namespace :load do task :defaults do set :sidekiq_default_hooks, true set :sidekiq_pid, -> { File.join(shared_path, 'tmp', 'pids', '') } set :sidekiq_env, -> { fetch(:rack_env, fetch(:rails_env, fetch(:stage))) } set :sidekiq_log, -> { File.join(shared_path, 'log', 'sidekiq.log') } set :sidekiq_timeout, 10 set :sidekiq_roles, fetch(:sidekiq_role, :app) set :sidekiq_processes, 1 set :sidekiq_options_per_process, nil set :sidekiq_user, nil # Rbenv, Chruby, and RVM integration set :rbenv_map_bins, fetch(:rbenv_map_bins).to_a.concat(%w[sidekiq sidekiqctl]) set :rvm_map_bins, fetch(:rvm_map_bins).to_a.concat(%w[sidekiq sidekiqctl]) set :chruby_map_bins, fetch(:chruby_map_bins).to_a.concat(%w[sidekiq sidekiqctl]) # Bundler integration set :bundle_bins, fetch(:bundle_bins).to_a.concat(%w[sidekiq sidekiqctl]) # Init system integration set :init_system, -> { nil } # systemd integration set :service_unit_name, "sidekiq-#{fetch(:stage)}.service" end end namespace :deploy do before :starting, :check_sidekiq_hooks do invoke 'sidekiq:add_default_hooks' if fetch(:sidekiq_default_hooks) end end namespace :sidekiq do task :add_default_hooks do after 'deploy:starting', 'sidekiq:quiet' after 'deploy:updated', 'sidekiq:stop' after 'deploy:published', 'sidekiq:start' after 'deploy:failed', 'sidekiq:restart' end desc 'Quiet sidekiq (stop fetching new tasks from Redis)' task :quiet do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_roles) do |role| switch_user(role) do case fetch(:init_system) when :systemd execute :systemctl, "--user", "reload", fetch(:service_unit_name), raise_on_non_zero_exit: false else if test("[ -d #{release_path} ]") each_process_with_index(reverse: true) do |pid_file, _idx| if pid_file_exists?(pid_file) && process_exists?(pid_file) quiet_sidekiq(pid_file) end end end end end end end desc 'Stop sidekiq (graceful shutdown within timeout, put unfinished tasks back to Redis)' task :stop do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_roles) do |role| switch_user(role) do case fetch(:init_system) when :systemd execute :systemctl, "--user", "stop", fetch(:service_unit_name) else if test("[ -d #{release_path} ]") each_process_with_index(reverse: true) do |pid_file, _idx| if pid_file_exists?(pid_file) && process_exists?(pid_file) stop_sidekiq(pid_file) end end end end end end end desc 'Start sidekiq' task :start do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_roles) do |role| switch_user(role) do case fetch(:init_system) when :systemd execute :systemctl, '--user', 'start', fetch(:service_unit_name) else each_process_with_index do |pid_file, idx| unless pid_file_exists?(pid_file) && process_exists?(pid_file) start_sidekiq(pid_file, idx) end end end end end end desc 'Restart sidekiq' task :restart do invoke! 'sidekiq:stop' invoke! 'sidekiq:start' end desc 'Rolling-restart sidekiq' task :rolling_restart do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_roles) do |role| switch_user(role) do each_process_with_index(reverse: true) do |pid_file, idx| if pid_file_exists?(pid_file) && process_exists?(pid_file) stop_sidekiq(pid_file) end start_sidekiq(pid_file, idx) end end end end desc 'Delete any pid file not in use' task :cleanup do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_roles) do |role| switch_user(role) do each_process_with_index do |pid_file, _idx| unless process_exists?(pid_file) next unless pid_file_exists?(pid_file) execute "rm #{pid_file}" end end end end end # TODO: Don't start if all processes are off, raise warning. desc 'Respawn missing sidekiq processes' task :respawn do invoke 'sidekiq:cleanup' on roles fetch(:sidekiq_roles) do |role| switch_user(role) do each_process_with_index do |pid_file, idx| start_sidekiq(pid_file, idx) unless pid_file_exists?