_steps(c.role_sequence) else join_over, joined_roles = ActiveFacts::Metamodel.plays_over(c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr|rr.role}, role_proximity) verbaliser.roles_have_same_player(joined_roles) if join_over end verbaliser.prepare_role_sequence(c.role_sequence, join_over) # REVISIT: Need to discount role_adjuncts in here, since this constraint uses loose binding: verbaliser.create_subscripts :loose expanded_readings = verbaliser.verbalise_over_role_sequence(c.role_sequence, nil, role_proximity) if c.min_frequency == 1 && c.max_frequency == nil and c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size == 2 puts "either #{expanded_readings*' or '};" else roles = c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role } players = c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| verbaliser.subscripted_player(rr) } players.uniq! if role_proximity == :proximate min, max = c.min_frequency, c.max_frequency pl = (min&&min>1)||(max&&max>1) ? 's' : '' puts \ "each #{players.size > 1 ? "combination " : ""}#{players*", "} occurs #{c.frequency} time#{pl} in\n\t"+ "#{Array(expanded_readings)*",\n\t"};" end end def dump_set_comparison_constraint(c) scrs = c.all_set_comparison_roles.sort_by{|scr| scr.ordinal} role_sequences = scrs.map{|scr|scr.role_sequence} transposed_role_refs = scrs.map{|scr| scr.role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order.to_a}.transpose verbaliser = ActiveFacts::Metamodel::Verbaliser.new # Tell the verbaliser all we know, so it can figure out which players to subscript: players = [] trace :subscript, "Preparing query across projected roles in set comparison constraint" do transposed_role_refs.each do |role_refs| verbaliser.role_refs_have_subtype_steps role_refs join_over, = ActiveFacts::Metamodel.plays_over(role_refs.map{|rr| rr.role}) players << join_over end end trace :subscript, "Preparing query between roles in set comparison constraint" do role_sequences.each do |role_sequence| trace :subscript, "role sequence is #{role_sequence.describe}" do verbaliser.prepare_role_sequence role_sequence end end end verbaliser.create_subscripts :normal if role_sequences.detect{|scr| scr.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.play}} # This set constraint has an explicit query. Verbalise it. readings_list = role_sequences. map do |rs| verbaliser.verbalise_over_role_sequence(rs) end if c.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::SetEqualityConstraint) puts readings_list.join("\n\tif and only if\n\t") + ';' return end if readings_list.size == 2 && c.is_mandatory # XOR constraint puts "either " + readings_list.join(" or ") + " but not both;" return end # Internal check: We must have located the players here if i = players.index(nil) rrs = transposed_role_refs[i] raise "Internal error detecting constrained object types in query involving #{rrs.map{|rr| rr.role.fact_type.default_reading}.uniq*', '}" end # Loose binding will apply only to the constrained roles, not to all roles. Not handled here. mode = c.is_mandatory ? "exactly one" : "at most one" puts "for each #{players.map{|p| p.name}*", "} #{mode} of these holds:\n\t" + readings_list.join(",\n\t") + ';' return end if c.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::SetEqualityConstraint) puts \ scrs.map{|scr| verbaliser.verbalise_over_role_sequence(scr.role_sequence) } * "\n\tif and only if\n\t" + ";" return end # A constrained role may involve a subtyping step. We substitute the name of the supertype for all occurrences. players = transposed_role_refs.map{|role_refs| common_supertype(role_refs.map{|rr| rr.role.object_type})} raise "Constraint must cover matching roles" if players.compact.size < players.size readings_expanded = scrs. map do |scr| # verbaliser.verbalise_over_role_sequence(scr.role_sequence) # REVISIT: verbalise_over_role_sequence cannot do what we need here, because of the # possibility of subtyping steps in the constrained roles across the different scr's # The following code uses "players" and "constrained_roles" to create substitutions. # These should instead be passed to the verbaliser (one variable per index, role_refs for each). fact_types_processed = {} constrained_roles = scr.role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order.map{|rr| rr.role} join_over, joined_roles = *Metamodel.plays_over(constrained_roles) constrained_roles.map do |constrained_role| fact_type = constrained_role.fact_type next nil if fact_types_processed[fact_type] # Don't emit the same fact type twice (in case of objectification step) fact_types_processed[fact_type] = true reading = fact_type.reading_preferably_starting_with_role(constrained_role) expand_constrained(verbaliser, reading, constrained_roles, players) end.compact * " and " end if scrs.size == 2 && c.is_mandatory puts "either " + readings_expanded*" or " + " but not both;" else mode = c.is_mandatory ? "exactly one" : "at most one" puts "for each #{players.map{|p| p.name}*", "} #{mode} of these holds:\n\t" + readings_expanded*",\n\t" + ';' end end def dump_subset_constraint(c) # If the role players are identical and not duplicated, we can simply say "reading1 only if reading2" subset_roles, subset_fact_types = c.subset_role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order.map{|rr| [rr.role, rr.role.fact_type]}.transpose superset_roles, superset_fact_types = c.superset_role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order.map{|rr| [rr.role, rr.role.fact_type]}.transpose transposed_role_refs = [c.subset_role_sequence, c.superset_role_sequence].map{|rs| rs.all_role_ref_in_order.to_a}.transpose verbaliser = ActiveFacts::Metamodel::Verbaliser.new transposed_role_refs.each { |role_refs| verbaliser.role_refs_have_subtype_steps role_refs } verbaliser.prepare_role_sequence c.subset_role_sequence verbaliser.prepare_role_sequence c.superset_role_sequence verbaliser.create_subscripts :normal puts \ verbaliser.verbalise_over_role_sequence(c.subset_role_sequence) + "\n\tonly if " + verbaliser.verbalise_over_role_sequence(c.superset_role_sequence) + ";" end