var katex = require("../katex"); var buildTree = require("../src/buildTree"); var parseTree = require("../src/parseTree"); var ParseError = require("../src/ParseError"); var getBuilt = function(expr) { expect(expr).toBuild(); var built = buildTree(parseTree(expr)); // Remove the outer .katex and .katex-inner layers return built.children[0].children[2].children; }; beforeEach(function() { jasmine.addMatchers({ toParse: function() { return { compare: function(actual) { var result = { pass: true, message: "'" + actual + "' succeeded parsing" }; try { parseTree(actual); } catch (e) { result.pass = false; if (e instanceof ParseError) { result.message = "'" + actual + "' failed " + "parsing with error: " + e.message; } else { result.message = "'" + actual + "' failed " + "parsing with unknown error: " + e.message; } } return result; } }; }, toNotParse: function() { return { compare: function(actual) { var result = { pass: false, message: "Expected '" + actual + "' to fail " + "parsing, but it succeeded" }; try { parseTree(actual); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ParseError) { result.pass = true; result.message = "'" + actual + "' correctly " + "didn't parse with error: " + e.message; } else { result.message = "'" + actual + "' failed " + "parsing with unknown error: " + e.message; } } return result; } }; }, toBuild: function() { return { compare: function(actual) { var result = { pass: true, message: "'" + actual + "' succeeded in building" }; expect(actual).toParse(); try { buildTree(parseTree(actual)); } catch (e) { result.pass = false; if (e instanceof ParseError) { result.message = "'" + actual + "' failed to " + "build with error: " + e.message; } else { result.message = "'" + actual + "' failed " + "building with unknown error: " + e.message; } } return result; } }; } }); }); describe("A parser", function() { it("should not fail on an empty string", function() { expect("").toParse(); }); it("should ignore whitespace", function() { var parseA = parseTree(" x y "); var parseB = parseTree("xy"); expect(parseA).toEqual(parseB); }); }); describe("An ord parser", function() { var expression = "1234|/@.\"`abcdefgzABCDEFGZ"; it("should not fail", function() { expect(expression).toParse(); }); it("should build a list of ords", function() { var parse = parseTree(expression); expect(parse).toBeTruthy(); for (var i = 0; i < parse.length; i++) { var group = parse[i]; expect(group.type).toMatch("ord"); } }); it("should parse the right number of ords", function() { var parse = parseTree(expression); expect(parse.length).toBe(expression.length); }); }); describe("A bin parser", function() { var expression = "+-*\\cdot\\pm\\div"; it("should not fail", function() { expect(expression).toParse(); }); it("should build a list of bins", function() { var parse = parseTree(expression); expect(parse).toBeTruthy(); for (var i = 0; i < parse.length; i++) { var group = parse[i]; expect(group.type).toMatch("bin"); } }); }); describe("A rel parser", function() { var expression = "=<>\\leq\\geq\\neq\\nleq\\ngeq\\cong"; it("should not fail", function() { expect(expression).toParse(); }); it("should build a list of rels", function() { var parse = parseTree(expression); expect(parse).toBeTruthy(); for (var i = 0; i < parse.length; i++) { var group = parse[i]; expect(group.type).toMatch("rel"); } }); }); describe("A punct parser", function() { var expression = ",;\\colon"; it("should not fail", function() { expect(expression).toParse(); }); it("should build a list of puncts", function() { var parse = parseTree(expression); expect(parse).toBeTruthy(); for (var i = 0; i < parse.length; i++) { var group = parse[i]; expect(group.type).toMatch("punct"); } }); }); describe("An open parser", function() { var expression = "(["; it("should not fail", function() { expect(expression).toParse(); }); it("should build a list of opens", function() { var parse = parseTree(expression); expect(parse).toBeTruthy(); for (var i = 0; i < parse.length; i++) { var group = parse[i]; expect(group.type).toMatch("open"); } }); }); describe("A close parser", function() { var expression = ")]?!"; it("should not fail", function() { expect(expression).toParse(); }); it("should build a list of closes", function() { var parse = parseTree(expression); expect(parse).toBeTruthy(); for (var i = 0; i < parse.length; i++) { var group = parse[i]; expect(group.type).toMatch("close"); } }); }); describe("A \\KaTeX parser", function() { it("should not