=== HEAD

* New Features

  * Added Nokogiri::LIBXML_ICONV_ENABLED
  * Alias Node#[] to Node#attr
  * XML::Node#next_element added
  * XML::Node#> added for searching a nodes immediate children
  * XML::NodeSet#reverse added
  * Added fragment support to Node#add_child, Node#add_next_sibling,
    Node#add_previous_sibling, and Node#replace.
  * XML::Node#previous_element implemented
  * Rubinius support
  * Ths CSS selector engine now supports :has()

* Bugfixes

  * XML fragments with namespaces do not raise an exception (regression in 1.4.0)
  * Node#matches? works in nodes contained by a DocumentFragment. GH #158
  * Document should not define add_namespace() method. GH #169
  * XPath queries returning namespace declarations do not segfault.
  * Node#replace works with nodes from different documents. GH #162
  * Adding XML::Document#collect_namespaces
  * Fixed bugs in the SOAP4R adapter
  * Fixed bug in XML::Node#next_element for certain edge cases
  * Fixed load path issue with JRuby under Windows. GH #160.

=== 1.4.0 / 2009/10/30

* Happy Birthday!

* New Features

  * Node#at_xpath returns the first element of the NodeSet matching the XPath
  * Node#at_css returns the first element of the NodeSet matching the CSS
  * NodeSet#| for unions GH #119 (Thanks Serabe!)
  * NodeSet#inspect makes prettier output
  * Node#inspect implemented for more rubyish document inspecting
  * Added XML::DTD#external_id
  * Added XML::DTD#system_id
  * Added XML::ElementContent for DTD Element content validity
  * Better namespace declaration support in Nokogiri::XML::Builder
  * Added XML::Node#external_subset
  * Added XML::Node#create_external_subset
  * Added XML::Node#create_internal_subset
  * XML Builder can append raw strings (GH #141, patch from dudleyf)
  * XML::SAX::ParserContext added
  * XML::Document#remove_namespaces! for the namespace-impaired

* Bugfixes

  * returns nil when HTML documents do not declare a meta encoding tag. GH #115
  * Uses RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] to adjust ENV['PATH'] GH #113
  * NodeSet#search is more efficient GH #119 (Thanks Serabe!)
  * NodeSet#xpath handles custom xpath functions
  * Fixing a SEGV when XML::Reader gets attributes for current node
  * Node#inner_html takes the same arguments as Node#to_html GH #117
  * DocumentFragment#css delegates to it's child nodes GH #123
  * NodeSet#[] works with slices larger than NodeSet#length GH #131
  * Reparented nodes maintain their namespace. GH #134
  * Fixed SEGV when adding an XML::Document to NodeSet
  * XML::SyntaxError can be duplicated. GH #148

* Deprecations

  * Hpricot compatibility layer removed

=== 1.3.3 / 2009/07/26

* New Features

  * NodeSet#children returns all children of all nodes

* Bugfixes

  * Override libxml-ruby's global error handler
  * ParseOption#strict fixed
  * Fixed a segfault when sending an empty string to Node#inner_html= GH #88
  * String encoding is now set to UTF-8 in Ruby 1.9
  * Fixed a segfault when moving root nodes between documents. GH #91
  * Fixed an O(n) penalty on node creation. GH #101
  * Allowing XML documents to be output as HTML documents

* Deprecations

  * Hpricot compatibility layer will be removed in 1.4.0

=== 1.3.2 / 2009-06-22

* New Features

  * Nokogiri::XML::DTD#validate will validate your document

* Bugfixes

  * Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet#search will search top level nodes. GH #73
  * Removed namespace related methods from Nokogiri::XML::Document
  * Fixed a segfault when a namespace was added twice
  * Made nokogiri work with Snow Leopard GH #79
  * Mailing list has moved to: http://groups.google.com/group/nokogiri-talk
  * HTML fragments now correctly handle comments and CDATA blocks. GH #78
  * Nokogiri::XML::Document#clone is now an alias of dup

