require 'spec_helper' require 'cancan' require 'spree/testing_support/bar_ability' describe Spree::Admin::OrdersController, type: :controller do let!(:store) { create(:store) } context "with authorization" do stub_authorization! before do request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = "http://localhost:3000" # ensure no respond_overrides are in effect if Spree::BaseController.spree_responders[:OrdersController].present? Spree::BaseController.spree_responders[:OrdersController].clear end end let(:order) do mock_model( Spree::Order, completed?: true, total: 100, number: 'R123456789', all_adjustments: adjustments, ship_address: mock_model(Spree::Address) ) end let(:adjustments) { double('adjustments') } before do allow(Spree::Order).to receive_messages(find_by_number!: order) allow(order).to receive_messages(contents: end context "#approve" do it "approves an order" do expect(order.contents).to receive(:approve).with(user: controller.try_spree_current_user) put :approve, id: order.number expect(flash[:success]).to eq Spree.t(:order_approved) end end context "#cancel" do it "cancels an order" do expect(order).to receive(:canceled_by).with(controller.try_spree_current_user) put :cancel, id: order.number expect(flash[:success]).to eq Spree.t(:order_canceled) end end context "#resume" do it "resumes an order" do expect(order).to receive(:resume!) put :resume, id: order.number expect(flash[:success]).to eq Spree.t(:order_resumed) end end context "pagination" do it "can page through the orders" do get :index, page: 2, per_page: 10 expect(assigns[:orders].offset_value).to eq(10) expect(assigns[:orders].limit_value).to eq(10) end end # Test for context "#new" do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do allow(controller).to receive_messages spree_current_user: user end it "imports a new order and sets the current user as a creator" do expect(Spree::Core::Importer::Order).to receive(:import) .with(nil, hash_including(created_by_id: .and_return(order) get :new end it "sets frontend_viewable to false" do expect(Spree::Core::Importer::Order).to receive(:import) .with(nil, hash_including(frontend_viewable: false )) .and_return(order) get :new end it "should associate the order with a store" do expect(Spree::Core::Importer::Order).to receive(:import) .with(user, hash_including(store_id: .and_return(order) get :new, { user_id: } end context "when a user_id is passed as a parameter" do let(:user) { mock_model(Spree.user_class) } before { allow(Spree.user_class).to receive_messages find_by_id: user } it "imports a new order and assigns the user to the order" do expect(Spree::Core::Importer::Order).to receive(:import) .with(user, hash_including(created_by_id: .and_return(order) get :new, { user_id: } end end it "should redirect to cart" do get :new expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.cart_admin_order_path(Spree::Order.last)) end end # Regression test for context "#edit" do it "does not refresh rates if the order is completed" do allow(order).to receive_messages completed?: true expect(order).not_to receive :refresh_shipment_rates get :edit, id: order.number end it "does refresh the rates if the order is incomplete" do allow(order).to receive_messages completed?: false expect(order).to receive :refresh_shipment_rates get :edit, id: order.number end context "when order does not have a ship address" do before do allow(order).to receive_messages ship_address: nil end context 'when order_bill_address_used is true' do before { Spree::Config[:order_bill_address_used] = true } it "should redirect to the customer details page" do get :edit, id: order.number expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.edit_admin_order_customer_path(order)) end end context 'when order_bill_address_used is false' do before { Spree::Config[:order_bill_address_used] = false } it "should redirect to the customer details page" do get :edit, id: order.number expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.edit_admin_order_customer_path(order)) end end end end describe '#advance' do subject do put :advance, id: order.number end context 'when incomplete' do before do allow(order).to receive(:completed?).and_return(false, true) allow(order).to receive(:next).and_return(true, false) end context 'when successful' do before { allow(order).to receive(:confirm?).and_return(true) } it 'messages and redirects' do subject expect(flash[:success]).to eq Spree.t('order_ready_for_confirm') expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.confirm_admin_order_path(order)) end end context 'when unsuccessful' do before do allow(order).to receive(:confirm?).and_return(false) allow(order).to receive(:errors).and_return(double(full_messages: ['failed'])) end it 'messages and redirects' do subject expect(flash[:error]).to eq order.errors.full_messages expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.confirm_admin_order_path(order)) end end end context 'when already completed' do before { allow(order).to receive_messages completed?: true } it 'messages and redirects' do subject expect(flash[:notice]).to eq Spree.t('order_already_completed') expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.edit_admin_order_path(order)) end