require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "spec_helper" ) module GuiTest def should_be symbol, api case symbol when :find_window api.dll_name.should == 'user32' # The name of the DLL that exports the API function api.effective_function_name.should == 'FindWindowA' # Actual function returned by the constructor: 'GetUserName' ->'GetUserNameA' or 'GetUserNameW' api.function_name.should == 'FindWindow' # The name of the function passed to the constructor api.prototype.should == ['P', 'P'] # The prototype, returned as an array of characters end end def redefined_methods [:FindWindow, :IsWindow, :EnumWindows, :GetComputerName, :GetForegroundWindow] end def should_count_args(*methods, rights, wrongs) rights = [rights].flatten wrongs = [wrongs].flatten methods.each do |method| (0..8).each do |n| if n == rights.size expect {send method, *rights}.to_not raise_error else args = (1..n).map {wrongs[rand(wrongs.size)]} expect {send method, *args}. to raise_error "wrong number of parameters: expected #{rights.size}, got #{args.size}" end end end end describe WinGui::DefApi, 'defines wrappers for Win32::API functions' do before(:each) { hide_method *redefined_methods } # hide original methods if defined after(:each) { restore_method *redefined_methods } # restore original methods if hidden context 'defining enhanced API function method' do spec{ use{ WinGui.def_api('FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', rename: nil, aliases: nil, boolean: nil, zeronil: nil, &any_block) }} it 'defines new instance methods with appropriate names' do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L' respond_to?(:find_window).should be_true respond_to?(:FindWindow).should be_true end it 'constructs argument prototype from uppercase string, enforces the args count' do expect { WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L' }.to_not raise_error should_count_args :find_window, :FindWindow, [nil, nil], [nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, 'cmd'] end it 'constructs argument prototype from lowercase string, enforces the args count' do expect { WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'pp', 'l' }.to_not raise_error should_count_args :find_window, :FindWindow, [nil, nil], [nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, 'cmd'] end it 'constructs argument prototype from (mixedcase) array, enforces the args count' do expect { WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', ['p', 'P'], 'L' }.to_not raise_error should_count_args :find_window, :FindWindow, [nil, nil], [nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, 'cmd'] end it 'with :rename option, overrides snake_case name for defined method but leaves CamelCase intact' do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', :rename=> 'my_own_find' expect {find_window(nil, nil)}.to raise_error NoMethodError expect {FindWindow(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error expect {my_own_find(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error end it 'defined snake_case method returns expected value when called' do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L' find_window(nil, nil).should_not == 0 find_window(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == 0 find_window(TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, nil).should == 0 find_window(TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == 0 end it 'defined CamelCase method returns expected value when called' do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L' FindWindow(nil, nil).should_not == 0 FindWindow(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == 0 FindWindow(TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, nil).should == 0 FindWindow(TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == 0 end it 'returns underlying Win32::API object if defined method is called with (:api) argument ' do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L' expect {find_window(:api)}.to_not raise_error should_be :find_window, find_window(:api) end end context 'defining aliases' do it 'adds alias for defined method with :alias option' do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', :alias => 'my_own_find' expect {find_window(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error expect {my_own_find(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error end it 'adds aliases for defined method with :aliases option' do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', :aliases => ['my_own_find', 'my_own_find1'] expect {find_window(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error expect {my_own_find(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error expect {my_own_find1(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error end it 'adds Rubyesque alias to IsXxx API test function' do WinGui.def_api 'IsWindow', 'L', 'L' respond_to?(:window?).should be_true respond_to?(:is_window).should be_true end it 'adds Rubyesque alias to GetXxx API getter function' do WinGui.def_api 'GetComputerName', 'PP', 'I', :dll=> 'kernel32' respond_to?(:get_computer_name).should be_true respond_to?(:computer_name).should be_true end end context 'auto-defining Ruby-like boolean methods if API function name starts with "Is_"' do before(:each) {WinGui.def_api 'IsWindow', 'L', 'L'} it 'defines new instance method name dropping Is_ and adding ?' do respond_to?(:window?).should be_true respond_to?(:is_window).should be_true respond_to?(:IsWindow).should be_true end it 'defined CamelCase method returns zero/non-zero as expected' do IsWindow(any_handle).should_not == true IsWindow(any_handle).should_not == 0 IsWindow(not_a_handle).should == 0 end it 'defined snake_case method returns false/true instead of zero/non-zero' do window?(any_handle).should == true window?(not_a_handle).should == false is_window(any_handle).should == true is_window(not_a_handle).should == false end it 'defined methods enforce the argument count' do should_count_args :window?, :is_window, :IsWindow, [not_a_handle], [nil, not_a_handle, any_handle] end end context 'defining API with :boolean option converts result to boolean' do before(:each) do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', :boolean => true end it 'defines new instance method' do respond_to?(:find_window).should be_true respond_to?(:FindWindow).should be_true end it 'defined snake_case method returns false/true instead of zero/non-zero' do find_window(nil, nil).should == true find_window(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == false end it 'defined CamelCase method still returns zero/non-zero' do FindWindow(nil, nil).should_not == true FindWindow(nil, nil).should_not == 0 FindWindow(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == 0 end it 'defined methods enforce the argument count' do should_count_args :find_window, :FindWindow, [nil, nil], [nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, 'cmd'] end end context 'defining API with :zeronil option converts zero result to nil' do before(:each) do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', :zeronil => true end it 'defines new instance method' do respond_to?