fail", function() { expect("\\KaTeX").toParse(); }); }); describe("A subscript and superscript parser", function() { it("should not fail on superscripts", function() { expect("x^2").toParse(); }); it("should not fail on subscripts", function() { expect("x_3").toParse(); }); it("should not fail on both subscripts and superscripts", function() { expect("x^2_3").toParse(); expect("x_2^3").toParse(); }); it("should not fail when there is no nucleus", function() { expect("^3").toParse(); expect("_2").toParse(); expect("^3_2").toParse(); expect("_2^3").toParse(); }); it("should produce supsubs for superscript", function() { var parse = parseTree("x^2")[0]; expect(parse.type).toBe("supsub"); expect(parse.value.base).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.sup).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.sub).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should produce supsubs for subscript", function() { var parse = parseTree("x_3")[0]; expect(parse.type).toBe("supsub"); expect(parse.value.base).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.sub).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.sup).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should produce supsubs for ^_", function() { var parse = parseTree("x^2_3")[0]; expect(parse.type).toBe("supsub"); expect(parse.value.base).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.sup).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.sub).toBeDefined(); }); it("should produce supsubs for _^", function() { var parse = parseTree("x_3^2")[0]; expect(parse.type).toBe("supsub"); expect(parse.value.base).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.sup).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.sub).toBeDefined(); }); it("should produce the same thing regardless of order", function() { var parseA = parseTree("x^2_3"); var parseB = parseTree("x_3^2"); expect(parseA).toEqual(parseB); }); it("should not parse double subscripts or superscripts", function() { expect("x^x^x").toNotParse(); expect("x_x_x").toNotParse(); expect("x_x^x_x").toNotParse(); expect("x_x^x^x").toNotParse(); expect("x^x_x_x").toNotParse(); expect("x^x_x^x").toNotParse(); }); it("should work correctly with {}s", function() { expect("x^{2+3}").toParse(); expect("x_{3-2}").toParse(); expect("x^{2+3}_3").toParse(); expect("x^2_{3-2}").toParse(); expect("x^{2+3}_{3-2}").toParse(); expect("x_{3-2}^{2+3}").toParse(); expect("x_3^{2+3}").toParse(); expect("x_{3-2}^2").toParse(); }); it("should work with nested super/subscripts", function() { expect("x^{x^x}").toParse(); expect("x^{x_x}").toParse(); expect("x_{x^x}").toParse(); expect("x_{x_x}").toParse(); }); }); describe("A subscript and superscript tree-builder", function() { it("should not fail when there is no nucleus", function() { expect("^3").toBuild(); expect("_2").toBuild(); expect("^3_2").toBuild(); expect("_2^3").toBuild(); }); }); describe("A group parser", function() { it("should not fail", function() { expect("{xy}").toParse(); }); it("should produce a single ord", function() { var parse = parseTree("{xy}"); expect(parse.length).toBe(1); var ord = parse[0]; expect(ord.type).toMatch("ord"); expect(ord.value).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("An implicit group parser", function() { it("should not fail", function() { expect("\\Large x").toParse(); expect("abc {abc \\Large xyz} abc").toParse(); }); it("should produce a single object", function() { var parse = parseTree("\\Large abc"); expect(parse.length).toBe(1); var sizing = parse[0]; expect(sizing.type).toMatch("sizing"); expect(sizing.value).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should apply only after the function", function() { var parse = parseTree("a \\Large abc"); expect(parse.length).toBe(2); var sizing = parse[1]; expect(sizing.type).toMatch("sizing"); expect(sizing.value.value.length).toBe(3); }); it("should stop at the ends of groups", function() { var parse = parseTree("a { b \\Large c } d"); var group = parse[1]; var sizing = group.value[1]; expect(sizing.type).toMatch("sizing"); expect(sizing.value.value.length).toBe(1); }); }); describe("A function parser", function() { it("should parse no argument functions", function() { expect("\\div").toParse(); }); it("should parse 1 argument functions", function() { expect("\\blue x").toParse(); }); it("should parse 2 argument functions", function() { expect("\\frac 1 2").toParse(); }); it("should not parse 1 argument