# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- # SolrHelper is a controller layer mixin. It is in the controller scope: request params, session etc. # # NOTE: Be careful when creating variables here as they may be overriding something that already exists. # The ActionController docs: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/Base.html # # Override these methods in your own controller for customizations: # # class CatalogController < ActionController::Base # # include Blacklight::Catalog # # def solr_search_params # super.merge :per_page=>10 # end # end # # Or by including in local extensions: # module LocalSolrHelperExtension # [ local overrides ] # end # # class CatalogController < ActionController::Base # # include Blacklight::Catalog # include LocalSolrHelperExtension # # def solr_search_params # super.merge :per_page=>10 # end # end # # Or by using ActiveSupport::Concern: # # module LocalSolrHelperExtension # extend ActiveSupport::Concern # include Blacklight::SolrHelper # # [ local overrides ] # end # # class CatalogController < ApplicationController # include LocalSolrHelperExtension # include Blacklight::Catalog # end module Blacklight::SolrHelper extend ActiveSupport::Concern extend Deprecation include Blacklight::SearchFields include Blacklight::Facet include ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable included do if self.respond_to?(:helper_method) helper_method(:facet_limit_for) end include Blacklight::RequestBuilders end ## # Execute a solr query # @see [RSolr::Client#send_and_receive] # @overload find(solr_path, params) # Execute a solr query at the given path with the parameters # @param [String] solr path (defaults to blacklight_config.solr_path) # @param [Hash] parameters for RSolr::Client#send_and_receive # @overload find(params) # @param [Hash] parameters for RSolr::Client#send_and_receive # @return [Blacklight::SolrResponse] the solr response object def find(*args) # In later versions of Rails, the #benchmark method can do timing # better for us. benchmark("Solr fetch", level: :debug) do solr_params = args.extract_options! path = args.first || blacklight_config.solr_path solr_params[:qt] ||= blacklight_config.qt # delete these parameters, otherwise rsolr will pass them through. key = blacklight_config.http_method == :post ? :data : :params res = blacklight_solr.send_and_receive(path, {key=>solr_params.to_hash, method:blacklight_config.http_method}) solr_response = Blacklight::SolrResponse.new(res, solr_params, solr_document_model: blacklight_config.solr_document_model) Rails.logger.debug("Solr query: #{solr_params.inspect}") Rails.logger.debug("Solr response: #{solr_response.inspect}") if defined?(::BLACKLIGHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) and ::BLACKLIGHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING solr_response end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e raise Blacklight::Exceptions::ECONNREFUSED.new("Unable to connect to Solr instance using #{blacklight_solr.inspect}") end # A helper method used for generating solr LocalParams, put quotes # around the term unless it's a bare-word. Escape internal quotes # if needed. def solr_param_quote(val, options = {}) options[:quote] ||= '"' unless val =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9$_\-\^]+$/ val = options[:quote] + # Yes, we need crazy escaping here, to deal with regexp esc too! val.gsub("'", "\\\\\'").gsub('"', "\\\\\"") + options[:quote] end return val end # a solr query method # given a user query, return a solr response containing both result docs and facets # - mixes in the Blacklight::Solr::SpellingSuggestions module # - the response will have a spelling_suggestions method # Returns a two-element array (aka duple) with first the solr response object, # and second an array of SolrDocuments representing the response.docs def get_search_results(user_params = params || {}, extra_controller_params = {}) solr_response = query_solr(user_params, extra_controller_params) case when (solr_response.grouped? && grouped_key_for_results) [solr_response.group(grouped_key_for_results), []] when (solr_response.grouped? && solr_response.grouped.length == 1) [solr_response.grouped.first, []] else [solr_response, solr_response.documents] end end # a solr query method # given a user query, # @return [Blacklight::SolrResponse] the solr response object def query_solr(user_params = params || {}, extra_controller_params = {}) solr_params = self.solr_search_params(user_params).merge(extra_controller_params) find(solr_params) end # returns a params hash for finding a single solr document (CatalogController #show action) # If the id arg is nil, then the value is fetched from params[:id] # This method is primary called by the get_solr_response_for_doc_id method. def solr_doc_params(id=nil) id ||= params[:id] # add our document id to the document_unique_id_param query parameter p = blacklight_config.default_document_solr_params.merge({ # this assumes the request handler will map the unique id param # to the unique key field using either solr local params, the # real-time get handler, etc. blacklight_config.document_unique_id_param => id }) p[:qt] ||= blacklight_config.document_solr_request_handler p end # a solr query method # retrieve a solr document, given the doc id # @return [Blacklight::SolrResponse, Blacklight::SolrDocument] the solr response object and the first document def get_solr_response_for_doc_id(id=nil, extra_controller_params={}) solr_params = solr_doc_params(id).merge(extra_controller_params) solr_response = find(blacklight_config.document_solr_path, solr_params) raise Blacklight::Exceptions::InvalidSolrID.new if solr_response.documents.empty? [solr_response, solr_response.documents.first] end def get_solr_response_for_document_ids(ids=[], extra_solr_params = {}) get_solr_response_for_field_values(blacklight_config.solr_document_model.unique_key, ids, extra_solr_params) end # given a field name and array of values, get the matching SOLR documents # @return [Blacklight::SolrResponse, Array] the solr response object and a list of solr documents def get_solr_response_for_field_values(field, values, extra_solr_params = {}) q = if Array(values).empty? "NOT *:*" else "#{field}:(#{ Array(values).map { |x| solr_param_quote(x)}.join(" OR ")})" end solr_params = { :defType => "lucene", # need boolean for OR :q => q, # not sure why fl * is neccesary, why isn't default solr_search_params # sufficient, like it is for any other search results solr request? # But tests fail without this. I think because some functionality requires # this to actually get solr_doc_params, not solr_search_params. Confused # semantics again. :fl => "*", :facet => 'false', :spellcheck => 'false' }.merge(extra_solr_params) solr_response = find(self.solr_search_params().merge(solr_params) ) [solr_response, solr_response.documents] end # returns a params hash for a single facet field solr query. # used primary by the get_facet_pagination method. # Looks up Facet Paginator request params from current request # params to figure out sort and offset. # Default limit for facet list can be specified by defining a controller # method facet_list_limit, otherwise 20. def solr_facet_params(facet_field, user_params=params || {}, extra_controller_params={}) input = user_params.deep_merge(extra_controller_params) facet_config = blacklight_config.facet_fields[facet_field] # First start with a standard solr search params calculations, # for any search context in our request params. solr_params = solr_search_params(user_params).merge(extra_controller_params) # Now override with our specific things for fetching facet values solr_params[:"facet.field"] = with_ex_local_param((facet_config.ex if facet_config.respond_to?(:ex)), facet_field) limit = if respond_to?(:facet_list_limit) facet_list_limit.to_s.to_i elsif solr_params["facet.limit"] solr_params["facet.limit"].to_i else 20 end # Need to set as f.facet_field.facet.* to make sure we # override any field-specific default in the solr request handler. solr_params[:"f.#{facet_field}.facet.limit"] = limit + 1 solr_params[:"f.#{facet_field}.facet.offset"] = ( input.fetch(Blacklight::Solr::FacetPaginator.request_keys[:page] , 1).to_i - 1 ) * ( limit ) solr_params[:"f.#{facet_field}.facet.sort"] = input[ Blacklight::Solr::FacetPaginator.request_keys[:sort] ] if input[ Blacklight::Solr::FacetPaginator.request_keys[:sort] ] solr_params[:rows] = 0 return solr_params end ## # Get the solr response when retrieving only a single facet field # @return [Blacklight::SolrResponse] the solr response def get_facet_field_response(facet_field, user_params = params || {}, extra_controller_params = {}) solr_params = solr_facet_params(facet_field, user_params, extra_controller_params) # Make the solr call find(solr_params) end # a solr query method # used to paginate through a single facet field's values # /catalog/facet/language_facet def get_facet_pagination(facet_field, user_params=params || {}, extra_controller_params={}) # Make the solr call response = get_facet_field_response(facet_field, user_params, extra_controller_params) limit = response.params[:"f.