Custom Widgets
COSMOS allows you to build custom widgets which can be deployed with your plugin and used in Telemetry Viewer. Building custom widgets can utilitize any javascript frameworks but since COSMOS is written with Vue.js, we will use that framework in this tutorial. Please see the Widget Generator guide for information about generating the scaffolding for a custom widget.
Custom Widgets
We're basically going to follow the COSMOS Demo and explain how that custom widget was created.
If you look at the bottom of the Demo's plugin.txt file you'll see we declare the widgets:
When the plugin is deployed this causes COSMOS to look for the as-built widgets. For the BIG widget it will look for the widget at tools/widgets/BigWidget/BigWidget.umd.min.js
. Similarly it looks for HELLOWORLD at tools/widgets/HelloworldWidget/HelloworldWidget.umd.min.js
. These directories and file names may seem mysterious but it's all about how the widgets get built.
Helloworld Widget
The Helloworld Widget source code is found in the plugin's src directory and is called HelloworldWidget.vue. The basic structure is as follows:
<!-- Implement widget here -->
import Widget from "@openc3/tool-common/src/components/widgets/Widget";
export default {
mixins: [Widget],
data() {
return {
// Reactive data items
<style scoped>
/* widget specific style */
To build this custom widget we changed the Demo Rakefile to call yarn run build
when the plugin is built. yarn run XXX
looks for 'scripts' to run in the package.json file. If we open package.json we find the following:
"scripts": {
"build": "vue-cli-service build --target lib --dest tools/widgets/HelloworldWidget --formats umd-min src/HelloworldWidget.vue --name HelloworldWidget && vue-cli-service build --target lib --dest tools/widgets/BigWidget --formats umd-min src/BigWidget.vue --name BigWidget"
This uses the vue-cli-service
to build the code found at src/HelloworldWidget.vue
and formats as umd-min
and puts it in the tools/widgets/HelloworldWidget
directory. So this is why the plugin looks for the plugin at tools/widgets/HelloworldWidget/HelloworldWidget.umd.min.js
. Click here for the vue-cli-service build
If you look at the Demo plugin's simple.txt screen you'll see we're using the widgets:
BIG <%= target_name %> HEALTH_STATUS TEMP1
Opening this screen in Telemetry Viewer results in the following:
While this is a simple example the possibilities with custom widgets are limitless!