require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Yaks::Runner do subject(:runner) { object, config: config, options: options) } let(:object) { } let(:config) { } let(:options) { {} } describe '#call' do let(:runner) { do def steps [ [:step1, ->(x) { x + 35 }], [:step2, ->(x) { "#{x} #{x}"}] ] end object, config: config, options: options) } let(:object) { 7 } it 'should go through all the steps' do expect( eql "42 42" end end describe '#context' do it 'should contain the policy, env, and an empty mapper_stack' do expect(runner.context).to eql(policy: config.policy, env: {}, mapper_stack: []) end context 'with an item mapper' do let(:options) { { item_mapper: :foo } } it 'should contain the item_mapper' do expect(runner.context).to eql(policy: config.policy, env: {}, mapper_stack: [], item_mapper: :foo) end end end describe '#format_class' do let(:config) do do default_format :collection_json end end let(:rack_env) { { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/hal+json;q=0.8, application/vnd.api+json' } } it 'should fall back to the default when no HTTP_ACCEPT key is present' do runner = nil, config: config, options: { env: {} }) expect(runner.format_class).to equal Yaks::Format::CollectionJson end it 'should detect format based on accept header' do rack_env = { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/hal+json;q=0.8, application/vnd.api+json' } runner = nil, config: config, options: { env: rack_env }) expect(runner.format_class).to equal Yaks::Format::JsonAPI end it 'should know to pick the best match' do rack_env = { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/hal+json;q=0.8, application/vnd.api+json;q=0.7' } runner = nil, config: config, options: { env: rack_env }) expect(runner.format_class).to equal Yaks::Format::Hal end it 'should pick the one given in the options if no header matches' do rack_env = { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/json' } runner = nil, config: config, options: { format: :hal, env: rack_env }) expect(runner.format_class).to equal Yaks::Format::Hal end it 'should fall back to the default when no mime type is recognized' do rack_env = { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/json' } runner = nil, config: config, options: { env: rack_env }) expect(runner.format_class).to equal Yaks::Format::CollectionJson end end describe '#format_name' do context 'with no format specified' do it 'should default to :hal' do expect(runner.format_name).to eql :hal end end context 'with a default format specified' do let(:config) { { default_format :collection_json } } context 'with a format in the options' do let(:options) { { format: :json_api } } it 'should give preference to that one' do expect(runner.format_name).to eql :json_api end end context 'without a format in the options' do it 'should take the specified default' do expect(runner.format_name).to eql :collection_json end end end end describe '#formatter' do let(:config) { do default_format :json_api format_options :json_api, {format_option: [:foo]} end } let(:formatter) { runner.formatter } it 'should create a formatter based on class and options' do expect(formatter).to be_a Yaks::Format::JsonAPI expect(formatter.send(:options)).to eql(format_option: [:foo]) end end describe '#insert_hooks' do let(:options) { { mapper: Yaks::Mapper } } let(:config) { } describe 'before' do let(:hooks) { proc { before(:map) { :before_map_impl } } } it 'should insert a hook before the step' do expect( eql [ :before_map, :map, :format, :primitivize, :serialize ] expect(runner.steps.assoc(:before_map) be :before_map_impl end end describe 'after' do let(:hooks) { proc { after(:format) { :after_format_impl } } } it 'should insert a hook after the step' do expect( eql [ :map, :format, :after_format, :primitivize, :serialize ] expect(runner.steps.assoc(:after_format) be :after_format_impl end end describe 'around' do let(:hooks) { proc { around(:format) { :around_format_impl } } } it 'should insert a hook around the step' do expect( eql [ :map, :format, :primitivize, :serialize ] expect(runner.steps.assoc(:format) be :around_format_impl end end describe 'around' do let(:hooks) { proc { skip(:serialize) } } it 'should insert a hook before the step' do expect( eql [ :map, :format, :primitivize ] end end describe 'multiple hooks' do let(:hooks) { proc { after(:format) { :after_format_impl } skip(:serialize) } } it 'should insert the hooks' do expect( eql [ :map, :format, :after_format, :primitivize ] end end end describe '#mapper' do context 'with an explicit mapper in the options' do let(:mapper_class) { } let(:options) { { mapper: mapper_class } } it 'should take the mapper from options' do expect(runner.mapper).to be_a mapper_class end end context 'without a mapper specified' do let(:object) { 7, name: 'fifi', species: 'cat') } it 'should infer one from the object to be mapped' do expect(runner.mapper).to be_a PetMapper end it 'should pass the context to the mapper' do expect(runner.mapper.context).to be runner.context end end end describe '#serializer' do context 'with a serializer configured' do let(:config) { do json_serializer do |input| "serialized #{input}" end end } it 'should try to find an explicitly configured serializer' do expect('42')).to eql 'serialized 42' end end it 'should fall back to the policy' do expect([1,2,3])).to eql "[\n 1,\n 2,\n 3\n]" end end describe '#steps' do let(:options) {{ mapper: Yaks::Mapper }} it 'should have all four steps' do expect(runner.steps).to eql [ [ :map, runner.mapper ], [ :format, runner.formatter ], [ :primitivize, runner.primitivize], [ :serialize, runner.serializer ] ] end context 'with hooks' do let(:config) { do after(:format, :my_hook) { :foo } end } it 'should insert hooks' do expect( eql [:map, :format, :my_hook, :primitivize, :serialize] end end end it 'should memoize' do expect(runner.formatter).to be runner.formatter end end