functions with no arguments", function() { expect("\\blue").toNotParse(); }); it("should not parse 2 argument functions with 0 or 1 arguments", function() { expect("\\frac").toNotParse(); expect("\\frac 1").toNotParse(); }); it("should not parse a function with text right after it", function() { expect("\\redx").toNotParse(); }); it("should parse a function with a number right after it", function() { expect("\\frac12").toParse(); }); it("should parse some functions with text right after it", function() { expect("\\;x").toParse(); }); }); describe("A frac parser", function() { var expression = "\\frac{x}{y}"; var dfracExpression = "\\dfrac{x}{y}"; var tfracExpression = "\\tfrac{x}{y}"; it("should not fail", function() { expect(expression).toParse(); }); it("should produce a frac", function() { var parse = parseTree(expression)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("frac"); expect(parse.value.numer).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.denom).toBeDefined(); }); it("should also parse dfrac and tfrac", function() { expect(dfracExpression).toParse(); expect(tfracExpression).toParse(); }); it("should parse dfrac and tfrac as fracs", function() { var dfracParse = parseTree(dfracExpression)[0]; expect(dfracParse.type).toMatch("frac"); expect(dfracParse.value.numer).toBeDefined(); expect(dfracParse.value.denom).toBeDefined(); var tfracParse = parseTree(tfracExpression)[0]; expect(tfracParse.type).toMatch("frac"); expect(tfracParse.value.numer).toBeDefined(); expect(tfracParse.value.denom).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe("An over parser", function() { var simpleOver = "1 \\over x"; var complexOver = "1+2i \\over 3+4i"; it("should not fail", function () { expect(simpleOver).toParse(); expect(complexOver).toParse(); }); it("should produce a frac", function() { var parse; parse = parseTree(simpleOver)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("frac"); expect(parse.value.numer).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.denom).toBeDefined(); parse = parseTree(complexOver)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("frac"); expect(parse.value.numer).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.denom).toBeDefined(); }); it("should create a numerator from the atoms before \\over", function () { var parse = parseTree(complexOver)[0]; var numer = parse.value.numer; expect(numer.value.length).toEqual(4); }); it("should create a demonimator from the atoms after \\over", function () { var parse = parseTree(complexOver)[0]; var denom = parse.value.numer; expect(denom.value.length).toEqual(4); }); it("should handle empty numerators", function () { var emptyNumerator = "\\over x"; expect(emptyNumerator).toParse(); var parse = parseTree(emptyNumerator)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("frac"); expect(parse.value.numer).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.denom).toBeDefined(); }); it("should handle empty denominators", function () { var emptyDenominator = "1 \\over"; expect(emptyDenominator).toParse(); var parse = parseTree(emptyDenominator)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("frac"); expect(parse.value.numer).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.denom).toBeDefined(); }); it("should handle \\displaystyle correctly", function () { var displaystyleExpression = "\\displaystyle 1 \\over 2"; expect(displaystyleExpression).toParse(); var parse = parseTree(displaystyleExpression)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("frac"); expect(parse.value.numer.value[0].type).toMatch("styling"); expect(parse.value.denom).toBeDefined(); }); it("should handle nested factions", function () { var nestedOverExpression = "{1 \\over 2} \\over 3"; expect(nestedOverExpression).toParse(); var parse = parseTree(nestedOverExpression)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("frac"); expect(parse.value.numer.value[0].type).toMatch("frac"); expect(parse.value.numer.value[0].value.numer.value[0].value).toMatch(1); expect(parse.value.numer.value[0].value.denom.value[0].value).toMatch(2); expect(parse.value.denom).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.denom.value[0].value).toMatch(3); }); it("should fail with multiple overs in the same group", function () { var badMultipleOvers = "1 \\over 2 + 3 \\over 4"; expect(badMultipleOvers).toNotParse(); var badOverChoose = "1 \\over 2 \\choose 3"; expect(badOverChoose).toNotParse(); }); }); describe("A sizing parser", function() { var sizeExpression = "\\Huge{x}\\small{x}"; var nestedSizeExpression = "\\Huge{\\small{x}}"; it("should not fail", function() { expect(sizeExpression).toParse(); }); it("should produce a sizing node", function() { var parse = parseTree(sizeExpression)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("sizing"); expect(parse.value).