require 'test/helper' class PaperclipTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "Calling" do should "execute the right command" do Paperclip.expects(:path_for_command).with("convert").returns("/usr/bin/convert") Paperclip.expects(:bit_bucket).returns("/dev/null") Paperclip.expects(:"`").with("/usr/bin/convert one.jpg two.jpg 2>/dev/null")"convert", "one.jpg two.jpg") end end context "Paperclip.bit_bucket" do context "on systems without /dev/null" do setup do File.expects(:exists?).with("/dev/null").returns(false) end should "return 'NUL'" do assert_equal "NUL", Paperclip.bit_bucket end end context "on systems with /dev/null" do setup do File.expects(:exists?).with("/dev/null").returns(true) end should "return '/dev/null'" do assert_equal "/dev/null", Paperclip.bit_bucket end end end context "An ActiveRecord model with an 'avatar' attachment" do setup do rebuild_model :path => "tmp/:class/omg/:style.:extension" @file =, "5k.png"), 'rb') end should "not error when trying to also create a 'blah' attachment" do assert_nothing_raised do Dummy.class_eval do has_attached_file :blah end end end context "that is attr_protected" do setup do Dummy.class_eval do attr_protected :avatar end @dummy = end should "not assign the avatar on mass-set" do @dummy.logger.expects(:debug) @dummy.attributes = { :other => "I'm set!", :avatar => @file } assert_equal "I'm set!", @dummy.other assert ! @dummy.avatar? end should "still allow assigment on normal set" do @dummy.logger.expects(:debug).times(0) @dummy.other = "I'm set!" @dummy.avatar = @file assert_equal "I'm set!", @dummy.other assert @dummy.avatar? end end context "with a subclass" do setup do class ::SubDummy < Dummy; end end should "be able to use the attachment from the subclass" do assert_nothing_raised do @subdummy = SubDummy.create(:avatar => @file) end end should "be able to see the attachment definition from the subclass's class" do assert_equal "tmp/:class/omg/:style.:extension", SubDummy.attachment_definitions[:avatar][:path] end teardown do Object.send(:remove_const, "SubDummy") rescue nil end end should "have an #avatar method" do assert end should "have an #avatar= method" do assert end context "that is valid" do setup do @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end should "be valid" do assert @dummy.valid? end context "then has a validation added that makes it invalid" do setup do assert Dummy.class_eval do validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, :content_type => ["text/plain"] end @dummy2 = Dummy.find( end should "be invalid when reloaded" do assert ! @dummy2.valid?, @dummy2.errors.inspect end should "be able to call #valid? twice without having duplicate errors" do @dummy2.avatar.valid? first_errors = @dummy2.avatar.errors @dummy2.avatar.valid? assert_equal first_errors, @dummy2.avatar.errors end end end def self.should_validate validation, options, valid_file, invalid_file context "with #{validation} validation and #{options.inspect} options" do setup do Dummy.send(:"validates_attachment_#{validation}", :avatar, options) @dummy = end context "and assigned a valid file" do setup do @dummy.avatar = valid_file @dummy.valid? end should "not have an error when assigned a valid file" do assert ! @dummy.avatar.errors.key?(validation) end should "not have an error on the attachment" do assert_nil @dummy.errors.on(:avatar) end end context "and assigned an invalid file" do setup do @dummy.avatar = invalid_file @dummy.valid? end should "have an error when assigned a valid file" do assert_not_nil @dummy.avatar.errors[validation] end should "have an error on the attachment" do assert @dummy.errors.on(:avatar) end end end end [[:presence, {}, "5k.png", nil], [:size, {:in => 1..10240}, nil, "12k.png"], [:size, {:less_than => 10240}, "5k.png", "12k.png"], [:size, {:greater_than => 8096}, "12k.png", "5k.png"], [:content_type, {:content_type => "image/png"}, "5k.png", "text.txt"], [:content_type, {:content_type => "text/plain"}, "text.txt", "5k.png"], [:content_type, {:content_type => %r{image/.*}}, "5k.png", "text.txt"]].each do |args| validation, options, valid_file, invalid_file = args valid_file &&=, valid_file), "rb") invalid_file &&=, invalid_file), "rb") should_validate validation, options, valid_file, invalid_file end end end