# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2005, Kazuhiko # Copyright (c) 2007 Minero Aoki # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the HikiDoc nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. require "stringio" require "strscan" require "uri" begin require "syntax/convertors/html" rescue LoadError end class HikiDoc VERSION = "0.0.6" # FIXME class Error < StandardError end class UnexpectedError < Error end def HikiDoc.to_html(src, options = {}) new(HTMLOutput.new(">"), options).compile(src) end def HikiDoc.to_xhtml(src, options = {}) new(HTMLOutput.new(" />"), options).compile(src) end def initialize(output, options = {}) @output = output @options = default_options.merge(options) @header_re = nil @level = options[:level] || 1 @plugin_syntax = options[:plugin_syntax] || method(:valid_plugin_syntax?) end def compile(src) @output.reset escape_plugin_blocks(src) {|escaped| compile_blocks escaped @output.finish } end # for backward compatibility def to_html $stderr.puts("warning: HikiDoc#to_html is deprecated. Please use HikiDoc.to_html or HikiDoc.to_xhtml instead.") self.class.to_html(@output, @options) end private def default_options { :allow_bracket_inline_image => true, :use_wiki_name => true, :use_not_wiki_name => true, } end # # Plugin # def valid_plugin_syntax?(code) /['"]/ !~ code.gsub(/\\\\/, "").gsub(/\\['"]/,"").gsub(/'[^']*'|"[^"]*"/m, "") end def escape_plugin_blocks(text) s = StringScanner.new(text) buf = "" @plugin_blocks = [] while chunk = s.scan_until(/\{\{/) tail = chunk[-2, 2] chunk[-2, 2] = "" buf << chunk # plugin if block = extract_plugin_block(s) @plugin_blocks.push block buf << "\0#{@plugin_blocks.size - 1}\0" else buf << "{{" end end buf << s.rest yield(buf) end def restore_plugin_block(str) str.gsub(/\0(\d+)\0/) { "{{" + plugin_block($1.to_i) + "}}" } end def evaluate_plugin_block(str, buf = nil) buf ||= @output.container str.split(/(\0\d+\0)/).each do |s| if s[0, 1] == "\0" and s[-1, 1] == "\0" buf << @output.inline_plugin(plugin_block(s[1..-2].to_i)) else buf << @output.text(s) end end buf end def plugin_block(id) @plugin_blocks[id] or raise UnexpectedError, "must not happen: #{id.inspect}" end def extract_plugin_block(s) pos = s.pos buf = "" while chunk = s.scan_until(/\}\}/) buf << chunk buf.chomp!("}}") if @plugin_syntax.call(buf) return buf end buf << "}}" end s.pos = pos nil end # # Block Level # def compile_blocks(src) f = LineInput.new(StringIO.new(src)) while line = f.peek case line when COMMENT_RE f.gets when HEADER_RE compile_header f.gets when HRULE_RE f.gets compile_hrule when LIST_RE compile_list f when DLIST_RE compile_dlist f when TABLE_RE compile_table f when BLOCKQUOTE_RE compile_blockquote f when INDENTED_PRE_RE compile_indented_pre f when BLOCK_PRE_OPEN_RE compile_block_pre f else if /^$/ =~ line f.gets next end compile_paragraph f end end end COMMENT_RE = %r<\A//> def skip_comments(f) f.while_match(COMMENT_RE) do |line| end end HEADER_RE = /\A!+/ def compile_header(line) @header_re ||= /\A!{1,#{7 - @level}}/ level = @level + (line.slice!