module DynamicFieldsets # Adds dynamic fieldsets to models. # The configuration options here determine which fieldset is associated with the model # and how it is identified. The model knows which fieldset it is suppoed to be # associated with and where the values for the fieldset are stored. module DynamicFieldsetsInModel def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Adds a dynamic fieldset to a model # # Each set of options should be put inside of a hash with the unqiue name for the # fieldset as the key: # :child_form => {options} # Options: # Fieldset: The unique name of the fieldset the class is associated with # Multiple: Boolean value to allow multiple answer sets for the same fieldset in the class. # Deafult to false. Not curently implemented (7-25-2011). # # @param [Hash] args A hash of arguments for the fieldsets. def acts_as_dynamic_fieldset(args) mattr_accessor :dynamic_fieldsets unless self.respond_to?(:dynamic_fieldsets) self.dynamic_fieldsets = {} unless self.dynamic_fieldsets.is_a?(Hash) args.each_pair do |key, value| self.dynamic_fieldsets[key] = value end # hacky system to save fieldset values # needs to be refactored and tested mattr_accessor :dynamic_fieldset_values unless self.respond_to?(:dynamic_fieldset_values) after_save :save_dynamic_fieldsets include DynamicFieldsets::DynamicFieldsetsInModel::InstanceMethods end end module InstanceMethods # Overrides the ActiveModel Validations run_validations! method # It additionally adds validations for the fields that are required # # I am not sure if this is the correct place to put this. Seems like a reasonable one. # # @return [Boolean] The result of run_validations! with the extra errors added, should be true if errors.empty? def run_validations! run_dynamic_fieldset_validations! super end # Iterates over the fieldset associator's children and adds errors def run_dynamic_fieldset_validations! # for each fsa self.dynamic_fieldsets.keys.each do |key| fsa = self.fieldset_associator(key) run_fieldset_child_validations!(, fsa.fieldset) end end # Checks if a fieldset child is required and adds an error if it's value is blank # Adds errors to the sel.errors array, does not return them # # @param [Integer] fsa_id The id for the fieldset associator the child belongs to # @param [Field or Fieldset] child The child of the fieldset associator def run_fieldset_child_validations!(fsa_id, child) if child.is_a?(DynamicFieldsets::Fieldset) # if a fieldset, then recurse child.children.each do |grand_child| run_fieldset_child_validations!(fsa_id, grand_child) end elsif child.is_a?(DynamicFieldsets::Field) # if a child, check if the params value is set, check if it is required, check if it satisfies condition fsa_tag_id = "fsa-" + fsa_id.to_s field_tag_id = "field-" + if !self.dynamic_fieldset_values.has_key?(fsa_tag_id) || !self.dynamic_fieldset_values[fsa_tag_id].has_key?(field_tag_id) self.errors.add(:base, child.label + " is required and the input is missing") else # get the value value = self.dynamic_fieldset_values[fsa_tag_id][field_tag_id] if child.required? # empty works on array or string, so simplifying here self.errors.add(:base, child.label + " is required") if value.nil? || value.empty? end end else # found a major problem, not sure how to get here puts "found a child that wasn't a field or fieldset" + child.inspect end end # Stores the dynamic fieldset values def set_fieldset_values( params ) values ={ |key| key.match(/^fsa-/) } values.keys.each do |key| set_date_to_mysql( values[key] ) end self.dynamic_fieldset_values = values end # This turns your date fields into a MySQL-happy single format. This modifies the hash. # @param [Hash] post The post parameters that include date fields like date(1i), date(2i), ... # @return [Hash] The modified hash containing one key-pair value in YYYY-MM-DD[ hh:mm] format. def set_date_to_mysql( post ) # 'dates' is an array of the "field-ID"s that have multiple date fields of the format field(1i), field(2i), ... # e.g. [ "field-4", "field-7" ] dates ={ |k| k =~ /\([0-9]i\)/ }{ |k| k.gsub /\([0-9]i\)/, '' }.uniq dates.each do |field| datefield = '' datefield += post.delete( "#{field}(1i)" ) # year datefield += '-' datefield += '%02d' % post.delete( "#{field}(2i)" ) # month datefield += '-' datefield += '%02d' % post.delete( "#{field}(3i)" ) # day if post.keys.include? "#{field}(4i)" then datefield += ' ' datefield += '%02d' % post.delete( "#{field}(4i)" ) # hour datefield += ':' datefield += '%02d' % post.delete( "#{field}(5i)" ) # minute datefield += ':' datefield += '00' # second end # adding the formatted string to the hash to be saved. post.merge! field => datefield end return post end # hacky system to save fieldset values # needs to be refactored and tested # # among other things, it can edit field records for random fsas if the wrong information comes from the controller def save_dynamic_fieldsets values = self.dynamic_fieldset_values if !values.nil? values.keys.each do |key| if key.start_with?