/* * * Ruby BigDecimal(Variable decimal precision) extension library. * * Copyright(C) 2002 by Shigeo Kobayashi(shigeo@tinyforest.gr.jp) * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file * of this BigDecimal distribution. * * NOTES: * 2003-03-28 V1.0 checked in. * */ #ifndef ____BIG_DECIMAL__H____ #define ____BIG_DECIMAL__H____ #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* * NaN & Infinity */ #define SZ_NaN "NaN" #define SZ_INF "Infinity" #define SZ_PINF "+Infinity" #define SZ_NINF "-Infinity" /* * #define VP_EXPORT other than static to let VP_ routines * be called from outside of this module. */ #define VP_EXPORT static #define U_LONG unsigned long #define S_LONG long #define U_INT unsigned int #define S_INT int /* Exception codes */ #define VP_EXCEPTION_ALL ((unsigned short)0x00FF) #define VP_EXCEPTION_INFINITY ((unsigned short)0x0001) #define VP_EXCEPTION_NaN ((unsigned short)0x0002) #define VP_EXCEPTION_UNDERFLOW ((unsigned short)0x0004) #define VP_EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW ((unsigned short)0x0001) /* 0x0008) */ #define VP_EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE ((unsigned short)0x0001) /* 0x0010) */ /* Following 2 exceptions cann't controlled by user */ #define VP_EXCEPTION_OP ((unsigned short)0x0020) #define VP_EXCEPTION_MEMORY ((unsigned short)0x0040) /* Computation mode */ #define VP_ROUND_MODE ((unsigned short)0x0100) #define VP_ROUND_UP 1 #define VP_ROUND_DOWN 2 #define VP_ROUND_HALF_UP 3 #define VP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN 4 #define VP_ROUND_CEIL 5 #define VP_ROUND_FLOOR 6 #define VP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN 7 #define VP_SIGN_NaN 0 /* NaN */ #define VP_SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO 1 /* Positive zero */ #define VP_SIGN_NEGATIVE_ZERO -1 /* Negative zero */ #define VP_SIGN_POSITIVE_FINITE 2 /* Positive finite number */ #define VP_SIGN_NEGATIVE_FINITE -2 /* Negative finite number */ #define VP_SIGN_POSITIVE_INFINITE 3 /* Positive infinite number */ #define VP_SIGN_NEGATIVE_INFINITE -3 /* Negative infinite number */ /* * VP representation * r = 0.xxxxxxxxx *BASE**exponent */ typedef struct { VALUE obj; /* Back pointer(VALUE) for Ruby object. */ U_LONG MaxPrec; /* Maximum precision size */ /* This is the actual size of pfrac[] */ /*(frac[0] to frac[MaxPrec] are available). */ U_LONG Prec; /* Current precision size. */ /* This indicates how much the. */ /* the array frac[] is actually used. */ S_INT exponent;/* Exponent part. */ short sign; /* Attributes of the value. */ /* * ==0 : NaN * 1 : Positive zero * -1 : Negative zero * 2 : Positive number * -2 : Negative number * 3 : Positive infinite number * -3 : Negative infinite number */ short flag; /* Not used in vp_routines,space for user. */ U_LONG frac[1]; /* Pointer to array of fraction part. */ } Real; /* * ------------------ * EXPORTables. * ------------------ */ VP_EXPORT Real * VpNewRbClass(U_LONG mx,char *str,VALUE klass); VP_EXPORT Real *VpCreateRbObject(U_LONG mx,const char *str); VP_EXPORT U_LONG VpBaseFig(void); VP_EXPORT U_LONG VpDblFig(void); VP_EXPORT U_LONG VpBaseVal(void); /* Zero,Inf,NaN (isinf(),isnan() used to check) */ VP_EXPORT double VpGetDoubleNaN(void); VP_EXPORT double VpGetDoublePosInf(void); VP_EXPORT double VpGetDoubleNegInf(void); VP_EXPORT double VpGetDoubleNegZero(void); /* These 2 functions added at v1.1.7 */ VP_EXPORT U_LONG VpGetPrecLimit(void); VP_EXPORT U_LONG VpSetPrecLimit(U_LONG n); /* Round mode */ VP_EXPORT int VpIsRoundMode(unsigned long n); VP_EXPORT unsigned long VpGetRoundMode(void); VP_EXPORT unsigned long VpSetRoundMode(unsigned long n); VP_EXPORT int VpException(unsigned short f,const char *str,int always); #if 0 VP_EXPORT