file_charset: utf-8 abort: Abort aborted: Aborted active: Active administration: Administration assigned_to: Assigned to back: Back backlog: Backlog backlog_description: Task list with ordering and status tracking backlogs: Backlogs burn_down_chart: Burn Down Chart change_password: Change Password complete: Complete completed: Completed completed_at: Ended at completed_tasks: Completed Tasks confirmation: Are you sure? customer: Customer daily_work_sheet: Daily work sheet delete: Delete done: Done down: Down edit: Edit editing: Editing enable_customer: Enable customer enable_invoicing: Enable invoicing enable_subtasks: Enable Subtasks enable_users: Enable users end_on: End on end_work: Stop estimate: Estimate experimental: Experimental! files: Files friday: Friday group: Group groups: Groups home: Home hours: Hours invoice: Invoice invoice_code: Invoice Code invoice_short: Inv. left: Left listing_works: Recorded work log_in: Log in log_out: Log out main_backlog: Main Backlog members: Members monday: Monday move_to_bottom: Move task to bottom of list move_to_next_period: Move task to next sprint move_to_top: Move task to top of list moved: Moved name: Name new_backlog: Start new backlog new_group: Start new group new_period: Add new sprint new_task: Add new task new_work: Add new work record next: Next no_pending_tasks: There are no pending tasks in this sprint. notes: Notes password: Password period: Sprint periods: Sprints please_login: Please login position: Position postponed: Postponed previous: Previous previous_abr: Prev. projection: Projection reopen: Reopen task resolution: Resolution resolution_abr: Res. right: Right saturday: Saturday save: Save search: Search search_results_for: "Search results for '%s'" select: Select shortcuts: Shortcuts signup: Sign Up specify: Specify start: Start start_on: Start on start_work: Start started_at: Started at started_tasks: Started tasks stop: Stop sunday: Sunday task: Task tasks: Tasks thursday: Thursday todo: Todo totals: Totals track_todo: Estimates track_done: Track work done track_times: Track start and stop times tuesday: Tuesday unplanned_tasks: Unplanned tasks up: Up user: User wednesday: Wednesday week: Week weekly_work_sheet: Weekly work sheet work: Work