* Deprecations

  * Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document#start_element_ns is deprecated, please switch
    to Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document#start_element_namespace
  * Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document#end_element_ns is deprecated, please switch
    to Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document#end_element_namespace

=== 1.3.1 / 2009-06-07

* Bugfixes

  * extconf.rb checks for optional RelaxNG and Schema functions
  * Namespace nodes are added to the Document node cache

=== 1.3.0 / 2009-05-30

* New Features

  * Builder changes scope based on block arity
  * Builder supports methods ending in underscore similar to tagz
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#<=> compares nodes based on Document position
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#matches? returns true if Node can be found with
    given selector.
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#ancestors now returns an Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#ancestors will match parents against optional selector
  * Nokogiri::HTML::Document#meta_encoding for getting the meta encoding
  * Nokogiri::HTML::Document#meta_encoding= for setting the meta encoding
  * Nokogiri::XML::Document#encoding= to set the document encoding
  * Nokogiri::XML::Schema for validating documents against XSD schema
  * Nokogiri::XML::RelaxNG for validating documents against RelaxNG schema
  * Nokogiri::HTML::ElementDescription for fetching HTML element descriptions
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#description to fetch the node description
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#accept implements Visitor pattern
  * bin/nokogiri for easily examining documents (Thanks Yutaka HARA!)
  * Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet now supports more Array and Enumerable operators:
    index, delete, slice, - (difference), + (concatenation), & (intersection),
    push, pop, shift, ==
  * Nokogiri.XML, Nokogiri.HTML take blocks that receive
    Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions objects
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#namespace returns a Nokogiri::XML::Namespace
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#namespace= for setting a node's namespace
  * Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment and Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment
    have a sensible API and a more robust implementation.
  * JRuby 1.3.0 support via FFI.

* Bugfixes

  * Fixed a problem with nil passed to CDATA constructor
  * Fragment method deals with regular expression characters
    (Thanks Joel!) LH #73
  * Fixing builder scope issues LH #61, LH #74, LH #70
  * Fixed a problem when adding a child could remove the child namespace LH#78
  * Fixed bug with unlinking a node then reparenting it. (GH#22)
  * Fixed failure to catch errors during XSLT parsing (GH#32)
  * Fixed a bug with attribute conditions in CSS selectors (GH#36)
  * Fixed intolerance of HTML attributes without values in Node#before/after/inner_html=. (GH#35)

=== 1.2.3 / 2009-03-22

* Bugfixes

  * Fixing bug where a node is passed in to Node#new
  * Namespace should be assigned on DocumentFragment creation. LH #66
  * Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet#dup works GH #10
  * Nokogiri::HTML returns an empty Document when given a blank string GH#11
  * Adding a child will remove duplicate namespace declarations LH #67
  * Builder methods take a hash as a second argument

=== 1.2.2 / 2009-03-14

* New features

  * Nokogiri may be used with soap4r. See XSD::XMLParser::Nokogiri
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#inner_html= to set the inner html for a node
  * Nokogiri builder interface improvements
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#swap swaps html for current node (LH #50)

* Bugfixes

  * Fixed a tag nesting problem in the Builder API (LH #41)
  * Nokogiri::HTML.fragment will properly handle text only nodes (LH #43)
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#before will prepend text nodes (LH #44)
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#after will append text nodes
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#search automatically registers root namepsaces (LH #42)
  * Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet#search automatically registers namespaces
  * Nokogiri::HTML::NamedCharacters delegates to libxml2
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#[] can take a symbol (LH #48)
  * vasprintf for windows updated.  Thanks Geoffroy Couprie!
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#[]= should not encode entities (LH #55)
  * Namespaces should be copied to reparented nodes (LH #56)
  * Nokogiri uses encoding set on the string for default in Ruby 1.9
  * Document#dup should create a new document of the same type (LH #59)
  * Document should not have a parent method (LH #64)

=== 1.2.1 / 2009-02-23

* Bugfixes

  * Fixed a CSS selector space bug
  * Fixed Ruby 1.9 String Encoding (Thanks 角谷さん!)

