require 'cgi' require 'sinatra' require 'gollum' require 'mustache/sinatra' require 'useragent' require 'stringex' require 'gollum/frontend/views/layout' require 'gollum/frontend/views/editable' require 'gollum/frontend/views/has_page' require File.expand_path '../uri_encode_component', __FILE__ require File.expand_path '../helpers', __FILE__ # Fix to_url class String alias :upstream_to_url :to_url # _Header => header which causes errors def to_url return nil if self.nil? return self if ['_Header', '_Footer', '_Sidebar'].include? self upstream_to_url end end # Run the frontend, based on Sinatra # # There are a number of wiki options that can be set for the frontend # # Example # require 'gollum/frontend/app' # Precious::App.set(:wiki_options, { # :universal_toc => false, # } # # See the wiki.rb file for more details on wiki options module Precious class App < Sinatra::Base register Mustache::Sinatra include Precious::Helpers dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) # Detect unsupported browsers. Browser =, :version) @@min_ua = ['Internet Explorer', '10.0'),'Chrome', '7.0'),'Firefox', '4.0'), ] def supported_useragent?(user_agent) ua = UserAgent.parse(user_agent) @@min_ua.detect {|min| ua >= min } end # We want to serve public assets for now set :public_folder, "#{dir}/public/gollum" set :static, true set :default_markup, :markdown set :mustache, { # Tell mustache where the Views constant lives :namespace => Precious, # Mustache templates live here :templates => "#{dir}/templates", # Tell mustache where the views are :views => "#{dir}/views" } # Sinatra error handling configure :development, :staging do enable :show_exceptions, :dump_errors disable :raise_errors, :clean_trace end configure :test do enable :logging, :raise_errors, :dump_errors end before do @base_url = settings.wiki_options.has_key?(:base_url) ? settings.wiki_options[:base_url] : url('/') settings.wiki_options.merge!({ :base_path => @base_url }) unless settings.wiki_options.has_key? :base_path end get '/' do show_page_or_file('Home') end # name, path, version def wiki_page( name, path = nil, version = nil) path = name if path.nil? name = extract_name(name) path = extract_path(path) wiki = wiki_new => wiki, :page => wiki.paged(name, path, version), :name => name, :path => path) end def wiki_new, settings.wiki_options) end get '/data/*' do if page = wiki_page(params[:splat].first).page page.raw_data end end get '/edit/*' do wikip = wiki_page(params[:splat].first) @name = @path = wikip.path wiki = if page = if wiki.live_preview && page.format.to_s.include?('markdown') && supported_useragent?(request.user_agent) live_preview_url = '/livepreview/index.html?page=' + encodeURIComponent(@name) if @path live_preview_url << '&path=' + encodeURIComponent(@path) end redirect to(live_preview_url) else @page = page @page.version = wiki.repo.log(wiki.ref, @page.path).first raw_data = page.raw_data @content = raw_data.respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? raw_data.force_encoding('UTF-8') : raw_data mustache :edit end else redirect to("/create/#{CGI.escape(@name)}") end end post '/edit/*' do wikip = wiki_page(CGI.unescape(params[:page]), sanitize_empty_params(params[:path])) path = wikip.path wiki = page = rename = params[:rename].to_url if params[:rename] name = rename || committer =, commit_message) commit = {:committer => committer} update_wiki_page(wiki, page, params[:content], commit, name, params[:format]) update_wiki_page(wiki, page.header, params[:header], commit) if params[:header] update_wiki_page(wiki, page.footer, params[:footer], commit) if params[:footer] update_wiki_page(wiki, page.sidebar, params[:sidebar], commit) if params[:sidebar] committer.commit page = if rename redirect to("/#{page.escaped_url_path}") unless page.nil? end get '/delete/*' do wikip = wiki_page(params[:splat].first) name = wiki = page = wiki.delete_page(page, { :message => "Destroyed #{name} (#{page.format})" }) redirect to('/') end get '/create/*' do splat = params[:splat].first wikip = wiki_page(extract_name(splat).to_url, splat) @name = @path = wikip.path page = if page redirect to("/#{page.escaped_url_path}") else mustache :create end end post '/create' do name = params[:page].to_url