--- layout: page title: Using with Rails ---
# "Installing Vanity":#install # "Configuring Vanity":#config # "Test Environment":#test # "Unicorn and Forking Servers":#fork
h3(#install). Installing Vanity Rails 3.x and 4.x: Add Vanity to your Gemfile:
gem "vanity"
h3(#config). Configuring Vanity h4. Configuring identity Once the gem is setup, enable Vanity in your ActionController:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  use_vanity :current_user
This example assumes you have a @current_user@ controller method which will return a consistent value for each user. There are other ways to identify people as well, you can read more about the options in Managing Identity. h4. Configuring datastore If you have a @config/vanity.yml@ file, Vanity will read the configuration for the current environment. For example:
  adapter: redis
  host: staging.internal
  adapter: mongo
  host: live.internal
  database: vanity
h4. Using metrics from Google Analytics If you want to use Vanity with metrics from Google Analytics, you must also tell Rails to include the @garb@ gem, and login for a new session. You'll want to do that for production, not for development if you like developing offline:
config.after_initialize do
  require "garb"
  Garb::Session.login('..ga email..', '..ga pwd..', account_type: "GOOGLE")
h4. Enabling/disable collection When collection is off, Vanity doesn't connect to the database server, so there's no need to set a database configuration for these environments. h3(#fork). Unicorn and Forking Servers Unicorn forks the master process to create worker processes efficiently. Since the master processes opens a connection to the database, all workers end up sharing that connection, resulting in ugly contention issues. The cure is simple, use the @after_fork@ hook to reconnect each worker process. Here's the relevant part from my @config/unicorn.rb@:
after_fork do |server, worker|
You'll run into this issue with other forking servers. Vanity can detect when it runs under Passenger and automatically reconnect each forked process.