(:find_window).should be_true respond_to?(:FindWindow).should be_true end it 'defined CamelCase method still returns zero/non-zero' do FindWindow(nil, nil).should_not == true FindWindow(nil, nil).should_not == 0 FindWindow(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == 0 end it 'defined method returns nil (but NOT false) instead of zero' do find_window(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should_not == false find_window(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == nil end it 'defined method does not return true when result is non-zero' do find_window(nil, nil).should_not == true find_window(nil, nil).should_not == 0 end it 'defined methods enforce the argument count' do should_count_args :find_window, :FindWindow, [nil, nil], [nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, 'cmd'] end end context 'using DLL other than default user32 with :dll option' do before(:each) {WinGui.def_api 'GetComputerName', 'PP', 'I', :dll=> 'kernel32'} it 'defines new instance method with appropriate name' do respond_to?(:GetComputerName).should be_true respond_to?(:get_computer_name).should be_true respond_to?(:computer_name).should be_true end it 'returns expected result' do WinGui.def_api 'GetComputerName', ['P', 'P'], 'I', :dll=> 'kernel32' hostname = `hostname`.strip.upcase name = " " * 128 get_computer_name(name, "128") name.unpack("A*").first.should == hostname end end context 'trying to define an invalid API function' do it 'raises error when trying to define function with a wrong function name' do expect { WinGui.def_api 'FindWindowImpossible', 'PP', 'L' }. to raise_error( /Unable to load function 'FindWindowImpossible'/ ) end end context 'defining API function using definition block' do it 'defines new instance method' do WinGui.def_api( 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L' ){|api, *args|} respond_to?(:find_window).should be_true respond_to?(:FindWindow).should be_true end it 'does not enforce argument count outside of block' do WinGui.def_api( 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L' ){|api, *args|} expect { find_window }.to_not raise_error expect { find_window(nil) }.to_not raise_error expect { find_window(nil, 'Str', 1) }.to_not raise_error end it 'returns block return value when defined method is called' do WinGui.def_api( 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L' ){|api, *args| 'Value'} find_window(nil).should == 'Value' end it 'passes arguments and underlying Win32::API object to the block' do WinGui.def_api( 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L' ) do |api, *args| @api = api @args = args end expect {find_window(1, 2, 3) }.to_not raise_error @args.should == [1, 2, 3] should_be :find_window, @api end it ':rename option overrides standard name for defined method' do WinGui.def_api( 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', :rename => 'my_own_find' ){|api, *args|} expect {find_window(nil, nil, nil)}.to raise_error expect {my_own_find(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error end it 'adds alias for defined method with :alias option' do WinGui.def_api( 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', :alias => 'my_own_find' ){|api, *args|} expect {find_window(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error expect {my_own_find(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error end it 'adds aliases for defined method with :aliases option' do WinGui.def_api( 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', :aliases => ['my_own_find', 'my_own_find1'] ) {|api, *args|} expect {find_window(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error expect {my_own_find(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error expect {my_own_find1(nil, nil)}.to_not raise_error end it 'returns underlying Win32::API object if defined method is called with (:api) argument ' do WinGui.def_api( 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L' ){|api, *args|} expect {find_window(:api)}.to_not raise_error should_be :find_window, find_window(:api) end end context 'calling defined methods with attached block to preprocess the API function results' do it 'defined method yields raw result to block attached to its invocation' do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', zeronil: true find_window(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE) {|result| result.should == 0 } end it 'defined method returns result of block attached to its invocation' do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', zeronil: true return_value = find_window(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE) {|result| 'Value'} return_value.should == 'Value' end it 'defined method transforms result of block before returning it' do WinGui.def_api 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'L', zeronil: true return_value = find_window(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE) {|result| 0 } return_value.should_not == 0 return_value.should == nil end end context 'defining API function without arguments - f(VOID)' do it 'should enforce argument count to 0, NOT 1 (enhanced methods)' do WinGui.def_api 'GetForegroundWindow', 'V', 'L', zeronil: true should_count_args :get_foreground_window, :foreground_window, [], [nil, 0, 123] end it 'should NOT enforce argument count (raw method)' do WinGui.def_api 'GetForegroundWindow', 'V', 'L', zeronil: true expect {GetForegroundWindow()}.to_not raise_error expect {GetForegroundWindow(nil)}.to_not raise_error expect {GetForegroundWindow(1,2)}.to_not raise_error expect {GetForegroundWindow(1,2,3)}.to_not raise_error end end context 'working with API function callbacks' do it '#callback method creates a valid callback object' do expect { @callback = WinGui.callback('LP', 'I') {|handle, message| true} }.to_not raise_error @callback.should be_a_kind_of(Win32::API::Callback) end it 'created callback object can be used as a valid arg of API function expecting callback' do WinGui.def_api 'EnumWindows', 'KP', 'L' @callback = WinGui.callback('LP', 'I'){|handle, message| true } expect { enum_windows(@callback, 'Message') }.to_not raise_error end it 'defined API functions expecting callback convert given block into callback' do pending ' What about prototype!? API is not exactly clear atm (.with_callback method?)' WinGui.def_api 'EnumWindows', 'KP', 'L' expect { enum_windows('Message'){|handle, message| true } }.to_not raise_error end end end end