path = sanitize_empty_params(params[:path]) format = params[:format].intern # write_page is not directory aware so use wiki_options to emulate dir support. wiki_options = settings.wiki_options.merge({ :page_file_dir => path }) wiki =, wiki_options) begin wiki.write_page(name, format, params[:content], commit_message) page = redirect to("/#{page.escaped_url_path}") rescue Gollum::DuplicatePageError => e @message = "Duplicate page: #{e.message}" mustache :error end end post '/revert/:page/*' do wikip = wiki_page(params[:page]) @path = wikip.path @name = wiki = @page = wiki.paged(@name,@path) shas = params[:splat].first.split("/") sha1 = shas.shift sha2 = shas.shift if wiki.revert_page(@page, sha1, sha2, commit_message) redirect to("/#{@page.escaped_url_path}") else sha2, sha1 = sha1, "#{sha1}^" if !sha2 @versions = [sha1, sha2] diffs = wiki.repo.diff(@versions.first, @versions.last, @page.path) @diff = diffs.first @message = "The patch does not apply." mustache :compare end end post '/preview' do wiki = wiki_new @name = params[:page] || "Preview" @page = wiki.preview_page(@name, params[:content], params[:format]) @content = @page.formatted_data @toc_content = wiki.universal_toc ? @page.toc_data : nil @mathjax = wiki.mathjax @editable = false mustache :page end get '/history/*' do @page = wiki_page(params[:splat].first).page @page_num = [params[:page].to_i, 1].max @versions = @page.versions :page => @page_num mustache :history end post '/compare/*' do @file = params[:splat].first @versions = params[:versions] || [] if @versions.size < 2 redirect to("/history/#{@file}") else redirect to("/compare/%s/%s...%s" % [ @file, @versions.last, @versions.first] ) end end get %r{ /compare/ # match any URL beginning with /compare/ (.+) # extract the full path (including any directories) / # match the final slash ([^.]+) # match the first SHA1 \.{2,3} # match .. or ... (.+) # match the second SHA1 }x do |path, start_version, end_version| wikip = wiki_page(path) @path = wikip.path @name = @versions = [start_version, end_version] wiki = @page = diffs = wiki.repo.diff(@versions.first, @versions.last, @page.path) @diff = diffs.first mustache :compare end get '/_tex.png' do content_type 'image/png' formula = Base64.decode64(params[:data]) Gollum::Tex.render_formula(formula) end get %r{^/(javascript|css|images)} do halt 404 end get %r{/(.+?)/([0-9a-f]{40})} do file_path = params[:captures][0] name = extract_name(file_path) path = extract_path(file_path) version = params[:captures][1] if page = wiki_page(name, path, version).page @page = page @name = name @content = page.formatted_data @editable = true mustache :page else halt 404 end end get '/search' do @query = params[:q] wiki = wiki_new @results = @query @name = @query mustache :search end get %r{ /pages # match any URL beginning with /pages (?: # begin an optional non-capturing group /(.+) # capture any path after the "/pages" excluding the leading slash )? # end the optional non-capturing group }x do |path| @path = extract_path(path) if path wiki_options = settings.wiki_options.merge({ :page_file_dir => @path }) wiki =, wiki_options) @results = wiki.pages @ref = wiki.ref mustache :pages end get '/fileview' do wiki =, settings.wiki_options) @results = @ref = wiki.ref mustache :file_view, { :layout => false } end get '/*' do show_page_or_file(params[:splat].first) end def show_page_or_file(fullpath) name = extract_name(fullpath) path = extract_path(fullpath) wiki = wiki_new if page = wiki.paged(name, path) @page = page @name = name @editable = true @content = page.formatted_data @toc_content = wiki.universal_toc ? @page.toc_data : nil @mathjax = wiki.mathjax mustache :page elsif file = wiki.file(fullpath) content_type file.mime_type file.raw_data else page_path = [path, name].compact.join('/') redirect to("/create/#{CGI.escape(page_path).gsub('%2F','/')}") end end def update_wiki_page(wiki, page, content, commit, name = nil, format = nil) return if !page || ((!content || page.raw_data == content) && page.format == format) name ||= format = (format || page.format).to_sym content ||= page.raw_data wiki.update_page(page, name, format, content.to_s, commit) end def commit_message { :message => params[:message] } end end end