require 'faye/websocket' require 'eventmachine' require 'yatapp/inbox' require 'json' require 'cgi' require 'uri' begin require 'rails-i18n' rescue puts "WARNING: Failed to require rails-i18n gem, websocket integration may fail." end module Phoenix class Socket include MonitorMixin attr_reader :path, :socket, :inbox, :topic attr_accessor :verbose, :join_options_proc, :connect_options_proc attr_accessor *Yatapp::Configuration::CONFIGURATION_OPTIONS def initialize initialize_configuration @path = "wss://{api_access_token}" @topic = "translations:#{project_id}" @join_options = {} @connect_options = {} @inbox = 15) super() # MonitorMixin @inbox_cond = new_cond @thread_ready = new_cond @topic_cond = new_cond reset_state_conditions request_reply(event: "ping", payload: {}) end def request_reply(event:, payload: {}, timeout: 5) # timeout in seconds ref = SecureRandom.uuid synchronize do ensure_connection @topic_cond.wait_until { @topic_joined } EM.next_tick { socket.send({ topic: topic, event: event, payload: payload, ref: ref }.to_json) } log [event, ref] # Ruby's condition variables only support timeout on the basic 'wait' method; # This should behave roughly as if wait_until also support a timeout: # `inbox_cond.wait_until(timeout) { inbox.key?(ref) || @dead } # # Note that this serves only to unblock the main thread, and should not halt execution of the # socket connection. Therefore, there is a possibility that the inbox may pile up with # unread messages if a lot of timeouts are encountered. A self-sweeping inbox will # be implemented to prevent this. ts = loop do inbox_cond.wait(timeout) # waits until time expires or signaled break if inbox.key?(ref) || @dead raise 'timeout' if timeout && > (ts + timeout) end inbox.delete(ref) { raise "reply #{ref} not found" } end end def join_options return @join_options unless join_options_proc end def connect_options return @connect_options unless connect_options_proc end private attr_reader :inbox_cond, :thread_ready def initialize_configuration options = Yatapp.options Yatapp::Configuration::CONFIGURATION_OPTIONS.each do |key| send("#{key}=", options[key]) end end def log(msg) return unless @verbose puts "[#{Thread.current[:id]}] #{msg} (#@topic_joined)" end def ensure_connection connection_alive? or synchronize do spawn_thread thread_ready.wait(3) if @dead @spawned = false raise 'dead connection timeout' end end end def connection_alive? @ws_thread && @ws_thread.alive? && !@dead end def reset_state_conditions @dead = true # no EM thread active, or the connection has been closed @socket = nil # the Faye::Websocket::Client instance @spawned = false # The thread running (or about to run) EventMachine has been launched @join_ref = SecureRandom.uuid # unique id that Phoenix uses to identify the socket <-> channel connection @topic_joined = false # The initial join request has been acked by the remote server end def add_new_key_to_i18n(key, values) values.each do |value| unless I18n.available_locales.include?(value['lang'].to_sym) add_new_locale(value['lang']) end key_array = key.split(".") translation_hash = key_array.reverse.inject(value['text']) {|acc, n| {n => acc}} I18n.backend.store_translations(value['lang'].to_sym, translation_hash) puts "new translation added: #{value['lang']} => #{key}: #{value['text']}" end end def add_new_locale(lang) existing_locales = I18n.config.available_locales new_locales = existing_locales << lang.to_sym I18n.config.available_locales = new_locales.uniq end def handle_message(event) data = JSON.parse( log synchronize do if data['event'] == 'phx_close' log('handling close from message') handle_close(event) elsif data['event'] == 'new_translation' payload = data['payload'] add_new_key_to_i18n(payload['key'], payload['values']) elsif data['event'] == 'updated_translation' payload = data['payload'] add_new_key_to_i18n(payload['new_key'], payload['values']) elsif data['event'] == 'deleted translation' puts 'deleted translation' elsif data['ref'] == @join_ref && data['event'] == 'phx_error' # NOTE: For some reason, on errors phx will send the join ref instead of the message ref inbox_cond.broadcast elsif data['ref'] == @join_ref log ['join_ref', @join_ref] @topic_joined = true @topic_cond.broadcast else inbox[data['ref']] = data inbox_cond.broadcast end end end def handle_open(event) log 'open' socket.send({ topic: topic, event: "phx_join", payload: join_options, ref: @join_ref, join_ref: @join_ref }.to_json) synchronize do @dead = false thread_ready.broadcast end Yatapp.download_translations end def handle_close(event) synchronize do reset_state_conditions inbox_cond.signal thread_ready.signal end end def build_path uri = URI.parse(path) existing_query = CGI.parse(uri.query || '') uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(existing_query.merge(connect_options)) uri.to_s end def spawn_thread return if @spawned || connection_alive? log 'spawning...' @spawned = true @ws_thread = do Thread.current[:id] = "WSTHREAD_#{SecureRandom.hex(3)}" run_event_machine end end def reconnect @spawned = true @ws_thread = do Thread.current[:id] = "WSTHREAD_#{SecureRandom.hex(3)}" run_event_machine end end def run_event_machine do synchronize do log '' @socket = socket.on :open do |event| handle_open(event) end socket.on :message do |event| handle_message(event) end socket.on :close do |event| log [:close, event.code, event.reason] handle_close(event) EM.tick_loop do unless connection_alive? spawn_thread sleep(1) else EM.next_tick { socket.send({ topic: "translations:#{project_id}", event: "ping", payload: {}, ref: @join_ref }.to_json) } end end end EventMachine.add_periodic_timer(50) do EM.next_tick { socket.send({ topic: "translations:#{project_id}", event: "ping", payload: {}, ref: @join_ref }.to_json) } end end end end end end