Feature: Test equality can be determined. Acceptance criteria Tests can be compared for equality. 1. tests whose steps are the same except for arguments and keywords (i.e. they match the same step definition) are equal Background: Test file setup. Given the following feature file: """ Feature: A feature with duplicate tests. Scenario: A test Given this *parameterized* step takes a table: | data 1 | | data 2 | And some setup step When a step with a *parameter* And a big step: \"\"\" little doc block \"\"\" Then *lots* *of* *parameters* Scenario: Same test, different arguments and keywords Given this *similarly parameterized* step takes a table: | data 3 | | data 4 | Given some setup step When a step with a *parameter* * a big step: \"\"\" A little bigger doc block \"\"\" Then *lots* *of* *parameters* Scenario Outline: This is the same test as an outline Given this *parameterized* step takes a table: | <param1> | | <param2> | And some setup step When a step with a *parameter* And a big step: \"\"\" little doc block \"\"\" Then *lots* *of* *parameters* Examples: | param1 | param2 | | x | y | Examples: | param1 | param2 | | a | b | Scenario Outline: Same outline, different arguments and keywords Given this *similarly parameterized* step takes a table: | <param3> | | <param4> | Given some setup step When a step with a *slightly different parameter* * a big step: \"\"\" A little bigger doc block \"\"\" Then *lots* *of effectively the same* *parameters* Examples: | param1 | param2 | | h | k | Examples: | param1 | param2 | | i | j | Scenario: A different test Given this *parameterized* step takes a table: | data 1 | | data 2 | And not the same setup step as before When a step with a *parameter* And a big step: \"\"\" little doc block \"\"\" Then *lots* *of* *parameters* Scenario Outline: This is the same different test as an outline Given this *similarly parameterized* step takes a table: | <param1> | | <param2> | And not the same setup step as before When a step with a *slightly different parameter* And a big step: \"\"\" A little bigger doc block \"\"\" Then *lots* *of effectively the same* *parameters* Examples: | param1 | param2 | | x | y | Examples: | param1 | param2 | | a | b | """ And parameter delimiters of "*" and "*" When the file is read Scenario: Scenario to Scenario comparison Then test "1" is equal to test "2" And test "1" is not equal to test "5" Scenario: Outline to Outline comparison Then test "3" is equal to test "4" And test "3" is not equal to test "6" Scenario: Scenario to Outline comparison Then test "1" is equal to test "3" And test "1" is not equal to test "6"