("fsa-") key_id = key.gsub(/^fsa-/, "") if key_id.eql? "" then fsa = DynamicFieldsets::FieldsetAssociator.create( :fieldset_id => values[key][:fieldset_id], :fieldset_model_id =>, :fieldset_model_type =>, :fieldset_model_name => values[key][:fieldset_model_name] ) else fsa = DynamicFieldsets::FieldsetAssociator.find_by_id key_id end values[key].keys.each do |sub_key| # EACH FIELD if sub_key.start_with?("field-") sub_key_id = sub_key.gsub(/^field-/, "") this_value = values[key][sub_key] if this_value.is_a? Array then # multiple values field_records = DynamicFieldsets::FieldRecord.where(:fieldset_associator_id =>, :fieldset_child_id => sub_key_id) this_value.each do |value| if{ |record| record.value.eql? value }.empty? # record does not exist? #ADD DynamicFieldsets::FieldRecord.create( :fieldset_associator_id =>, :fieldset_child_id => sub_key_id, :value => value) end end field_records.each do |record| if !this_value.include? record.value then #DELETE record.destroy else #KEEP end end else # single value # retrieve record field_record = DynamicFieldsets::FieldRecord.where(:fieldset_associator_id =>, :fieldset_child_id => sub_key_id).first if field_record.nil? # create record field_record = DynamicFieldsets::FieldRecord.create(:fieldset_associator_id =>, :fieldset_child_id => sub_key_id, :value => this_value) else # update record field_record.value = this_value end end end end end end end self.dynamic_fieldset_values = nil end # Matches methods that match named_fieldset and named_fieldset_fieldset # Or calls super # # @param [Symbol] sym The name of the method # @param [Array] args The arguments of the method # @returns [?] The result of the found method or the result of super def method_missing(sym, *args) if match_fieldset_associator?(sym) return fieldset_associator(sym) elsif match_fieldset?(sym) return fieldset(sym) else super(sym, *args) end end # Matches methods that match named_fieldset and named_fieldset_fieldset # Or calls super # # @param [Symbol] sym The name of the method # @param [Array] args The arguments of the method # @returns [Boolean] True if the method is found or the result of super def respond_to?(sym, *args) if match_fieldset_associator?(sym) return true elsif match_fieldset?(sym) return true else super(sym, *args) end end # Returns whether a method name matches a named fieldset # # @param [Symbol] The name of the method # @param [Boolean] Whether the method name matches a named fieldset def match_fieldset_associator?(sym) return self.dynamic_fieldsets.keys.include?(sym) end # Returns whether a method name matches a named fieldset followed by '_fieldset' # # @param [Symbol] The name of the method # @param [Boolean] Whether the method name matches a named fieldset def match_fieldset?(sym) sym_string = sym.to_s if !sym_string.match(/_fieldset$/) return false else sym_string.gsub!(/_fieldset$/, "") return self.dynamic_fieldsets.keys.include?(sym_string.to_sym) end end # Returns the fieldset associator object for the named fieldset. # If one doesn't exist, it creates it and returns it # # @param [Symbol] The name of the name fieldset # @param [FieldsetAssociator] The fieldset associator object for the named fieldset def fieldset_associator(sym) if match_fieldset_associator?(sym) fsa = DynamicFieldsets::FieldsetAssociator.find_by_fieldset_model_parameters( :fieldset_model_id =>, :fieldset_model_type =>, :fieldset_model_name => sym, :fieldset => self.dynamic_fieldsets[sym][:fieldset]).first if fsa.nil? fsa = :fieldset_model_id =>, :fieldset_model_type =>, :fieldset_model_name => sym.to_s, :fieldset => DynamicFieldsets::Fieldset.find_by_nkey(self.dynamic_fieldsets[sym][:fieldset])) end return fsa else return nil end end # Returns the fieldset object for the named fieldset # # @param [Symbol] The name of the named fieldset # @param [Fieldset] The fieldset object for the named fieldset def fieldset(sym) if match_fieldset_associator?(sym) return DynamicFieldsets::Fieldset.find_by_nkey(:nkey => self.dynamic_fieldsets[sym][:fieldset]) else return nil end end end end end