# See: http://semver.org module Semantic class Version SemVerRegexp = /\A(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(\+([0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?\Z/ attr_accessor :major, :minor, :patch, :pre, :build def initialize version_str raise ArgumentError.new("#{version_str} is not a valid SemVer Version (http://semver.org)") unless version_str =~ SemVerRegexp version, parts = version_str.split '-' if not parts.nil? and parts.include? '+' @pre, @build = parts.split '+' elsif version.include? '+' version, @build = version.split '+' else @pre = parts end @major, @minor, @patch = version.split('.').map(&:to_i) end def to_a [@major, @minor, @patch, @pre, @build] end def to_s str = [@major, @minor, @patch].join '.' str << '-' << @pre unless @pre.nil? str << '+' << @build unless @build.nil? str end def to_h keys = [:major, :minor, :patch, :pre, :build] Hash[keys.zip(self.to_a)] end alias to_hash to_h alias to_array to_a alias to_string to_s def <=> other_version other_version = Version.new(other_version) if other_version.is_a? String v1 = self.dup v2 = other_version.dup # The build must be excluded from the comparison, so that e.g. 1.2.3+foo and 1.2.3+bar are semantically equal. # "Build metadata SHOULD be ignored when determining version precedence". # (SemVer 2.0.0-rc.2, paragraph 10 - http://www.semver.org) v1.build = nil v2.build = nil compare_recursively(v1.to_a, v2.to_a) end def > other_version (self <=> other_version) == 1 end def < other_version (self <=> other_version) == -1 end def >= other_version (self <=> other_version) >= 0 end def <= other_version (self <=> other_version) <= 0 end def == other_version (self <=> other_version) == 0 end def satisfies other_version return true if other_version.strip == '*' parts = other_version.split(/(\d(.+)?)/, 2) comparator, other_version_string = parts[0].strip, parts[1].strip begin Version.new other_version_string comparator.empty? && comparator = '==' satisfies_comparator? comparator, other_version_string rescue ArgumentError if ['<', '>', '<=', '>='].include?(comparator) satisfies_comparator? comparator, pad_version_string(other_version_string) else tilde_matches? other_version_string end end end private def pad_version_string version_string parts = version_string.split('.').reject {|x| x == '*'} while parts.length < 3 parts << '0' end parts.join '.' end def tilde_matches? other_version_string this_parts = to_a.collect(&:to_s) other_parts = other_version_string.split('.').reject {|x| x == '*'} other_parts == this_parts[0..other_parts.length-1] end def satisfies_comparator? comparator, other_version_string if comparator == '~' tilde_matches? other_version_string else self.send comparator, other_version_string end end def compare_recursively ary1, ary2 # Short-circuit the recursion entirely if they're just equal return 0 if ary1 == ary2 a = ary1.shift; b = ary2.shift # Reached the end of the arrays, equal all the way down return 0 if a.nil? and b.nil? # Mismatched types (ie. one has a pre and the other doesn't) if a.nil? and not b.nil? return 1 elsif not a.nil? and b.nil? return -1 end if a < b return -1 elsif a > b return 1 end # Versions are equal thus far, so recurse down to the next part. compare_recursively ary1, ary2 end end end