#{facet_field}.facet.limit"].to_s.to_i - 1 # Actually create the paginator! # NOTE: The sniffing of the proper sort from the solr response is not # currently tested for, tricky to figure out how to test, since the # default setup we test against doesn't use this feature. return Blacklight::Solr::FacetPaginator.new(response.facets.first.items, :offset => response.params[:"f.#{facet_field}.facet.offset"], :limit => limit, :sort => response.params[:"f.#{facet_field}.facet.sort"] || response.params["facet.sort"] ) end deprecation_deprecate :get_facet_pagination # a solr query method # this is used when selecting a search result: we have a query and a # position in the search results and possibly some facets # Pass in an index where 1 is the first document in the list, and # the Blacklight app-level request params that define the search. # @return [Blacklight::SolrDocument, nil] the found document or nil if not found def get_single_doc_via_search(index, request_params) solr_params = solr_search_params(request_params) solr_params[:start] = (index - 1) # start at 0 to get 1st doc, 1 to get 2nd. solr_params[:rows] = 1 solr_params[:fl] = '*' solr_response = find(solr_params) solr_response.documents.first end deprecation_deprecate :get_single_doc_via_search # Get the previous and next document from a search result # @return [Blacklight::SolrResponse, Array] the solr response and a list of the first and last document def get_previous_and_next_documents_for_search(index, request_params, extra_controller_params={}) solr_params = solr_search_params(request_params).merge(extra_controller_params) if index > 0 solr_params[:start] = index - 1 # get one before solr_params[:rows] = 3 # and one after else solr_params[:start] = 0 # there is no previous doc solr_params[:rows] = 2 # but there should be one after end solr_params[:fl] = '*' solr_params[:facet] = false solr_response = find(solr_params) document_list = solr_response.documents # only get the previous doc if there is one prev_doc = document_list.first if index > 0 next_doc = document_list.last if (index + 1) < solr_response.total [solr_response, [prev_doc, next_doc]] end # returns a solr params hash # the :fl (solr param) is set to the "field" value. # per_page is set to 10 def solr_opensearch_params(field=nil) solr_params = solr_search_params solr_params[:per_page] = 10 solr_params[:fl] = field || blacklight_config.view_config('opensearch').title_field solr_params end # a solr query method # does a standard search but returns a simplified object. # an array is returned, the first item is the query string, # the second item is an other array. This second array contains # all of the field values for each of the documents... # where the field is the "field" argument passed in. def get_opensearch_response(field=nil, extra_controller_params={}) solr_params = solr_opensearch_params().merge(extra_controller_params) response = find(solr_params) a = [solr_params[:q]] a << response.documents.map {|doc| doc[solr_params[:fl]].to_s } end DEFAULT_FACET_LIMIT = 10 # Look up facet limit for given facet_field. Will look at config, and # if config is 'true' will look up from Solr @response if available. If # no limit is avaialble, returns nil. Used from #solr_search_params # to supply f.fieldname.facet.limit values in solr request (no @response # available), and used in display (with @response available) to create # a facet paginator with the right limit. def facet_limit_for(facet_field) facet = blacklight_config.facet_fields[facet_field] return if facet.blank? if facet.limit and @response and @response.facet_by_field_name(facet_field) limit = @response.facet_by_field_name(facet_field).limit if limit.nil? # we didn't get or a set a limit, so infer one. facet.limit if facet.limit != true elsif limit == -1 # limit -1 is solr-speak for unlimited nil else limit.to_i - 1 # we added 1 to find out if we needed to paginate end elsif facet.limit facet.limit == true ? DEFAULT_FACET_LIMIT : facet.limit end end ## # The key to use to retrieve the grouped field to display def grouped_key_for_results blacklight_config.index.group end def blacklight_solr @solr ||= RSolr.connect(blacklight_solr_config) end def blacklight_solr_config Blacklight.solr_config end private def should_add_to_solr field_name, field field.include_in_request || (field.include_in_request.nil? && blacklight_config.add_field_configuration_to_solr_request) end end