int VpIsNegDoubleZero(double v); #endif VP_EXPORT U_LONG VpNumOfChars(Real *vp,const char *pszFmt); VP_EXPORT U_LONG VpInit(U_LONG BaseVal); VP_EXPORT void *VpMemAlloc(U_LONG mb); VP_EXPORT void VpFree(Real *pv); VP_EXPORT Real *VpAlloc(U_LONG mx, const char *szVal); VP_EXPORT int VpAsgn(Real *c,Real *a,int isw); VP_EXPORT int VpAddSub(Real *c,Real *a,Real *b,int operation); VP_EXPORT int VpMult(Real *c,Real *a,Real *b); VP_EXPORT int VpDivd(Real *c,Real *r,Real *a,Real *b); VP_EXPORT int VpComp(Real *a,Real *b); VP_EXPORT S_LONG VpExponent10(Real *a); VP_EXPORT void VpSzMantissa(Real *a,char *psz); VP_EXPORT int VpToSpecialString(Real *a,char *psz,int fPlus); VP_EXPORT void VpToString(Real *a,char *psz,int fFmt,int fPlus); VP_EXPORT void VpToFString(Real *a,char *psz,int fFmt,int fPlus); VP_EXPORT int VpCtoV(Real *a,const char *int_chr,U_LONG ni,const char *frac,U_LONG nf,const char *exp_chr,U_LONG ne); VP_EXPORT int VpVtoD(double *d,S_LONG *e,Real *m); VP_EXPORT void VpDtoV(Real *m,double d); #if 0 VP_EXPORT void VpItoV(Real *m,S_INT ival); #endif VP_EXPORT int VpSqrt(Real *y,Real *x); VP_EXPORT int VpActiveRound(Real *y,Real *x,int f,int il); VP_EXPORT int VpMidRound(Real *y, int f, int nf); VP_EXPORT int VpLeftRound(Real *y, int f, int nf); VP_EXPORT void VpFrac(Real *y,Real *x); VP_EXPORT int VpPower(Real *y,Real *x,S_INT n); /* VP constants */ VP_EXPORT Real *VpOne(void); /* * ------------------ * MACRO definitions. * ------------------ */ #define Abs(a) (((a)>= 0)?(a):(-(a))) #define Max(a, b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) #define Min(a, b) (((a)>(b))?(b):(a)) #define VpMaxPrec(a) ((a)->MaxPrec) #define VpPrec(a) ((a)->Prec) #define VpGetFlag(a) ((a)->flag) /* Sign */ /* VpGetSign(a) returns 1,-1 if a>0,a<0 respectively */ #define VpGetSign(a) (((a)->sign>0)?1:(-1)) /* Change sign of a to a>0,a<0 if s = 1,-1 respectively */ #define VpChangeSign(a,s) {if((s)>0) (a)->sign=(short)Abs((S_LONG)(a)->sign);else (a)->sign=-(short)Abs((S_LONG)(a)->sign);} /* Sets sign of a to a>0,a<0 if s = 1,-1 respectively */ #define VpSetSign(a,s) {if((s)>0) (a)->sign=(short)VP_SIGN_POSITIVE_FINITE;else (a)->sign=(short)VP_SIGN_NEGATIVE_FINITE;} /* 1 */ #define VpSetOne(a) {(a)->frac[0]=(a)->exponent=(a)->Prec=1;(a)->sign=VP_SIGN_POSITIVE_FINITE;} /* ZEROs */ #define VpIsPosZero(a) ((a)->sign==VP_SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO) #define VpIsNegZero(a) ((a)->sign==VP_SIGN_NEGATIVE_ZERO) #define VpIsZero(a) (VpIsPosZero(a) || VpIsNegZero(a)) #define VpSetPosZero(a) ((a)->frac[0]=0,(a)->Prec=1,(a)->sign=VP_SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO) #define VpSetNegZero(a) ((a)->frac[0]=0,(a)->Prec=1,(a)->sign=VP_SIGN_NEGATIVE_ZERO) #define VpSetZero(a,s) ( ((s)>0)?VpSetPosZero(a):VpSetNegZero(a) ) /* NaN */ #define VpIsNaN(a) ((a)->sign==VP_SIGN_NaN) #define VpSetNaN(a) ((a)->frac[0]=0,(a)->Prec=1,(a)->sign=VP_SIGN_NaN) /* Infinity */ #define VpIsPosInf(a) ((a)->sign==VP_SIGN_POSITIVE_INFINITE) #define VpIsNegInf(a) ((a)->sign==VP_SIGN_NEGATIVE_INFINITE) #define VpIsInf(a) (VpIsPosInf(a) || VpIsNegInf(a)) #define VpIsDef(a) ( !(VpIsNaN(a)||VpIsInf(a)) ) #define VpSetPosInf(a) ((a)->frac[0]=0,(a)->Prec=1,(a)->sign=VP_SIGN_POSITIVE_INFINITE) #define VpSetNegInf(a) ((a)->frac[0]=0,(a)->Prec=1,(a)->sign=VP_SIGN_NEGATIVE_INFINITE) #define VpSetInf(a,s) ( ((s)>0)?VpSetPosInf(a):VpSetNegInf(a) ) #define VpHasVal(a) (a->frac[0]) #define VpIsOne(a) ((a->Prec==1)&&(a->frac[0]==1)&&(a->exponent==1)) #define VpExponent(a) (a->exponent) #ifdef _DEBUG int VpVarCheck(Real * v); VP_EXPORT int VPrint(FILE *fp,char *cntl_chr,Real *a); #endif /* _DEBUG */ #if defined(__cplusplus) } /* extern "C" { */ #endif #endif /* ____BIG_DECIMAL__H____ */