goog.provide('webfont.modules.Fontdeck'); goog.require('webfont.Font'); /** * @constructor * @implements {webfont.FontModule} */ webfont.modules.Fontdeck = function(domHelper, configuration) { this.domHelper_ = domHelper; this.configuration_ = configuration; this.fonts_ = []; }; /** * @const * @type {string} */ webfont.modules.Fontdeck.NAME = 'fontdeck'; webfont.modules.Fontdeck.HOOK = '__webfontfontdeckmodule__'; webfont.modules.Fontdeck.API = ''; goog.scope(function () { var Fontdeck = webfont.modules.Fontdeck, Font = webfont.Font, FontVariationDescription = webfont.FontVariationDescription; Fontdeck.prototype.getScriptSrc = function(projectId) { // For empty iframes, fall back to main window's hostname. var hostname = this.domHelper_.getHostName(); var api = this.configuration_['api'] || webfont.modules.Fontdeck.API; return api + hostname + '/' + projectId + '.js'; }; Fontdeck.prototype.load = function(onReady) { var projectId = this.configuration_['id']; var loadWindow = this.domHelper_.getLoadWindow(); var self = this; if (projectId) { // Provide data to Fontdeck for processing. if (!loadWindow[webfont.modules.Fontdeck.HOOK]) { loadWindow[webfont.modules.Fontdeck.HOOK] = {}; } // Fontdeck will call this function to indicate support status // and what fonts are provided. loadWindow[webfont.modules.Fontdeck.HOOK][projectId] = function(fontdeckSupports, data) { for (var i = 0, j = data['fonts'].length; i<j; ++i) { var font = data['fonts'][i]; self.fonts_.push(new Font(font['name'], Font.parseCssVariation('font-weight:' + font['weight'] + ';font-style:' + font['style']))); } onReady(self.fonts_); }; // Call the Fontdeck API. this.domHelper_.loadScript(this.getScriptSrc(projectId), function (err) { if (err) { onReady([]); } }); } else { onReady([]); } }; });