end end context '#confirm' do subject do get :confirm, id: order.number end context 'when in confirm' do before { allow(order).to receive_messages completed?: false, confirm?: true } it 'renders the confirm page' do subject expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(response).to render_template(:confirm) end end context 'when before confirm' do before { allow(order).to receive_messages completed?: false, confirm?: false } it 'renders the confirm_advance template (to allow refreshing of the order)' do subject expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(response).to render_template(:confirm_advance) end end context 'when already completed' do before { allow(order).to receive_messages completed?: true } it 'redirects to edit' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.edit_admin_order_path(order)) end end end context "#complete" do subject do put :complete, id: order.number end context 'when successful' do before { allow(order).to receive(:complete!) } it 'completes the order' do expect(order).to receive(:complete!) subject end it 'messages and redirects' do subject expect(flash[:success]).to eq Spree.t(:order_completed) expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.edit_admin_order_path(order)) end end context 'with an StateMachines::InvalidTransition error' do let(:order) { create(:order) } it 'messages and redirects' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.confirm_admin_order_path(order)) expect(flash[:error].to_s).to include("Cannot transition state via :complete from :cart") end end context 'insufficient stock to complete the order' do before do expect(order).to receive(:complete!).and_raise Spree::Order::InsufficientStock end it 'messages and redirects' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.cart_admin_order_path(order)) expect(flash[:error].to_s).to eq Spree.t(:insufficient_stock_for_order) end end end # Test for context "search" do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do allow(controller).to receive_messages spree_current_user: user user.spree_roles << Spree::Role.find_or_create_by(name: 'admin') create(:completed_order_with_totals) expect(Spree::Order.count).to eq 1 end it "does not display duplicated results" do get :index, q: { line_items_variant_id_in: } expect(assigns[:orders].map(&:number).count).to eq 1 end end context "#not_finalized_adjustments" do let(:order) { create(:order) } let!(:finalized_adjustment) { create(:adjustment, finalized: true, adjustable: order, order: order) } it "changes all the finalized adjustments to unfinalized" do post :unfinalize_adjustments, id: order.number expect(finalized_adjustment.reload.finalized).to eq(false) end it "sets the flash success message" do post :unfinalize_adjustments, id: order.number expect(flash[:success]).to eql('All adjustments successfully unfinalized!') end it "redirects back" do post :unfinalize_adjustments, id: order.number expect(response).to redirect_to(:back) end end context "#finalize_adjustments" do let(:order) { create(:order) } let!(:not_finalized_adjustment) { create(:adjustment, finalized: false, adjustable: order, order: order) } it "changes all the unfinalized adjustments to finalized" do post :finalize_adjustments, id: order.number expect(not_finalized_adjustment.reload.finalized).to eq(true) end it "sets the flash success message" do post :finalize_adjustments, id: order.number expect(flash[:success]).to eql('All adjustments successfully finalized!') end it "redirects back" do post :finalize_adjustments, id: order.number expect(response).to redirect_to(:back) end end end context '#authorize_admin' do let!(:user) { create(:user) } let!(:order) { create(:completed_order_with_totals, number: 'R987654321') } before do allow(controller).to receive_messages spree_current_user: user end it 'should grant access to users with an admin role' do user.spree_roles << Spree::Role.find_or_create_by(name: 'admin') get :index expect(response).to render_template :index end it 'should grant access to users with an bar role' do user.spree_roles << Spree::Role.find_or_create_by(name: 'bar') Spree::Ability.register_ability(BarAbility) get :index expect(response).to render_template :index Spree::Ability.remove_ability(BarAbility) end it 'should deny access to users without an admin role' do allow(user).to receive_messages has_spree_role?: false get :index expect(response).to redirect_to('/unauthorized') end context 'with only permissions on Order' do stub_authorization! do |_ability| can [:admin, :manage], Spree::Order, number: 'R987654321' end it 'should restrict returned order(s) on index when using OrderSpecificAbility' do number = order.number 3.times { create(:completed_order_with_totals) } expect(Spree::Order.complete.count).to eq 4 allow(user).to receive_messages has_spree_role?: false get :index expect(response).to render_template :index expect(assigns['orders'].size).to eq 1 expect(assigns['orders'].first.number).to eq number end end end context "order number not given" do stub_authorization! it "raise active record not found" do expect { get :edit, id: 0 }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end end end