require 'mandrill' require 'mandrill_template/client' require 'mandrill_template/template' require 'formatador' require 'unicode' unless ['jruby'].include?(RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) require 'yaml' require "mandrill_template/monkey_create_file" autoload "Handlebars", 'handlebars' class MandrillTemplateManager < Thor include Thor::Actions VERSION = "0.3.0" desc "export_all", "export all templates from remote to local files." def export_all remote_templates = MandrillClient.client.templates.list remote_templates.each do |template| export(template["slug"]) end end desc "export SLUG", "export template from remote to local files." def export(slug) template = meta, code, text = build_template_for_export(template) save_as_local_template(meta, code, text) end desc "upload SLUG", "upload template to remote as draft." option :publish, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: :p def upload(slug) template = if template.avail upload_template(template) publish(slug) if options[:publish] else puts "Template data not found #{slug}. Please generate first." end end desc "upload ALL", "upload all template to remote as draft." option :publish, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: :p def upload_all() labels = Dir.glob("#{ templates_directory }/*").map {|path| path.split(File::SEPARATOR).last} labels.each do |label| template = if template.avail upload_template(template) publish(label) if options[:publish] puts "Template published #{label}. feeling good." else puts "Template data not found #{label}. Please generate first." end end end desc "delete SLUG", "delete template from remote." option :delete_local, type: :boolean, default: false def delete(slug) begin result = MandrillClient.client.templates.delete(slug) puts result.to_yaml rescue Mandrill::UnknownTemplateError => e puts e.message end delete_local_template(slug) if options[:delete_local] end desc "generate SLUG", "generate new template files." def generate(slug) new_template = puts new_template.class meta, code, text = build_template_for_export(new_template) save_as_local_template(meta, code, text) end desc "publish SLUG", "publish template from draft." def publish(slug) puts MandrillClient.client.templates.publish(slug).to_yaml end desc "render SLUG [PARAMS_FILE]", "render mailbody from local template data. File should be Array. see" option :handlebars, type: :boolean, default: false def render(slug, params = nil) merge_vars = params ? JSON.parse( : [] template = if template.avail if options[:handlebars] handlebars = h_template = handlebars.compile(template['code']) puts else result = MandrillClient.client.templates.render template.slug, [{"content"=>template["code"], "name"=>template.slug}], merge_vars puts result["html"] end else puts "Template data not found #{slug}. Please generate first." end end desc "list [LABEL]", "show template list both of remote and local [optionally filtered by LABEL]." option :verbose, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: :v def list(label = nil) puts "Remote Templates" puts "----------------------" remote_templates = MandrillClient.client.templates.list(label)! do |template| template["has_diff"] = has_diff_between_draft_and_published?(template) template end if options[:verbose] Formatador.display_compact_table( remote_templates, ["has_diff", "name", "slug", "publish_name", "draft_updated_at", "published_at", "labels", "subject", "publish_subject", "from_email", "publish_from_email", "from_name", "publish_from_name"] ) else Formatador.display_compact_table( remote_templates, ["has_diff", "name", "slug", "from_email", "from_name", "subject", "labels", "from_name"] ) end puts "Local Templates" puts "----------------------" Formatador.display_compact_table( collect_local_templates(label), [ "name", "slug", "from_email", "from_name", "subject", "labels" ] ) end private def has_diff_between_draft_and_published?(t) %w[name code text subject].each do |key| return true if t[key] != t["publish_#{key}"] end return true unless t['published_at'] false end def build_template_for_export(t) [ { "name" => t['name'], "slug" => t['slug'], "labels" => t['labels'], "subject" => t['subject'], "from_email" => t['from_email'], "from_name" => t['from_name'] }, t['code'], t['text'] ] end def templates_directory MandrillClient.templates_directory end def save_as_local_template(meta, code, text) dir_name = meta['slug'] empty_directory File.join(templates_directory, dir_name) create_file File.join(templates_directory, dir_name, "metadata.yml"), meta.to_yaml create_file File.join(templates_directory, dir_name, "code.html"), code create_file File.join(templates_directory, dir_name, "text.txt"), text end def collect_local_templates(label = nil) local_templates = [] dirs = Dir.glob("#{ templates_directory }/*").map {|path| path.split(File::SEPARATOR).last} do |dir| begin template = if label.nil? || template['labels'].include?(label) local_templates << template end rescue next end end local_templates end def delete_local_template(slug) template = if template.avail template.delete! else puts "Local template data not found #{slug}." end end def upload_template(t) if remote_template_exists?(t.slug) method = :update else method = :add end result = MandrillClient.client.templates.send(method, t.slug, t['from_email'], t['from_name'], t['subject'], t['code'], t['text'], false, # publish t['labels'] ) puts result.to_yaml end def remote_template_exists?(slug) begin true rescue Mandrill::UnknownTemplateError false end end def localize_merge_vars(merge_vars) h = {} merge_vars.each {|kv| h[kv["name"]] = kv["content"] } h end end