require 'pp' require 'fileutils' require 'pathname' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' test_cases = %i[integration-e2e integration-release integration-others slow userprov load] # Schema for new Bricks. brick_info_schema = { "type" => "object", "required" => ["name","version","language","created"], "properties" => { "name" => {"type" => "string"}, "author" => { "type" => "object", "properties" => { "name" => {"type" => "string"}, "email" => {"type" => "string"} } }, "created" => {"type" => "string"}, "version" => {"type" => "string"}, "category" => {"type" => "string"}, "language" => {"type" => "string"}, "description" => { "type" => "string"}, "tags" => {"type" => "string"}, "is_live" => {"type" => "boolean"}, "parameters" => { "type" => "array", "properties" => { "name" => {"type" => "string"}, "description" => {"type" => "string"}, "type" => {"type" => "string"}, "mandatory" => {"type" => "boolean"}, } } }, } check_exit_code = <<-EOT docker-compose --file=docker-compose.lcm.yml ps -q | xargs docker inspect -f '{{ .State.ExitCode }}' | while read code; do if [ "$code" == "1" ]; then exit -1 fi done EOT desc 'Gets info.json from /apps/ and validates.' task :default do require 'json-schema' root = Pathname(__FILE__).expand_path.dirname bricks_root = root + "./apps/*/info.json" production_bricks = [] bricks = Dir.glob(bricks_root).map do |path| brick = JSON.parse( if JSON::Validator.validate!(brick_info_schema, brick) production_bricks << brick else fail JSON::Schema::ValidationError end end task(:write).invoke(production_bricks) end desc 'Writes JSON file to location.' task :write, :file do |w, bricks| require 'json'"./build/bricks.json", 'w') do |f| f.puts bricks.file.to_json end end namespace :test do test_cases.each do |test_case| desc "Run #{test_case} tests" do |task| task.pattern = test_case['integration'] ? "spec/lcm/integration/spec/#{test_case.to_s.split('-')[-1]}/*_spec.rb" : "spec/lcm/#{test_case}/**/*_spec.rb" end end desc 'Run smoke tests' do |task| ENV['GD_LCM_SPEC_SEGMENTS_MULTIPLIER'] = '1' ENV['GD_LCM_SPEC_WORKSPACES_MULTIPLIER'] = '1' ENV['GD_LCM_SPEC_USER_COUNT'] = '1' ENV['GD_LCM_SPEC_PROJECT_COUNT'] = '1' ENV['VCR_ON'] = 'false' ENV['GD_LCM_SMOKE_TEST'] = 'true' task.pattern = 'spec/lcm/load/**/*_spec.rb' end namespace :docker do test_cases.each do |t| desc "Run #{t} tests in Docker" task t do system("docker-compose -f docker-compose.lcm.yml run --rm appstore bundle exec rake -f lcm.rake test:#{t}") || fail('Test execution failed!') end end end end namespace :localstack do desc 'Run localstack' task :start do system('docker run -it --rm -e "SERVICES=s3:4572" -p 4572:4572 -p 8080:8080 localstack/localstack:0.8.1') end end namespace :docker do desc 'Build Docker image' task :build do Rake::Task["maven:build_dependencies"].invoke system('docker build -f Dockerfile.jruby -t gooddata/appstore .') end desc 'Bundles gems using cache' task :bundle do system('docker-compose -f docker-compose.lcm.yml run appstore bundle') end end namespace :maven do task :build_dependencies do system('mvn -f ci/snowflake/pom.xml clean install -P binary-packaging') system('cp -rf ci/snowflake/target/*.jar lib/gooddata/cloud_resources/snowflake/drivers/') system('mvn -f ci/bigquery/pom.xml clean install -P binary-packaging') system('cp -rf ci/bigquery/target/*.jar lib/gooddata/cloud_resources/bigquery/drivers/') system('mvn -f ci/redshift/pom.xml clean install -P binary-packaging') system('cp -rf ci/redshift/target/*.jar lib/gooddata/cloud_resources/redshift/drivers/') system('mvn -f ci/postgresql/pom.xml clean install -P binary-packaging') system('cp -rf ci/postgresql/target/*.jar lib/gooddata/cloud_resources/postgresql/drivers/') system('mvn -f ci/mssql/pom.xml clean install -P binary-packaging') system('cp -rf ci/mssql/target/*.jar lib/gooddata/cloud_resources/mssql/drivers/') system('mvn -f ci/mysql/pom.xml clean install -P binary-packaging') system('cp -rf ci/mysql/target/*.jar lib/gooddata/cloud_resources/mysql/drivers/') end end namespace :sdk do desc 'Updates gooddata-ruby to the version specified in the root Gemfile' task :update do directories = %w(. ./apps/release_brick ./apps/provisioning_brick ./apps/rollout_brick ./apps/generic_lifecycle_brick ./apps/users_brick ./apps/user_filters_brick)! { |d| File.expand_path(d) } root_gemfile = directories.first + '/Gemfile' new_ref = File.readlines(root_gemfile) .find { |line| line.include?