sgl → simple generic library
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1.0.0What is sgl?
‘sgl’ is a simgple generic library to create a program with graphics and sound.
- Ruby 1.8.5 or later
- Ruby/OpenGL
- Ruby/Math3D
- Ruby/SDL
You can see Ruby/SDL on Windows install documnet.
Mac OS X
- Mac OS X 10.3 or later
- Ruby 1.8.5 or later
- X Window system
sudo gem install sgl
The basics
# test1.rb require "sgl" window 100, 100 line 0, 0, 100, 100 wait
# test2.rb require "sgl" window 100, 100 background 0 color 100 line 0, 0, 100, 100 wait
# test3.rb require "sgl" def setup window 100, 100 end def display line 0, 0, 100, 100 end mainloop
- Pages below are in Japanese
We did some classes using sgl in some art schools. You can see some materials for the classes.
- Pages below are in Japanese
The trunk repository is svn://
for anonymous access.
Ruby License.
Comments are welcome. Send an email to Kouichirou Eto “eto at rubyforge dot org”.
1st July 2007