=== 1.2.0 / 2009-02-22

* New features

  * CSS search now supports CSS3 namespace queries
  * Namespaces on the root node are automatically registered
  * CSS queries use the default namespace
  * Nokogiri::XML::Document#encoding get encoding used for this document
  * Nokogiri::XML::Document#url get the document url
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#add_namespace add a namespace to the node LH#38
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#each iterate over attribute name, value pairs
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#keys get all attribute names
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#line get the line number for a node (Thanks Dirkjan Bussink!)
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#serialize now takes an optional encoding parameter
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#to_html, to_xml, and to_xhtml take an optional encoding
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#to_str
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#to_xhtml to produce XHTML documents
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#values get all attribute values
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#write_to writes the node to an IO object with optional encoding
  * Nokogiri::XML::ProcessingInstrunction.new
  * Nokogiri::XML::SAX::PushParser for all your push parsing needs.

* Bugfixes

  * Fixed Nokogiri::XML::Document#dup
  * Fixed header detection. Thanks rubikitch!
  * Fixed a problem where invalid CSS would cause the parser to hang

* Deprecations

  * Nokogiri::XML::Node.new_from_str will be deprecated in 1.3.0

* API Changes

  * Nokogiri::HTML.fragment now returns an XML::DocumentFragment (LH #32)

=== 1.1.1

* New features

  * Added XML::Node#elem?
  * Added XML::Node#attribute_nodes
  * Added XML::Attr
  * XML::Node#delete added.
  * XML::NodeSet#inner_html added.

* Bugfixes

  * Not including an HTML entity for \r for HTML nodes.
  * Removed CSS::SelectorHandler and XML::XPathHandler
  * XML::Node#attributes returns an Attr node for the value.
  * XML::NodeSet implements to_xml

=== 1.1.0

* New Features

  * Custom XPath functions are now supported.  See Nokogiri::XML::Node#xpath
  * Custom CSS pseudo classes are now supported.  See Nokogiri::XML::Node#css
  * Nokogiri::XML::Node#<< will add a child to the current node

* Bugfixes

  * Mutex lock on CSS cache access
  * Fixed build problems with GCC 3.3.5
  * XML::Node#to_xml now takes an indentation argument
  * XML::Node#dup takes an optional depth argument
  * XML::Node#add_previous_sibling returns new sibling node.

=== 1.0.7

* Bugfixes

  * Fixed memory leak when using Dike
  * SAX parser now parses IO streams
  * Comment nodes have their own class
  * Nokogiri() should delegate to Nokogiri.parse()
  * Prepending rather than appending to ENV['PATH'] on windows
  * Fixed a bug in complex CSS negation selectors

=== 1.0.6

* 5 Bugfixes

  * XPath Parser raises a SyntaxError on parse failure
  * CSS Parser raises a SyntaxError on parse failure
  * filter() and not() hpricot compatibility added
  * CSS searches via Node#search are now always relative
  * CSS to XPath conversion is now cached

=== 1.0.5

* Bugfixes

  * Added mailing list and ticket tracking information to the README.txt
  * Sets ENV['PATH'] on windows if it doesn't exist
  * Caching results of NodeSet#[] on Document

=== 1.0.4

* Bugfixes

  * Changed memory mangement from weak refs to document refs
  * Plugged some memory leaks
  * Builder blocks can call methods from surrounding contexts

=== 1.0.3

* 5 Bugfixes

  * NodeSet now implements to_ary
  * XML::Document should not implement parent
  * More GC Bugs fixed.  (Mike is AWESOME!)
  * Removed RARRAY_LEN for 1.8.5 compatibility.  Thanks Shane Hanna.
  * inner_html fixed. (Thanks Yehuda!)

=== 1.0.2

* 1 Bugfix

  * extconf.rb should not check for frex and racc

=== 1.0.1

* 1 Bugfix

  * Made sure extconf.rb searched libdir and prefix so that ports libxml/ruby
    will link properly.  Thanks lucsky!

=== 1.0.0 / 2008-07-13

* 1 major enhancement

  * Birthday!