RSpec.describe 'Macros #each' do context "predicate without options" do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:foo).each(:filled?, :str?) end end context 'with valid input' do let(:input) { { foo: %w(a b c) } } it 'is successful' do expect(result).to be_successful end end context 'with invalid input' do let(:input) { { foo: [[1, 2], "", "foo"] } } it 'is not successful' do expect(result).to be_failing(0 => ["must be a string"], 1 => ["must be filled"]) end end context 'with invalid input type' do let(:input) { { foo: nil } } it 'is not successful' do expect(result).to be_failing ["must be an array"] end end end context "predicate with options" do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:foo).each(size?: 3) end end context 'with valid input' do let(:input) { { foo: [[1,2,3], "foo"] } } it 'is successful' do expect(result).to be_successful end end context 'with invalid input' do let(:input) { { foo: [[1,2], "foo"] } } it 'is not successful' do expect(result).to be_failing(0 => ["size must be 3"]) end end context 'with invalid input type' do let(:input) { { foo: nil } } it 'is not successful' do expect(result).to be_failing ["must be an array"] end end end context 'with filled macro' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:foo).filled(size?: 2) { each(:str?) } end end context 'with valid input' do let(:input) { { foo: %w(a b) } } it 'is successful' do expect(result).to be_successful end end context 'when value is not valid' do let(:input) { { foo: ["foo"] } } it 'is not successful' do expect(result).to be_failing(["size must be 2"]) end end context 'when value has invalid elements' do let(:input) { { foo: [:foo, "foo"] } } it 'is not successful' do expect(result).to be_failing(0 => ["must be a string"]) end end end context 'with maybe macro' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:foo).maybe { each(:str?) } end end context 'with nil input' do let(:input) { { foo: nil } } it 'is successful' do expect(result).to be_successful end end context 'with valid input' do let(:input) { { foo: %w(a b c) } } it 'is successful' do expect(result).to be_successful end end context 'with invalid input' do let(:input) { { foo: [:foo, "foo"] } } it 'is not successful' do expect(result).to be_failing(0 => ["must be a string"]) end end end context 'with external schema macro' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:foo).each(FooSchema) end end before do FooSchema = Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:bar).filled(:str?) end end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :FooSchema) end context 'with valid input' do let(:input) { { foo: [{ bar: "baz" }] } } it 'is successful' do expect(result).to be_successful end end context 'when value is not valid' do let(:input) { { foo: [{ bar: 1 }] } } it 'is not successful' do # FIXME: our be_failing didn't work with such nested wow hash expect(result.messages).to eql(foo: { 0 => { bar: ["must be a string"] } }) end end end context 'with a block' do context 'with a nested schema' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:songs).each do schema do required(:title).filled required(:author).filled end end end end it 'passes when all elements are valid' do songs = [ { title: 'Hello', author: 'Jane' }, { title: 'World', author: 'Joe' } ] expect(schema.(songs: songs)).to be_success end it 'fails when value is not an array' do expect(schema.(songs: 'oops').messages).to eql(songs: ['must be an array']) end it 'fails when not all elements are valid' do songs = [ { title: 'Hello', author: 'Jane' }, { title: nil, author: 'Joe' }, { title: 'World', author: nil }, { title: nil, author: nil } ] expect(schema.(songs: songs).messages).to eql( songs: { 1 => { title: ['must be filled'] }, 2 => { author: ['must be filled'] }, 3 => { title: ['must be filled'], author: ['must be filled'] } } ) end end end context 'with inferred predicates and a form schema' do context "predicate w/o options" do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Params do required(:songs).each(:str?) end end it 'passes when all elements are valid' do songs = %w(hello world) expect(schema.(songs: songs)).to be_success end it 'fails when value is not an array' do expect(schema.(songs: 'oops').messages).to eql(songs: ['must be an array']) end it 'fails when not all elements are valid' do songs = ['hello', nil, 2] expect(schema.(songs: songs).messages).to eql( songs: { 1 => ['must be a string'], 2 => ['must be a string'] } ) end end end context 'with a custom predicate' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema do configure do def self.messages super.merge(en: { errors: { valid_content?: 'must have type key' }}) end def valid_content?(content) content.key?(:type) end end required(:contents).each(:valid_content?) end end it 'passes when all elements are valid' do expect(schema.(contents: [{ type: 'foo' }, { type: 'bar' }])) end it 'fails when some elements are not valid' do expect(schema.(contents: [{ type: 'foo' }, { oops: 'bar' }]).errors).to eql( contents: { 1 => ['must have type key']} ) end end end