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe("A text parser", function() { var textExpression = "\\text{a b}"; var noBraceTextExpression = "\\text x"; var nestedTextExpression = "\\text{a {b} \\blue{c} \\color{#fff}{x} \\llap{x}}"; var spaceTextExpression = "\\text{ a \\ }"; var leadingSpaceTextExpression = "\\text {moo}"; var badTextExpression = "\\text{a b%}"; var badFunctionExpression = "\\text{\\sqrt{x}}"; it("should not fail", function() { expect(textExpression).toParse(); }); it("should produce a text", function() { var parse = parseTree(textExpression)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("text"); expect(parse.value).toBeDefined(); }); it("should produce textords instead of mathords", function() { var parse = parseTree(textExpression)[0]; var group = parse.value.body; expect(group[0].type).toMatch("textord"); }); it("should not parse bad text", function() { expect(badTextExpression).toNotParse(); }); it("should not parse bad functions inside text", function() { expect(badFunctionExpression).toNotParse(); }); it("should parse text with no braces around it", function() { expect(noBraceTextExpression).toParse(); }); it("should parse nested expressions", function() { expect(nestedTextExpression).toParse(); }); it("should contract spaces", function() { var parse = parseTree(spaceTextExpression)[0]; var group = parse.value.body; expect(group[0].type).toMatch("spacing"); expect(group[1].type).toMatch("textord"); expect(group[2].type).toMatch("spacing"); expect(group[3].type).toMatch("spacing"); }); it("should ignore a space before the text group", function() { var parse = parseTree(leadingSpaceTextExpression)[0]; // [m, o, o] expect(parse.value.body.length).toBe(3); expect( { return n.value; }).join("") ).toBe("moo"); }); }); describe("A color parser", function() { var colorExpression = "\\blue{x}"; var customColorExpression = "\\color{#fA6}{x}"; var badCustomColorExpression = "\\color{bad-color}{x}"; it("should not fail", function() { expect(colorExpression).toParse(); }); it("should build a color node", function() { var parse = parseTree(colorExpression)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("color"); expect(parse.value.color).toBeDefined(); expect(parse.value.value).toBeDefined(); }); it("should parse a custom color", function() { expect(customColorExpression).toParse(); }); it("should correctly extract the custom color", function() { var parse = parseTree(customColorExpression)[0]; expect(parse.value.color).toMatch("#fA6"); }); it("should not parse a bad custom color", function() { expect(badCustomColorExpression).toNotParse(); }); }); describe("A tie parser", function() { var mathTie = "a~b"; var textTie = "\\text{a~ b}"; it("should parse ties in math mode", function() { expect(mathTie).toParse(); }); it("should parse ties in text mode", function() { expect(textTie).toParse(); }); it("should produce spacing in math mode", function() { var parse = parseTree(mathTie); expect(parse[1].type).toMatch("spacing"); }); it("should produce spacing in text mode", function() { var text = parseTree(textTie)[0]; var parse = text.value.body; expect(parse[1].type).toMatch("spacing"); }); it("should not contract with spaces in text mode", function() { var text = parseTree(textTie)[0]; var parse = text.value.body; expect(parse[2].type).toMatch("spacing"); }); }); describe("A delimiter sizing parser", function() { var normalDelim = "\\bigl |"; var notDelim = "\\bigl x"; var bigDelim = "\\Biggr \\langle"; it("should parse normal delimiters", function() { expect(normalDelim).toParse(); expect(bigDelim).toParse(); }); it("should not parse not-delimiters", function() { expect(notDelim).toNotParse(); }); it("should produce a delimsizing", function() { var parse = parseTree(normalDelim)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("delimsizing"); }); it("should produce the correct direction delimiter", function() { var leftParse = parseTree(normalDelim)[0]; var rightParse = parseTree(bigDelim)[0]; expect(leftParse.value.delimType).toMatch("open"); expect(rightParse.value.delimType).toMatch("close"); }); it("should parse