def dump_ring_constraint(c) # At present, no ring constraint can be missed to be handled in this pass puts "// #{c.ring_type} ring over #{c.role.fact_type.default_reading}" end def constraint_dump(c) case c when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::PresenceConstraint dump_presence_constraint(c) when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::RingConstraint dump_ring_constraint(c) when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::SetComparisonConstraint # includes SetExclusionConstraint, SetEqualityConstraint dump_set_comparison_constraint(c) when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::SubsetConstraint dump_subset_constraint(c) else "#{c.class.basename} #{c.name}: unhandled constraint type" end end # Find the common supertype of these object_types. def common_supertype(object_types) common = object_types[0].supertypes_transitive object_types[1..-1].each do |object_type| common &= object_type.supertypes_transitive end common[0] end #============================================================ # Verbalisation functions for fact type and entity type definitions #============================================================ def fact_readings_with_constraints(verbaliser, fact_type) fact_constraints = @presence_constraints_by_fact[fact_type] readings = [] define_role_names = true fact_type.all_reading_by_ordinal.each do |reading| readings << expanded_reading(verbaliser, reading, fact_constraints, define_role_names) define_role_names = false # No need to define role names in subsequent readings end readings end def expanded_reading(verbaliser, reading, fact_constraints, define_role_names) # Arrange the roles in order they occur in this reading: role_refs = reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order role_numbers = reading.text.scan(/\{(\d)\}/).flatten.map{|m| Integer(m) } roles = role_numbers.map{|m| role_refs[m].role } # Find the constraints that constrain frequency over each role we can verbalise: frequency_constraints = [] value_constraints = [] roles.each do |role| value_constraints << if vc = role.role_value_constraint and !vc.ordered_dumped vc.ordered_dumped! vc.describe else nil end frequency_constraints << if (role == roles.last) # On the last role of the reading, emit any presence constraint constraint = fact_constraints. detect do |c| # Find a UC that spans all other Roles c.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::PresenceConstraint) && !c.ordered_dumped && # Already verbalised roles-c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map(&:role) == [role] end constraint.ordered_dumped! if constraint constraint && constraint.frequency else nil end end expanded = verbaliser.expand_reading(reading, frequency_constraints, define_role_names, value_constraints) expanded = "it is not the case that "+expanded if (reading.is_negative) if (ft_rings = @ring_constraints_by_fact[reading.fact_type]) && (ring = ft_rings.detect{|rc| !rc.ordered_dumped}) ring.ordered_dumped! append_ring_to_reading(expanded, ring) end expanded end # Expand this reading, substituting players[i].name for the each role in the i'th position in constrained_roles def expand_constrained(verbaliser, reading, constrained_roles, players) # Make sure that we refer to the constrained players by their common supertype (as passed in) frequency_constraints = reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref. map do |role_ref| player = role_ref.role.object_type i = constrained_roles.index(role_ref.role) player = players[i] if i [ nil, player.name ] end frequency_constraints = [] unless frequency_constraints.detect{|fc| fc[0] != "some" } expanded = verbaliser.expand_reading(reading, frequency_constraints) expanded = "it is not the case that "+expanded if (reading.is_negative) expanded end def build_indices @presence_constraints_by_fact = Hash.new{ |h, k| h[k] = [] } @ring_constraints_by_fact = Hash.new{ |h, k| h[k] = [] } @vocabulary.all_constraint.each { |c| case c when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::PresenceConstraint fact_types = c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.map{|rr| rr.role.fact_type}.uniq # All fact types spanned by this constraint if fact_types.size == 1 # There's only one, save it: # trace "Single-fact constraint on #{fact_types[0].concept.guid}: #{c.name}" (@presence_constraints_by_fact[fact_types[0]] ||= []) << c end when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::RingConstraint (@ring_constraints_by_fact[c.role.fact_type] ||= []) << c else # trace "Found unhandled constraint #{c.class} #{c.name}" end } end end end module Metamodel class ValueType def as_cql parameters = [ length != 0 || scale != 0 ? length : nil, scale != 0 ? scale : nil ].compact parameters = parameters.length > 0 ? "("+parameters.join(",")+")" : "" "#{name } #{ (is_independent ? '[independent] ' : '') }is written as #{ (supertype || self).name }#{ parameters }#{ unit && " "+unit.name }#{ transaction_phase && " auto-assigned at "+transaction_phase }#{ concept.all_context_note_as_relevant_concept.map do |cn| cn.verbalise end.join("\n") }#{ value_constraint && " "+value_constraint.describe };" end end class Unit def as_cql if !ephemera_url if coefficient # REVISIT: Use a smarter algorithm to switch to exponential form when there'd be lots of zeroes. coefficient.numerator.to_s('F') + if d = coefficient.denominator and d != 1 "/#{d}" else '' end + ' ' else '1 ' end else '' end + all_derivation_as_derived_unit. sort_by{|d| d.base_unit.name}. # REVISIT: Sort base units # REVISIT: convert negative powers to division? map do |der| base = der.base_unit "#{base.name}#{der.exponent and der.exponent != 1 ? "^#{der.exponent}" : ''} " end*'' + if o = offset and o != 0 "+ #{o.to_s('F')} " else '' end + "converts to #{name}#{plural_name ? '/'+plural_name : ''}" + (coefficient && !coefficient.is_precise ? ' approximately' : '') + (ephemera_url ? " ephemera #{ephemera_url}" : '') + ';' end end end end ActiveFacts::Registry.generator('cql', ActiveFacts::Generate::CQL)