("gem 'gooddata'") } directories.each do |d| gemfile_path = d + '/Gemfile' new_lines = File.readlines(gemfile_path).map do |line| line.include?("gem 'gooddata'") ? new_ref : line end File.write(gemfile_path, new_lines.join) Dir.chdir(d) { Bundler.with_clean_env { system('bundle install') || raise } } end to_commit = { |d| "#{d}/Gemfile #{d}/Gemfile.lock" } .join(' ') new_ref = new_ref.split(',').last.strip.scan(/'([\w,\.]+)'/).flatten.first system("git commit #{to_commit} -m 'Update gooddata-ruby #{new_ref}'") || raise end def gdruby_version_from_gemfile new_ref = File.readlines('Gemfile') .find { |line| line.include?("gem 'gooddata'") } new_ref.split(',').last.strip.scan(/'([\w,\.]+)'/).flatten.first end def cmd cmdname, *args, &block require 'open3' begin puts "running $ #{([cmdname] + args).join(' ')}" stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr = Open3.popen3(cmdname, *args) so = stdout.gets(nil) stderr.gets(nil) exit_code = wait_thr.value if block == 0, so.nil? ? '' : so) else so end rescue => e p "Error running $ #{([cmdname] + args).join(' ')}" pp e, '') ensure stdin.close stdout.close stderr.close end end desc 'Synchronizes changelogs with gooddata-ruby' task :changelog, [:new_appstore_version] do |t, args| new_appstore_version = args[:new_appstore_version] last_vers = '0.0.0' cmd 'git', 'tag' do |ok, res| if ok res.lines.each do |line| line.strip! if line =~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-rc[0-9]+)?.*$/ first = line.split(/[^\d]+/) second = last_vers.split(/[^\d]+/) (0..[first.length, second.length].max-1).each_with_index do |val, index| if first[index].to_i > second[index].to_i last_vers = line break elsif second[index].to_i > first[index].to_i break end end end end end end last_tag_hash = cmd 'git', 'rev-parse', last_vers puts "Lastest AppStore tag is #{last_vers}, #{last_tag_hash}" possible_gdruby_version_from_log = cmd 'git', 'log', last_vers do |ok, res| shortid = [] if ok res.lines.each do |line| if line =~ /^commit [0-9a-z]+/ commit = line.split[1] elsif line =~ /^ Update gooddata-ruby [0-9a-z]+/ shortid << line.split[2] end end end shortid end if gdruby_version_from_gemfile == possible_gdruby_version_from_log.first gdruby_version_from_log = possible_gdruby_version_from_log[1] else gdruby_version_from_log = possible_gdruby_version_from_log.first end puts "Short id of gooddata-ruby from Gemfile #{gdruby_version_from_gemfile}" puts "Second latest gooddata-ruby commit short id #{gdruby_version_from_log}" cmd 'git', 'remote', 'add', 'gdcrb', '' cmd 'git', 'fetch', '--all''', 'r') do |origfile| File.unlink('') newsection = false'', 'w') do |file| file.write("# GoodData AppStore Changelog, changes from gooddata-ruby\n\n") file.write("## AppStore #{new_appstore_version}\n") cmd 'git', 'log', '--no-merges', "#{gdruby_version_from_log}..#{gdruby_version_from_gemfile}" do |ok, out| if ok out.lines.each do |gitline| if gitline =~/^commit [0-9a-z]+$/ and not newsection newsection = true next elsif gitline =~ /^ .+$/ and newsection file.write("- " + gitline.strip + "\n") newsection = false end end end end file.write origfile.drop(1).join('') end end cmd 'git', 'add', '' end end desc 'Releases new AppStore version. Uses version passed as an argument. \ Otherwise increments patch version.' task :release, [:version] do |t, args| new_appstore_version = args[:version] if new_appstore_version.nil? new_appstore_version ='VERSION').read().strip version = new_appstore_version.split('.') version[2] = (version[2].to_i + 1).to_s new_appstore_version = version.join('.') end'VERSION', 'w+t') {|file| file.write(new_appstore_version + "\n")} cmd 'git', 'add', 'VERSION' Rake::Task["sdk:changelog"].invoke(new_appstore_version) cmd 'git', 'commit', '-m', "Bump version to #{new_appstore_version}" cmd 'git', 'tag', "#{new_appstore_version}" # cmd 'git', 'push', 'gerrit', "#{new_appstore_version}" end