# # Work based on https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/blob/master/_data/ui-text.yml # # Configuration: Add to _config.yml # locale: "en-US" [YOUR PREFERRED LOCALE] # # How to use: # {{ site.data.navigation[site.locale].nav. | default: 'text' }} # English (default) # ----------------- en: &DEFAULT_EN nav: - title: "Services" section: services - title: "Portfolio" section: portfolio - title: "About" section: about - title: "Timeline" section: timeline - title: "Team" section: team - title: "Contact" section: contact - title: "Theme Source" url: https://github.com/raviriley/agency-jekyll-theme/ en-US: <<: *DEFAULT_EN en-CA: <<: *DEFAULT_EN en-GB: <<: *DEFAULT_EN en-AU: <<: *DEFAULT_EN # Spanish # ------- es: &DEFAULT_ES nav: - title: "Servicios" section: servicios - title: "Portafolio" section: portafolio - title: "Sobre Nosotros" section: nosotros - title: "Cronología" section: cronologia - title: "Equipo" section: equipo - title: "Contáctenos" section: contacto - title: "Fuente de la plantilla" url: https://github.com/raviriley/agency-jekyll-theme/ es-ES: <<: *DEFAULT_ES es-CO: <<: *DEFAULT_ES