(@header_re).size - 1) title = strip(line) @output.headline level, compile_inline(title) end HRULE_RE = /\A----$/ def compile_hrule @output.hrule end ULIST = "*" OLIST = "#" LIST_RE = /\A#{Regexp.union(ULIST, OLIST)}+/ def compile_list(f) typestack = [] level = 0 @output.list_begin f.while_match(LIST_RE) do |line| list_type = (line[0,1] == ULIST ? "ul" : "ol") new_level = line.slice(LIST_RE).size item = strip(line.sub(LIST_RE, "")) if new_level > level (new_level - level).times do typestack.push list_type @output.list_open list_type @output.listitem_open end @output.listitem compile_inline(item) elsif new_level < level (level - new_level).times do @output.listitem_close @output.list_close typestack.pop end @output.listitem_close @output.listitem_open @output.listitem compile_inline(item) elsif list_type == typestack.last @output.listitem_close @output.listitem_open @output.listitem compile_inline(item) else @output.listitem_close @output.list_close typestack.pop @output.list_open list_type @output.listitem_open @output.listitem compile_inline(item) typestack.push list_type end level = new_level skip_comments f end level.times do @output.listitem_close @output.list_close typestack.pop end @output.list_end end DLIST_RE = /\A:/ def compile_dlist(f) @output.dlist_open f.while_match(DLIST_RE) do |line| dt, dd = split_dlitem(line.sub(DLIST_RE, "")) @output.dlist_item compile_inline(dt), compile_inline(dd) skip_comments f end @output.dlist_close end def split_dlitem(line) re = /\A((?:#{BRACKET_LINK_RE}|.)*?):/o if m = re.match(line) return m[1], m.post_match else return line, "" end end TABLE_RE = /\A\|\|/ def compile_table(f) lines = [] f.while_match(TABLE_RE) do |line| lines.push line skip_comments f end @output.table_open lines.each do |line| @output.table_record_open split_columns(line.sub(TABLE_RE, "")).each do |col| mid = col.sub!(/\A!/, "") ? "table_head" : "table_data" span = col.slice!(/\A[\^>]*/) rs = span_count(span, "^") cs = span_count(span, ">") @output.__send__(mid, compile_inline(col), rs, cs) end @output.table_record_close end @output.table_close end def split_columns(str) cols = str.split(/\|\|/) cols.pop if cols.last.chomp.empty? cols end def span_count(str, ch) c = str.count(ch) c == 0 ? nil : c + 1 end BLOCKQUOTE_RE = /\A""[ \t]?/ def compile_blockquote(f) @output.blockquote_open lines = [] f.while_match(BLOCKQUOTE_RE) do |line| lines.push line.sub(BLOCKQUOTE_RE, "") skip_comments f end compile_blocks lines.join("") @output.blockquote_close end INDENTED_PRE_RE = /\A[ \t]/ def compile_indented_pre(f) lines = f.span(INDENTED_PRE_RE)\ .map {|line| rstrip(line.sub(INDENTED_PRE_RE, "")) } text = restore_plugin_block(lines.join("\n")) @output.preformatted(@output.text(text)) end BLOCK_PRE_OPEN_RE = /\A<<<\s*(\w+)?/ BLOCK_PRE_CLOSE_RE = /\A>>>/ def compile_block_pre(f) m = BLOCK_PRE_OPEN_RE.match(f.gets) or raise UnexpectedError, "must not happen" str = restore_plugin_block(f.break(BLOCK_PRE_CLOSE_RE).join.chomp) f.gets @output.block_preformatted(str, m[1]) end BLANK = /\A$/ PARAGRAPH_END_RE = Regexp.union(BLANK, HEADER_RE, HRULE_RE, LIST_RE, DLIST_RE, BLOCKQUOTE_RE, TABLE_RE, INDENTED_PRE_RE, BLOCK_PRE_OPEN_RE) def compile_paragraph(f) lines = f.break(PARAGRAPH_END_RE)\ .reject {|line| COMMENT_RE =~ line } if lines.size == 1 and /\A\0(\d+)\0\z/ =~ strip(lines[0]) @output.block_plugin plugin_block($1.to_i) else line_buffer = @output.container(:paragraph) lines.each_with_index do |line, i| buffer = @output.container line_buffer << buffer compile_inline(lstrip(line).chomp, buffer) end @output.paragraph(line_buffer) end end # # Inline Level # BRACKET_LINK_RE = /\[\[.+?\]\]/ URI_RE = /(?:https?|ftp|file|mailto):[A-Za-z0-9;\/?:@&=+$,\-_.!