module GrapeDSL module Extend module Headers # example in yaml format # "header_name": # - "header values" # - "header value 2" # # # real example for cors # "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": # - "X-Idp-Id" # - "X-Token" # - "Content-Type" # "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": # - "*" # "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": # - HEAD # - OPTIONS # - GET # - POST # - PUT # - DELETE # # # This will give headers to all call request response made after this # make sure to load BEFORE every route call going to be made def response_headers_to_new_calls(config_obj=nil) Grape::Endpoint.config_obj= config_obj unless config_obj.nil? Grape::API.inject_singleton_method :inherited, add: "after" do |subclass| subclass.class_eval do before do Grape::Endpoint.header_config_obj.each do |header_key,header_value| header header_key, header_value.join(', ') end end end end return nil end # same config obj format like to "response_headers_to_new_calls" # this will create headers for the options call to ALL already made route # make sure to load after every route has been made def response_headers_to_routes_options_request(config_obj=nil) Grape::Endpoint.header_config_obj= config_obj unless config_obj.nil? Grape::API.subclasses.each do |rest_api_model| { |route| route.route_path.split('(.:format)')[0] }.uniq.each do |path| rest_api_model.class_eval do options path do Grape::Endpoint.header_config_obj.each do |header_key,header_value| header header_key, header_value.join(', ') end end end end end return nil end end end end Grape.__send__ :extend, ::GrapeDSL::Extend::Headers