class @Mercury.Toolbar.Button constructor: (@name, @title, @summary = null, @types = {}, @options = {}) -> @title = Mercury.I18n(@title) if @title @summary = Mercury.I18n(@summary) if @summary @build() @bindEvents() return @element build: -> @element = jQuery('
', {title: @summary ? @title, class: "mercury-button mercury-#{@name}-button"}).html("#{@title}")'expander', "
") @handled = {} for own type, mixed of @types switch type when 'preload' then true when 'regions' @element.addClass('disabled') @handled[type] = if jQuery.isFunction(mixed) then, @name) else mixed when 'toggle' @handled[type] = true when 'mode' @handled[type] = if mixed == true then @name else mixed when 'context' @handled[type] = if jQuery.isFunction(mixed) then mixed else Mercury.Toolbar.Button.contexts[@name] when 'palette' @element.addClass("mercury-button-palette") result = if jQuery.isFunction(mixed) then, @name) else mixed @handled[type] = if typeof result is 'string' then new Mercury.Palette(result, @name, @defaultDialogOptions()) else result when 'select' @element.addClass("mercury-button-select").find('em').html(@title) result = if jQuery.isFunction(mixed) then, @name) else mixed @handled[type] = if typeof result is 'string' then new Mercury.Select(result, @name, @defaultDialogOptions()) else result when 'panel' @element.addClass('mercury-button-panel') @handled['toggle'] = true result = if jQuery.isFunction(mixed) then, @name) else mixed @handled[type] = if typeof result is 'string' then new Mercury.Panel(result, @name, @defaultDialogOptions()) else result when 'modal' @handled[type] = if jQuery.isFunction(mixed) then, @name) else mixed when 'lightview' @handled[type] = if jQuery.isFunction(mixed) then, @name) else mixed else throw Mercury.I18n('Unknown button type \"%s\" used for the \"%s\" button.', type, @name) bindEvents: -> Mercury.on 'button', (event, options) => if options.action == @name Mercury.on 'mode', (event, options) => @togglePressed() if @handled.mode == options.mode && @handled.toggle Mercury.on 'region:update', (event, options) => if @handled.context && options.region && jQuery.type(options.region.currentElement) == 'function' element = options.region.currentElement() if element.length &&, element, options.region.element) @element.addClass('active') else @element.removeClass('active') else @element.removeClass('active') Mercury.on 'region:focused', (event, options) => if @handled.regions && options.region && options.region.type() if @handled.regions.indexOf(options.region.type()) > -1 @element.removeClass('disabled') else @element.addClass('disabled') Mercury.on 'region:blurred', => @element.addClass('disabled') if @handled.regions @element.on 'mousedown', => @element.addClass('active') @element.on 'mouseup', => @element.removeClass('active') @element.on 'click', (event) => if @element.closest('.disabled').length then return handled = false for own type, mixed of @handled switch type when 'toggle' @togglePressed() unless @handled.mode when 'mode' handled = true Mercury.trigger('mode', {mode: mixed}) when 'modal' handled = true Mercury.modal(@handled.modal, {title: @summary || @title, handler: @name}) when 'lightview' handled = true Mercury.lightview(@handled.lightview, {title: @summary || @title, handler: @name, closeButton: true}) when 'palette', 'select', 'panel' event.stopPropagation() handled = true @handled[type].toggle() Mercury.trigger('action', {action: @name}) unless handled Mercury.trigger('focus:frame') if @options['regions'] && @options['regions'].length defaultDialogOptions: -> return { title: @summary || @title preload: @types.preload appendTo: @options.appendDialogsTo || 'body' closeButton: true for: @element } togglePressed: -> @element.toggleClass('pressed') # Button contexts @Mercury.Toolbar.Button.contexts = backColor: (node) -> @element.css('background-color', node.css('background-color')) foreColor: (node) -> @element.css('background-color', node.css('color')) bold: (node) -> weight = node.css('font-weight') weight == 'bold' || weight > 400 italic: (node) -> node.css('font-style') == 'italic' # overline is weird because and override text-decoration -- we can't always tell without checking parents overline: (node) -> return true if node.css('text-decoration') == 'overline' for parent in node.parentsUntil(@element) return true if jQuery(parent).css('text-decoration') == 'overline' return false strikethrough: (node, region) -> node.css('text-decoration') == 'line-through' || !!node.closest('strike', region).length underline: (node, region) -> node.css('text-decoration') == 'underline' || !!node.closest('u', region).length subscript: (node, region) -> !!node.closest('sub', region).length superscript: (node, region) -> !!node.closest('sup', region).length justifyLeft: (node) -> node.css('text-align').indexOf('left') > -1 justifyCenter: (node) -> node.css('text-align').indexOf('center') > -1 justifyRight: (node) -> node.css('text-align').indexOf('right') > -1 justifyFull: (node) -> node.css('text-align').indexOf('justify') > -1 insertOrderedList: (node, region) -> !!node.closest('ol', region.element).length insertUnorderedList: (node, region) -> !!node.closest('ul', region.element).length