~*\'()#%]+/ WIKI_NAME_RE = /\b(?:[A-Z]+[a-z\d]+){2,}\b/ def inline_syntax_re if @options[:use_wiki_name] if @options[:use_not_wiki_name] / (#{BRACKET_LINK_RE}) | (#{URI_RE}) | (#{MODIFIER_RE}) | (\^?#{WIKI_NAME_RE}) /xo else / (#{BRACKET_LINK_RE}) | (#{URI_RE}) | (#{MODIFIER_RE}) | (#{WIKI_NAME_RE}) /xo end else / (#{BRACKET_LINK_RE}) | (#{URI_RE}) | (#{MODIFIER_RE}) /xo end end def compile_inline(str, buf = nil) buf ||= @output.container re = inline_syntax_re pending_str = nil while m = re.match(str) str = m.post_match link, uri, mod, wiki_name = m[1, 4] if wiki_name and wiki_name[0, 1] == "^" pending_str = m.pre_match + wiki_name[1..-1] + str next end pre_str = "#{pending_str}#{m.pre_match}" pending_str = nil evaluate_plugin_block(pre_str, buf) compile_inline_markup(buf, link, uri, mod, wiki_name) end evaluate_plugin_block(pending_str || str, buf) buf end def compile_inline_markup(buf, link, uri, mod, wiki_name) case when link buf << compile_bracket_link(link[2...-2]) when uri buf << compile_uri_autolink(uri) when mod buf << compile_modifier(mod) when wiki_name buf << @output.wiki_name(wiki_name) else raise UnexpectedError, "must not happen" end end def compile_bracket_link(link) if m = /\A(.*)\|/.match(link) title = m[0].chop uri = m.post_match fixed_uri = fix_uri(uri) if can_image_link?(uri) @output.image_hyperlink(fixed_uri, title) else @output.hyperlink(fixed_uri, compile_modifier(title)) end else fixed_link = fix_uri(link) if can_image_link?(link) @output.image_hyperlink(fixed_link) else @output.hyperlink(fixed_link, @output.text(link)) end end end def can_image_link?(uri) image?(uri) and @options[:allow_bracket_inline_image] end def compile_uri_autolink(uri) if image?(uri) @output.image_hyperlink(fix_uri(uri)) else @output.hyperlink(fix_uri(uri), @output.text(uri)) end end def fix_uri(uri) if /\A(?:https?|ftp|file):(?!\/\/)/ =~ uri uri.sub(/\A\w+:/, "") else uri end end IMAGE_EXTS = %w(.jpg .jpeg .gif .png) def image?(uri) IMAGE_EXTS.include?(uri[/\.[^.]+\z/].to_s.downcase) end STRONG = "'''" EM = "''" DEL = "==" TT = "``" STRONG_RE = /'''.+?'''/ EM_RE = /''.+?''/ DEL_RE = /==.+?==/ TT_RE = /``.+?``/ MODIFIER_RE = Regexp.union(STRONG_RE, EM_RE, DEL_RE, TT_RE) MODTAG = { STRONG => "strong", EM => "em", DEL => "del", TT => 'tt' } def compile_modifier(str) buf = @output.container while m = / (#{MODIFIER_RE}) /xo.match(str) evaluate_plugin_block(m.pre_match, buf) case when chunk = m[1] mod, s = split_mod(chunk) mid = MODTAG[mod] buf << @output.__send__(mid, compile_inline(s)) else raise UnexpectedError, "must not happen" end str = m.post_match end evaluate_plugin_block(str, buf) buf end def split_mod(str) case str when /\A'''/ return str[0, 3], str[3...-3] when /\A''/ return str[0, 2], str[2...-2] when /\A==/ return str[0, 2], str[2...-2] when /\A``/ return str[0, 2], str[2...-2] else raise UnexpectedError, "must not happen: #{str.inspect}" end end def strip(str) rstrip(lstrip(str)) end def rstrip(str) str.sub(/[ \t\r\n\v\f]+\z/, "") end def lstrip(str) str.sub(/\A[ \t\r\n\v\f]+/, "") end class HTMLOutput def initialize(suffix = " />") @suffix = suffix @f = nil end def reset @f = StringIO.new end def finish @f.string end def container(_for=nil) case _for when :paragraph [] else "" end end # # Procedures # def headline(level, title) @f.puts "#{title}" end def hrule @f.puts "" end def list_close(type) @f.print "" end def listitem_open @f.print "
  • " end def listitem_close @f.puts "
  • " end def listitem(item) @f.print item end def dlist_open @f.puts "