(pid_file) end end end end task :install do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_roles) do |role| switch_user(role) do case fetch(:init_system) when :systemd create_systemd_template execute :systemctl, "--user", "enable", fetch(:service_unit_name) end end end end task :uninstall do on roles fetch(:sidekiq_roles) do |role| switch_user(role) do case fetch(:init_system) when :systemd execute :systemctl, "--user", "disable", fetch(:service_unit_name) execute :rm, File.join(fetch(:service_unit_path, fetch_systemd_unit_path),fetch(:service_unit_name)) end end end end def each_process_with_index(reverse: false) pid_file_list = pid_files pid_file_list.reverse! if reverse pid_file_list.each_with_index do |pid_file, idx| within release_path do yield(pid_file, idx) end end end def fetch_systemd_unit_path home_dir = capture :pwd File.join(home_dir, ".config", "systemd", "user") end def create_systemd_template search_paths = [ File.expand_path( File.join(*%w[.. .. .. generators capistrano sidekiq systemd templates sidekiq.service.capistrano.erb]), __FILE__ ), ] template_path = search_paths.detect {|path| File.file?(path)} template = systemd_path = fetch(:service_unit_path, fetch_systemd_unit_path) execute :mkdir, "-p", systemd_path upload!(, "#{systemd_path}/#{fetch :service_unit_name}" ) execute :systemctl, "--user", "daemon-reload" end def pid_files sidekiq_roles = Array(fetch(:sidekiq_roles)).dup! { |role| host.roles.include?(role) } sidekiq_roles.flat_map do |role| processes = fetch(:"#{ role }_processes") || fetch(:sidekiq_processes) { |idx| fetch(:sidekiq_pid).gsub(/\.pid$/, "-#{idx}.pid") } end end def pid_file_exists?(pid_file) test(*("[ -f #{pid_file} ]").split(' ')) end def process_exists?(pid_file) test(*("kill -0 $( cat #{pid_file} )").split(' ')) end def quiet_sidekiq(pid_file) begin execute :sidekiqctl, 'quiet', pid_file.to_s rescue SSHKit::Command::Failed # If gems are not installed (first deploy) and sidekiq_default_hooks is active warn 'sidekiqctl not found (ignore if this is the first deploy)' end end def stop_sidekiq(pid_file) execute :sidekiqctl, 'stop', pid_file.to_s, fetch(:sidekiq_timeout) end def start_sidekiq(pid_file, idx = 0) args = [] args.push "--index #{idx}" args.push "--pidfile #{pid_file}" args.push "--environment #{fetch(:sidekiq_env)}" args.push "--logfile #{fetch(:sidekiq_log)}" if fetch(:sidekiq_log) args.push "--require #{fetch(:sidekiq_require)}" if fetch(:sidekiq_require) args.push "--tag #{fetch(:sidekiq_tag)}" if fetch(:sidekiq_tag) Array(fetch(:sidekiq_queue)).each do |queue| args.push "--queue #{queue}" end args.push "--config #{fetch(:sidekiq_config)}" if fetch(:sidekiq_config) args.push "--concurrency #{fetch(:sidekiq_concurrency)}" if fetch(:sidekiq_concurrency) if (process_options = fetch(:sidekiq_options_per_process)) args.push process_options[idx] end # use sidekiq_options for special options args.push fetch(:sidekiq_options) if fetch(:sidekiq_options) if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) args.push '>/dev/null 2>&1 &' warn 'Since JRuby doesn\'t support Process.daemon, Sidekiq will not be running as a daemon.' else args.push '--daemon' end execute :sidekiq, args.compact.join(' ') end def switch_user(role) su_user = sidekiq_user(role) if su_user == role.user yield else as su_user do yield end end end def sidekiq_user(role) properties = properties.fetch(:sidekiq_user) || # local property for sidekiq only fetch(:sidekiq_user) || properties.fetch(:run_as) || # global property across multiple capistrano gems role.user end end