module ActsAsSolr #:nodoc: module InstanceMethods # Solr id is : to be unique across all models def solr_id "#{}:#{record_id(self)}" end def init_solr(data) @solr_data = data end def method_missing_with_solr_magic(method, *a, &b) if method.to_s =~ /^highlighted_(.*)$/ && a.length == 0 original_field = $1 @solr_data && @solr_data[:highlights] && @solr_data[:highlights][id] && @solr_data[:highlights][id][original_field] && @solr_data[:highlights][id][original_field].join(" ") || send(original_field) else method_missing_without_solr_magic(method, *a, &b) end end # saves to the Solr index def solr_save return true if indexing_disabled? if evaluate_condition(:if, self) logger.debug "solr_save: #{} : #{record_id(self)}" solr_add to_solr_doc solr_commit if configuration[:auto_commit] true else solr_destroy end end def indexing_disabled? evaluate_condition(:offline, self) || !configuration[:if] end # remove from index def solr_destroy return true if indexing_disabled? logger.debug "solr_destroy: #{} : #{record_id(self)}" solr_delete solr_id solr_commit if configuration[:auto_commit] true end # convert instance to Solr document def to_solr_doc logger.debug "to_solr_doc: creating doc for class: #{}, id: #{record_id(self)}" doc = doc.boost = validate_boost(configuration[:boost]) if configuration[:boost] doc << {:id => solr_id, solr_configuration[:type_field] =>, solr_configuration[:primary_key_field] => record_id(self).to_s} # iterate through the fields and add them to the document, configuration[:solr_fields].each do |field_name, options| #field_type = configuration[:facets] && configuration[:facets].include?(field) ? :facet : :text field_boost = options[:boost] || solr_configuration[:default_boost] field_type = get_solr_field_type(options[:type]) solr_name = options[:as] || field_name value = self.send("#{field_name}_for_solr") value = set_value_if_nil(field_type) if value.to_s == "" # add the field to the document, but only if it's not the id field # or the type field (from single table inheritance), since these # fields have already been added above. if field_name.to_s != self.class.primary_key and field_name.to_s != "type" suffix = get_solr_field_type(field_type) # This next line ensures that e.g. nil dates are excluded from the # document, since they choke Solr. Also ignores e.g. empty strings, # but these can't be searched for anyway: # next if value.nil? || value.to_s.strip.empty? [value].flatten.each do |v| v = set_value_if_nil(suffix) if value.to_s == "" field ="#{solr_name}_#{suffix}" => ERB::Util.html_escape(v.to_s)) field.boost = validate_boost(field_boost) doc << field end end end add_includes(doc) logger.debug doc.to_xml doc end private def add_includes(doc) if configuration[:solr_includes].respond_to?(:each) configuration[:solr_includes].each do |association, options| data = options[:multivalued] ? [] : "" field_name = options[:as] || association.to_s.singularize field_type = get_solr_field_type(options[:type]) field_boost = options[:boost] || solr_configuration[:default_boost] suffix = get_solr_field_type(field_type) case self.class.reflect_on_association(association).macro when :has_many, :has_and_belongs_to_many records = self.send(association).to_a unless records.empty? records.each {|r| data << include_value(r, options)} [data].flatten.each do |value| field ="#{field_name}_#{suffix}" => value) field.boost = validate_boost(field_boost) doc << field end end when :has_one, :belongs_to record = self.send(association) unless record.nil? doc["#{field_name}_#{suffix}"] = include_value(record, options) end end end end end def include_value(record, options) if options[:using].is_a? Proc options[:using].call(record) elsif options[:using].is_a? Symbol record.send(options[:using]) else record.attributes.inject([]){|k,v| k << "#{v.first}=#{ERB::Util.html_escape(v.last)}"}.join(" ") end end def validate_boost(boost) boost_value = case boost when Float return solr_configuration[:default_boost] if boost < 0 boost when Proc when Symbol if self.respond_to?(boost) self.send(boost) end end boost_value || solr_configuration[:default_boost] end def condition_block?(condition) condition.respond_to?("call") && (condition.arity == 1 || condition.arity == -1) end def evaluate_condition(which_condition, field) condition = configuration[which_condition] case condition when Symbol field.send(condition) when String eval(condition, binding) when FalseClass, NilClass false when TrueClass true else if condition_block?(condition) else raise( ArgumentError, "The :#{which_condition} option has to be either a symbol, string (to be eval'ed), proc/method, true/false, or " + "class implementing a static validation method" ) end end end end end