# Polymorphic search for ActiveRecord objects. module Pose extend ActiveSupport::Concern # By default, doesn't run in tests. # Set this to true to test the search functionality. CONFIGURATION = { :search_in_tests => false } included do has_many :pose_assignments, :as => :posable has_many :pose_words, :through => :pose_assignments after_save :update_pose_index before_destroy :delete_pose_index cattr_accessor :pose_content end # Asks if model should perform search. # # @return [false, true] def perform_search? !(Rails.env == 'test' and !CONFIGURATION[:search_in_tests]) end module InstanceMethods # Updates the associated words for this object in the database. def update_pose_index update_pose_words if perform_search? end # Removes this objects from the search index. def delete_pose_index self.words.clear if perform_search? end # Helper method. # Updates the search words with the text returned by search_strings. def update_pose_words # Step 1: get an array of all words for the current object. search_string = instance_eval &(self.class.pose_content) new_words = search_string.to_s.split(' ').map { |word| Pose.root_word(word) }.flatten.uniq # Step 2: Add new words to the search index. Pose.get_words_to_add(self.pose_words, new_words).each do |word_to_add| self.pose_words << PoseWord.find_or_create_by_text(word_to_add) end # Step 3: Remove now obsolete words from search index. Pose.get_words_to_remove(self.pose_words, new_words).each do |word_to_remove| self.pose_words.delete word_to_remove end end end class <] existing_words The words that are already associated with the object. # @param [Array] new_words The words thet the object should have from now on. # # @return [Array] The words that need to be added to the existing_words array. def get_words_to_add existing_words, new_words new_words - existing_words.map(&:text) end # Helper method. # Returns the id of all word objects that are in existing_words, but not in new_words. # # @param [Array] existing_words The words that are already associated with the object. # @param [Array] new_words The words thet the object should have from now on. # # @return [Array] The words that need to be removed from the existing_words array. def get_words_to_remove existing_words, new_words existing_words.map do |existing_word| existing_word unless new_words.include?(existing_word.text) end.compact end # Returns whether the given string is a URL. # # @param [String] word The string to check. # # @return [Boolean] def is_url? word URI::parse(word).scheme == 'http' rescue URI::InvalidURIError false end # Simplifies the given word to a generic search form. # # @param [String] raw_word The word to make searchable. # # @return [String] The stemmed version of the word. def root_word raw_word result = [] raw_word_copy = raw_word[0..-1] raw_word_copy.gsub! /[()*<>'",;]/, ' ' raw_word_copy.gsub! /\s+/, ' ' raw_word_copy.split(' ').each do |word| if Pose.is_url?(word) result.concat word.split(/[\.\/\:]/).delete_if(&:blank?) else word.gsub! /[\-\/\._:]/, ' ' word.gsub! /\s+/, ' ' word.split(' ').each do |w| stemmed_word = w.parameterize.singularize result.concat stemmed_word.split ' ' end end end result.uniq end # Returns all objects matching the given query. # # @param [String] query # @param [Array] classes # # @return [Hash] def search query, classes # Turn 'classes' into an array. classes = [classes].flatten classes_names = classes.map &:name # Get the ids of the results. result_classes_and_ids = {} query.split(' ').each do |query_word| current_word_classes_and_ids = {} classes.each { |clazz| current_word_classes_and_ids[clazz.name] = [] } PoseAssignment.joins(:pose_word) \ .where(:pose_words => {:text.matches => "#{query_word}%"}, :posable_type => classes_names) \ .each do |pose_assignment| current_word_classes_and_ids[pose_assignment.posable_type] << pose_assignment.posable_id end current_word_classes_and_ids.each do |class_name, ids| if result_classes_and_ids.has_key? class_name result_classes_and_ids[class_name] = result_classes_and_ids[class_name] & ids else result_classes_and_ids[class_name] = ids end end end # Load the results by id. {}.tap do |result| result_classes_and_ids.each do |class_name, ids| result_class = Kernel.const_get class_name if ids.any? && classes.include?(result_class) result[result_class] = result_class.where :id => ids else result[result_class] = [] end end end end end end