#! /usr/bin/env ruby # # metrics-haproxy.rb # # DESCRIPTION: # If you are occassionally seeing "nil output" from this check, make sure you have # sensu-plugin >= 0.1.7. This will provide a better error message. # # OUTPUT: # metric data, etc # # PLATFORMS: # Linux, Windows, BSD, Solaris, etc # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: sensu-plugin # # USAGE: # # LICENSE: # Pete Shima , Joe Miller # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. # require 'sensu-plugin/metric/cli' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'socket' require 'csv' require 'uri' # # HA Proxy Metrics # class HAProxyMetrics < Sensu::Plugin::Metric::CLI::Graphite option :connection, short: '-c HOSTNAME|SOCKETPATH', long: '--connect HOSTNAME|SOCKETPATH', description: 'HAproxy web stats hostname or path to stats socket', required: true option :port, short: '-P PORT', long: '--port PORT', description: 'HAproxy web stats port', default: '80' option :path, short: '-q STATUSPATH', long: '--statspath STATUSPATH', description: 'HAproxy web stats path (the / will be prepended to the STATUSPATH e.g stats)', default: '/' option :username, short: '-u USERNAME', long: '--user USERNAME', description: 'HAproxy web stats username' option :password, short: '-p PASSWORD', long: '--pass PASSWORD', description: 'HAproxy web stats password' option :scheme, description: 'Metric naming scheme, text to prepend to metric', short: '-s SCHEME', long: '--scheme SCHEME', default: "#{Socket.gethostname}.haproxy" option :use_ssl, description: 'Use SSL to connect to HAproxy web stats', short: '-S', long: '--use-ssl', boolean: true, default: false option :backends, description: 'comma-separated list of backends to fetch stats from. Default is all backends', short: '-f BACKEND1[,BACKEND2]', long: '--backends BACKEND1[,BACKEND2]', proc: proc { |l| l.split(',') }, default: [] # an empty list means show all backends option :server_metrics, description: 'Add metrics for backend servers', boolean: true, long: '--server-metrics', default: false option :retries, description: 'Number of times to retry fetching stats from haproxy before giving up.', short: '-r RETRIES', long: '--retries RETRIES', default: 3, proc: proc(&:to_i) option :retry_interval, description: 'Interval (seconds) between retries', short: '-i SECONDS', long: '--retry_interval SECONDS', default: 1, proc: proc(&:to_i) def acquire_stats uri = URI.parse(config[:connection]) if uri.is_a?(URI::Generic) && File.socket?(uri.path) socket = UNIXSocket.new(config[:connection]) socket.puts('show stat') out = socket.read socket.close else res = Net::HTTP.start(config[:connection], config[:port], use_ssl: config[:use_ssl]) do |http| req = Net::HTTP::Get.new("/#{config[:path]};csv;norefresh") unless config[:username].nil? req.basic_auth config[:username], config[:password] end http.request(req) end out = res.body end return out rescue return nil end def output(*args) super(*args) unless args[1].nil? end def run #rubocop:disable all out = nil 1.upto(config[:retries]) do |_i| out = acquire_stats break unless out.to_s.length.zero? sleep(config[:retry_interval]) end if out.to_s.length.zero? warning "Unable to fetch stats from haproxy after #{config[:retries]} attempts" end parsed = CSV.parse(out) parsed.shift parsed.each do |line| if config[:backends].length > 0 next unless config[:backends].include? line[0] end if line[1] == 'BACKEND' output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.session_current", line[4] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.session_total", line[7] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.bytes_in", line[8] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.bytes_out", line[9] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.connection_errors", line[13] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.warning_retries", line[15] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.warning_redispatched", line[16] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.response_1xx", line[39] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.response_2xx", line[40] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.response_3xx", line[41] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.response_4xx", line[42] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.response_5xx", line[43] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.response_other", line[44] unless line[46].nil? output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.requests_per_second", line[46] end unless line[47].nil? output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.requests_per_second_max", line[47] end output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.queue_time", line[58] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.connect_time", line[59] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.response_time", line[60] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.average_time", line[61] elsif config[:server_metrics] output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{line[0]}.#{line[1]}.session_total", line[7] end end ok end end