the correct size delimiter", function() { var smallParse = parseTree(normalDelim)[0]; var bigParse = parseTree(bigDelim)[0]; expect(smallParse.value.size).toEqual(1); expect(bigParse.value.size).toEqual(4); }); }); describe("An overline parser", function() { var overline = "\\overline{x}"; it("should not fail", function() { expect(overline).toParse(); }); it("should produce an overline", function() { var parse = parseTree(overline)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("overline"); }); }); describe("A rule parser", function() { var emRule = "\\rule{1em}{2em}"; var exRule = "\\rule{1ex}{2em}"; var badUnitRule = "\\rule{1px}{2em}"; var noNumberRule = "\\rule{1em}{em}"; var incompleteRule = "\\rule{1em}"; var hardNumberRule = "\\rule{ 01.24ex}{2.450 em }"; it("should not fail", function() { expect(emRule).toParse(); expect(exRule).toParse(); }); it("should not parse invalid units", function() { expect(badUnitRule).toNotParse(); expect(noNumberRule).toNotParse(); }); it("should not parse incomplete rules", function() { expect(incompleteRule).toNotParse(); }); it("should produce a rule", function() { var parse = parseTree(emRule)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("rule"); }); it("should list the correct units", function() { var emParse = parseTree(emRule)[0]; var exParse = parseTree(exRule)[0]; expect(emParse.value.width.unit).toMatch("em"); expect(emParse.value.height.unit).toMatch("em"); expect(exParse.value.width.unit).toMatch("ex"); expect(exParse.value.height.unit).toMatch("em"); }); it("should parse the number correctly", function() { var hardNumberParse = parseTree(hardNumberRule)[0]; expect(hardNumberParse.value.width.number).toBeCloseTo(1.24); expect(hardNumberParse.value.height.number).toBeCloseTo(2.45); }); it("should parse negative sizes", function() { expect("\\rule{-1em}{- 0.2em}").toParse(); var parse = parseTree("\\rule{-1em}{- 0.2em}")[0]; expect(parse.value.width.number).toBeCloseTo(-1); expect(parse.value.height.number).toBeCloseTo(-0.2); }); }); describe("A left/right parser", function() { var normalLeftRight = "\\left( \\dfrac{x}{y} \\right)"; var emptyRight = "\\left( \\dfrac{x}{y} \\right."; it("should not fail", function() { expect(normalLeftRight).toParse(); }); it("should produce a leftright", function() { var parse = parseTree(normalLeftRight)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("leftright"); expect(parse.value.left).toMatch("\\("); expect(parse.value.right).toMatch("\\)"); }); it("should error when it is mismatched", function() { var unmatchedLeft = "\\left( \\dfrac{x}{y}"; var unmatchedRight = "\\dfrac{x}{y} \\right)"; expect(unmatchedLeft).toNotParse(); expect(unmatchedRight).toNotParse(); }); it("should error when braces are mismatched", function() { var unmatched = "{ \\left( \\dfrac{x}{y} } \\right)"; expect(unmatched).toNotParse(); }); it("should error when non-delimiters are provided", function() { var nonDelimiter = "\\left$ \\dfrac{x}{y} \\right)"; expect(nonDelimiter).toNotParse(); }); it("should parse the empty '.' delimiter", function() { expect(emptyRight).toParse(); }); it("should parse the '.' delimiter with normal sizes", function() { var normalEmpty = "\\Bigl ."; expect(normalEmpty).toParse(); }); }); describe("A sqrt parser", function() { var sqrt = "\\sqrt{x}"; var missingGroup = "\\sqrt"; it("should parse square roots", function() { expect(sqrt).toParse(); }); it("should error when there is no group", function() { expect(missingGroup).toNotParse(); }); it("should produce sqrts", function() { var parse = parseTree(sqrt)[0]; expect(parse.type).toMatch("sqrt"); }); }); describe("A TeX-compliant parser", function() { it("should work", function() { expect("\\frac 2 3").toParse(); }); it("should fail if there are not enough arguments", function() { var missingGroups = [ "\\frac{x}", "\\color{#fff}", "\\rule{1em}", "\\llap", "\\bigl", "\\text" ]; for (var i = 0; i < missingGroups.length; i++) { expect(missingGroups[i]).toNotParse(); } }); it("should fail when there are missing sup/subscripts", function() { expect("x^").toNotParse(); expect("x_").toNotParse(); }); it("should fail when arguments require arguments", function() { var badArguments = [ "\\frac \\frac x y z", "\\frac x \\frac y z", "\\frac \\sqrt x y", "\\frac x \\sqrt y", "\\frac \\llap x y", "\\frac x \\llap y", // This actually doesn't work in real TeX, but it is suprisingly // hard to get this to correctly work. So, we take hit of very small // amounts of non-compatiblity in order for the rest of the tests to // work // "\\llap \\frac x y", "\\llap \\llap x", "\\sqrt \\llap x" ]; for (var i = 0; i < badArguments.length; i++) { expect(badArguments[i]).toNotParse(); } }); it("should work when the arguments have braces", function() { var goodArguments = [ "\\frac {\\frac x y} z", "\\frac x {\\frac y z}", "\\frac {\\sqrt x} y", "\\frac x {\\sqrt y}", "\\frac {\\llap x} y", "\\frac x {\\llap y}", "\\llap {\\frac x y}", "\\llap {\\llap x}", "\\sqrt {\\llap x}" ]; for (var i = 0; i < goodArguments.length; i++) { expect(goodArguments[i]).toParse(); } }); it("should fail when sup/subscripts require arguments", function() { var badSupSubscripts = [ "x^\\sqrt x", "x^\\llap x", "x_\\sqrt x", "x_\\llap x" ]; for (var i = 0; i < badSupSubscripts.length; i++) { expect(badSupSubscripts[i]).toNotParse(); } }); it("should work when sup/subscripts arguments have braces", function() { var goodSupSubscripts = [ "x^{\\sqrt x}", "x^{\\llap x}", "x_{\\sqrt x}", "x_{\\llap x}" ]; for (var i = 0; i < goodSupSubscripts.length; i++) { expect(goodSupSubscripts[i]).toParse(); } }); it("should parse multiple primes correctly", function() { expect("x''''").toParse(); expect("x_2''").toParse(); expect("x''_2").toParse(); expect("x'_2'").toParse(); }); it("should fail when sup/subscripts are interspersed with arguments", function() { expect("\\sqrt^23").toNotParse(); expect("\\frac^234").toNotParse(); expect("\\frac2^34").toNotParse(); }); it("should succeed when sup/subscripts come after whole functions", function() { expect("\\sqrt2^3").toParse(); expect("\\frac23^4").toParse(); }); it("should succeed with a sqrt around a text/frac", function() { expect("\\sqrt \\frac x y").toParse(); expect("\\sqrt \\text x").toParse(); expect("x^\\frac x y").toParse(); expect("x_\\text x").toParse(); }); it("should fail when arguments are \\left", function() { var badLeftArguments = [ "\\frac \\left( x \\right) y", "\\frac x \\left( y \\right)", "\\llap \\left( x \\right)", "\\sqrt \\left( x \\right)", "x^\\left( x \\right)" ]; for (var i = 0; i < badLeftArguments.length; i++) { expect(badLeftArguments[i]).toNotParse(); } }); it("should succeed when there are braces around the \\left/\\right", function() { var goodLeftArguments = [ "\\frac {\\left( x \\right)} y", "\\frac x {\\left( y \\right)}", "\\llap {\\left( x \\right)}", "\\sqrt {\\left( x \\right)}", "x^{\\left( x \\right)}" ]; for (var i = 0; i < goodLeftArguments.length; i++) { expect(goodLeftArguments[i]).toParse(); } }); }); describe("A style change parser", function() { it("should not fail", function() { expect("\\displaystyle x").toParse(); expect("\\textstyle x").toParse(); expect("\\scriptstyle x").toParse(); expect("\\scriptscriptstyle x").toParse(); }); it("should produce the correct style", function() { var displayParse = parseTree("\\displaystyle x")[0]; expect("display"); var scriptscriptParse = parseTree("\\scriptscriptstyle x")[0]; expect("scriptscript"); }); it("should only change the style within its group", function() { var text = "a b { c d \\displaystyle e f } g h"; expect(text).toParse(); var parse = parseTree(text); var displayNode = parse[2].value[2]; expect(displayNode.type).toMatch("styling"); var displayBody = displayNode.value.value; expect(displayBody.length).toEqual(2); expect(displayBody[0].value).toMatch("e"); }); }); describe("A bin builder", function() { it("should create mbins normally", function() { var built = getBuilt("x + y"); expect(built[1].classes).toContain("mbin"); }); it("should create ords when at the beginning of lists", function() { var built = getBuilt("+ x"); expect(built[0].classes).toContain("mord"); expect(built[0].classes).not.toContain("mbin"); }); it("should create ords after some other objects", function() { expect(getBuilt("x + + 2")[2].classes).toContain("mord"); expect(getBuilt("( + 2")[1].classes).toContain("mord"); expect(getBuilt("= + 2")[1].classes).toContain("mord"); expect(getBuilt("\\sin + 2")[1].classes).toContain("mord"); expect(getBuilt(", + 2")[1].classes).toContain("mord"); }); it("should correctly interact with color objects", function() { expect(getBuilt("\\blue{x}+y")[1].classes).toContain("mbin"); expect(getBuilt("\\blue{x+}+y")[1].classes).toContain("mord"); }); }); describe("A markup generator", function() { it("marks trees up", function() { // Just a few quick sanity checks here... var markup = katex.renderToString("\\sigma^2"); expect(markup.indexOf("