    " end def dlist_close @f.puts "
    " end def dlist_item(dt, dd) case when dd.empty? @f.puts "
    " when dt.empty? @f.puts "
    " else @f.puts "
    " @f.puts "
    " end end def table_open @f.puts %Q() end def table_close @f.puts "
    " end def table_record_open @f.print "" end def table_record_close @f.puts "" end def table_head(item, rs, cs) @f.print "#{item}" end def table_data(item, rs, cs) @f.print "#{item}" end def tdattr(rs, cs) buf = "" buf << %Q( rowspan="#{rs}") if rs buf << %Q( colspan="#{cs}") if cs buf end private :tdattr def blockquote_open @f.print "
    " end def blockquote_close @f.puts "
    " end def block_preformatted(str, info) syntax = info ? info.downcase : nil if syntax begin convertor = Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax(syntax) @f.puts convertor.convert(str) return rescue NameError, RuntimeError @f.puts %Q|
    | return end end preformatted(text(str)) end def preformatted(str) @f.print "
          @f.print str
          @f.puts "
    " end def paragraph(lines) @f.puts "


    " end def block_plugin(str) @f.puts %Q(
    ) end # # Functions # def hyperlink(uri, title) %Q(#{title}) end def wiki_name(name) hyperlink(name, text(name)) end def image_hyperlink(uri, alt = nil) alt ||= uri.split(/\//).last alt = escape_html(alt) %Q(#{alt}#{item}" end def em(item) "#{item}" end def del(item) "#{item}" end def tt(item) "#{item}" end def text(str) escape_html(str) end def inline_plugin(src) %Q({{#{escape_html(src)}}}) end # # Utilities # def escape_html_param(str) escape_quote(escape_html(str)) end def escape_html(text) text.gsub(/&/, "&").gsub(//, ">") end def unescape_html(text) text.gsub(/>/, ">").gsub(/</, "<").gsub(/&/, "&") end def escape_quote(text) text.gsub(/"/, """) end end class LineInput def initialize(f) @input = f @buf = [] @lineno = 0 @eof_p = false end def inspect "\#<#{self.class} file=#{@input.inspect} line=#{lineno()}>" end def eof? @eof_p end def lineno @lineno end def gets unless @buf.empty? @lineno += 1 return @buf.pop end return nil if @eof_p # to avoid ARGF blocking. line = @input.gets line = line.sub(/\r\n/, "\n") if line @eof_p = line.nil? @lineno += 1 line end def ungets(line) return unless line @lineno -= 1 @buf.push line line end def peek line = gets() ungets line if line line end def next? peek() ? true : false end def skip_blank_lines n = 0 while line = gets() unless line.strip.empty? ungets line return n end n += 1 end n end def gets_if(re) line = gets() if not line or not (re =~ line) ungets line return nil end line end def gets_unless(re) line = gets() if not line or re =~ line ungets line return nil end line end def each while line = gets() yield line end end def while_match(re) while line = gets() unless re =~ line ungets line return end yield line end nil end def getlines_while(re) buf = [] while_match(re) do |line| buf.push line end buf end alias span getlines_while # from Haskell def until_match(re) while line = gets() if re =~ line ungets line return end yield line end nil end def getlines_until(re) buf = [] until_match(re) do |line| buf.push line end buf end alias break getlines_until # from Haskell def until_terminator(re) while line = gets() return if re =~ line # discard terminal line yield line end nil end def getblock(term_re) buf = [] until_terminator(term_re) do |line| buf.push line end buf end end end if __FILE__ == $0 puts HikiDoc.to_html(ARGF.read(nil)) end