module DevLXC class Container < LXC::Container def status if self.defined? state = self.state ip_addresses = self.ip_addresses.join(" ") if self.state == :running else state = "not_created" end { 'name' =>, 'state' => state, 'ip_addresses' => ip_addresses } end def start unless self.defined? puts "ERROR: Container '#{}' does not exist." exit 1 end puts "Starting container '#{}'" super wait(:running, 3) puts "Waiting for '#{}' container's network" ips = nil 30.times do ips = self.ip_addresses break unless ips.empty? sleep 1 end if ips.empty? puts "ERROR: Container '#{}' network is not available." exit 1 end end def shutdown puts "Shutting down container '#{}'" super wait(:stopped, 3) end def destroy stop if running? puts "Destroying container '#{}'" super if self.defined? end def sync_mounts(mounts) existing_mounts = self.config_item("lxc.mount.entry") unless existing_mounts.nil? preserved_mounts = existing_mounts.delete_if { |m| m.end_with?("## dev-lxc ##") } self.clear_config_item('lxc.mount.entry') self.set_config_item("lxc.mount.entry", preserved_mounts) end unless mounts.nil? mounts.each do |mount| if ! preserved_mounts.nil? && preserved_mounts.any? { |m| m.start_with?("#{mount} ") } puts "Skipping mount entry #{mount}, it already exists" next else puts "Adding mount entry #{mount}" self.set_config_item("lxc.mount.entry", "#{mount} none bind,optional,create=dir 0 0 ## dev-lxc ##") end end end self.save_config end def sync_ssh_keys(ssh_keys) dot_ssh_path = "/home/dev-lxc/.ssh" unless File.exist?("#{config_item('lxc.rootfs')}#{dot_ssh_path}/authorized_keys") run_command("sudo -u dev-lxc mkdir -p #{dot_ssh_path}") run_command("sudo -u dev-lxc chmod 700 #{dot_ssh_path}") run_command("sudo -u dev-lxc touch #{dot_ssh_path}/authorized_keys") run_command("sudo -u dev-lxc chmod 600 #{dot_ssh_path}/authorized_keys") end authorized_keys ="#{config_item('lxc.rootfs')}#{dot_ssh_path}/authorized_keys").split("\n") authorized_keys.delete_if { |m| m.end_with?("## dev-lxc ##") } unless ssh_keys.nil? ssh_keys.each do |ssh_key| puts "Adding SSH key #{ssh_key} to #{dot_ssh_path}/authorized_keys" authorized_keys << + " ## dev-lxc ##" end end authorized_keys_content = authorized_keys_content = authorized_keys.join("\n") + "\n" unless authorized_keys.empty? IO.write("#{config_item('lxc.rootfs')}#{dot_ssh_path}/authorized_keys", authorized_keys_content) end def run_command(command, output_file=nil) unless running? puts "ERROR: Container '#{}' must be running first" exit 1 end attach_opts = { wait: true, env_policy: LXC::LXC_ATTACH_CLEAR_ENV, extra_env_vars: ['HOME=/root'] } if output_file file =, 'w+') attach_opts[:stdout] = file end begin attach(attach_opts) do LXC.run_command(command) end ensure file.close if file end end def install_package(package_path) unless run_command("test -e #{package_path}") == 0 puts "ERROR: File #{package_path} does not exist in container '#{}'" exit 1 end puts "Installing #{package_path} in container '#{}'" case File.extname(package_path) when ".deb" install_command = "dpkg -i --skip-same-version #{package_path}" when ".rpm" install_command = "rpm -Uvh #{package_path}" end run_command(install_command) end end end