require 'abstract_controller'
require 'action_controller'
module Cell
class Rails < ActionController::Metal
include BaseMethods
include AbstractController
include Rendering, Layouts, Helpers, Callbacks, Translation
include ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection
module Rendering
def render_state(state)
rack_response = dispatch(state, parent_controller.request)
str = '' # copied from Response#body.
rack_response[2].each { |part| str << part.to_s }
str.html_safe # in fact, i'd love to return a real OutputBuffer here.
class View < ActionView::Base
def render(options = {}, locals = {}, &block)
if options[:state] or options[:view]
return @_controller.render(options, &block)
include Rendering
include Caching
#include AbstractController::Logger
#include Cell::ActiveHelper
cattr_accessor :url_helpers ### TODO: discuss if we really need that or can handle that in cells.rb already.
### DISCUSS: should we pass the parent_controller here?
def initialize(parent_controller=nil, options={}) ### FIXME: move to BaseMethods.
@parent_controller = parent_controller
@opts = @options = options
attr_reader :parent_controller
def log(*args); end
def self.view_context_class
controller = self
View.class_eval do
include controller._helpers
include Cell::Base.url_helpers if Cell::Rails.url_helpers
@view_context_class ||= View
### DISCUSS: copy behaviour from abstract_controller/rendering-line 49? (helpers)
def self.controller_path
@controller_path ||= name.sub(/Cell$/, '').underscore unless anonymous?
def process(*) # defined in AC::Metal.
self.response_body = super
delegate :request, :to => :parent_controller
delegate :config, :to => :parent_controller # DISCUSS: what if a cell has its own config (eg for assets, cells/bassist/images)?
# DISCUSS: let @controller point to @parent_controller in views, and @cell is the actual real controller?
class << self
def state2view_cache
@state2view_cache ||= {}
# Renders the view for the current state and returns the markup for the component.
# Usually called and returned at the end of a state method.
# ==== Options
# * :view - Specifies the name of the view file to render. Defaults to the current state name.
# * :template_format - Allows using a format different to :html.
# * :layout - If set to a valid filename inside your cell's view_paths, the current state view will be rendered inside the layout (as known from controller actions). Layouts should reside in app/cells/layouts.
# * :locals - Makes the named parameters available as variables in the view.
# * :text - Just renders plain text.
# * :inline - Renders an inline template as state view. See ActionView::Base#render for details.
# * :file - Specifies the name of the file template to render.
# * :nothing - Will make the component kinda invisible and doesn't invoke the rendering cycle.
# * :state - Instantly invokes another rendering cycle for the passed state and returns.
# Example:
# class MyCell < ::Cell::Base
# def my_first_state
# # ... do something
# render
# end
# will just render the view my_first_state.html.
# def my_first_state
# # ... do something
# render :view => :my_first_state, :layout => 'metal'
# end
# will also use the view my_first_state.html as template and even put it in the layout
# metal that's located at $RAILS_ROOT/app/cells/layouts/metal.html.erb.
# def say_your_name
# render :locals => {:name => "Nick"}
# end
# will make the variable +name+ available in the view say_your_name.html.
# def say_your_name
# render :nothing => true
# end
# will render an empty string thus keeping your name a secret.
# ==== Where have all the partials gone?
# In Cells we abandoned the term 'partial' in favor of plain 'views' - we don't need to distinguish
# between both terms. A cell view is both, a view and a kind of partial as it represents only a small
# part of the page.
# Just use :view and enjoy.
def render(opts={})
render_view_for(opts, self.action_name)
# Climbs up the inheritance hierarchy of the Cell, looking for a view for the current +state+ in each level.
def find_family_view_for_state(state)
missing_template_exception = nil
possible_paths_for_state(state).each do |template_path|
template = find_template(template_path)
return template if template
rescue ::ActionView::MissingTemplate => missing_template_exception
raise missing_template_exception
# Render the view belonging to the given state. Will raise ActionView::MissingTemplate
# if it can not find one of the requested view template. Note that this behaviour was
# introduced in cells 2.3 and replaces the former warning message.
def render_view_for(opts, state)
return '' if opts[:nothing]
### TODO: dispatch dynamically:
if opts[:text] ### FIXME: generic option?
elsif opts[:inline]
elsif opts[:file]
elsif opts[:state] ### FIXME: generic option
opts[:text] = render_state(opts[:state])
# handle :layout, :template_format, :view
opts = defaultize_render_options_for(opts, state)
#template = find_family_view_for_state_with_caching(opts[:view], action_view)
template = find_family_view_for_state(opts[:view])
opts[:template] = template
opts = sanitize_render_options(opts)
# Defaultize the passed options from #render.
def defaultize_render_options_for(opts, state)
opts[:template_format] ||= self.class.default_template_format
opts[:view] ||= state
def sanitize_render_options(opts)
opts.except!(:view, :state)