module Hyperstack module Internal module Store class MutatorWrapper < BaseStoreClass # < BasicObject class << self def add_method(klass, method_name, opts = {}) define_method(:"#{method_name}") do |*args| from = opts[:scope] == :shared ? klass.state.__from__ : __from__ from.init_store if from.respond_to? :init_store current_value = State::Variable.get(from, method_name.to_s) if args.count > 0 State::Variable.set(from, method_name.to_s, args[0]) current_value else State::Variable.set(from, method_name.to_s, current_value) do |update| State::Variable.set(from, method_name.to_s, update) end end end initialize_values(klass, method_name, opts) if initialize_values?(opts) end def initialize_values?(opts) [:class, :shared].include?(opts[:scope]) && (opts[:initializer] || opts[:block]) end def initialize_values(klass, name, opts) initializer = initializer_proc(opts[:initializer], klass, name) if opts[:initializer] if initializer && opts[:block] klass.receives(Hyperstack::Application::Boot, initializer) do klass.mutate.__send__(:"#{name}", opts[:block].call) end elsif initializer klass.receives(Hyperstack::Application::Boot, initializer) elsif opts[:block] klass.receives(Hyperstack::Application::Boot) do klass.mutate.__send__(:"#{name}", opts[:block].call) end end end private def initializer_proc(initializer, klass, name) # We gotta check the arity because a Proc passed in directly from initializer has no args, # but if we created one then we might have wanted the class if initializer.arity > 0 -> { klass.mutate.__send__(:"#{name}", } else -> { klass.mutate.__send__(:"#{name}", } end end end attr_accessor :__from__ def instance = allocate instance.__from__ = from instance end def []=(name, value) __send__(name, value) end def [](name) __send__(name) end # Any method_missing call will create a state and accessor with that name def method_missing(name, *args, &block) # rubocop:disable Style/MethodMissing (class << self; self end).add_method(nil, name) __send__(name, *args, &block) end end end end end