# Methods related to sending metrics to profile_itapp.com. module ProfileIt class Agent module Reporting CA_FILE = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. .. .. data cacert.pem] ) VERIFY_MODE = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER | OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT def checkin_uri URI.parse("#{config.settings['host']}/#{config.settings['key']}/profiles/create?name=#{CGI.escape(config.settings['name'])}&rails_version=#{Rails::VERSION::STRING}&gem_version=#{ProfileIt::VERSION}&env=#{Rails.env}") end def send_profile(profile) uri = checkin_uri logger.debug "Sending profile [#{profile.uri}] to #{uri}" form_data = profile.to_form_data.merge({ "profile[extension_version]" => Thread::current[:profile_it_extension_version], "profile[extension_fingerprint]" => Thread::current[:profile_it_extension_fingerprint], "profile[user_id]" => Thread::current[:profile_it_user_id] }) Thread.new do begin response = post(uri, form_data) if response and response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) logger.debug "Profile Sent [#{profile.uri}]." else logger.debug "Error sending profile [#{profile.uri}]." end rescue Exception => e logger.error "Exception sending profile [#{profile.uri}]: [#{e}]" logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n") end end end def post(url, data, headers = Hash.new) response = nil request(url) do |connection| post = Net::HTTP::Post.new( url.path + (url.query ? ('?' + url.query) : ''), HTTP_HEADERS.merge(headers) ) post.set_form_data(data) response=connection.request(post) end response end def request(url, &connector) response = nil response = build_http(url).start(&connector) logger.debug "got response: #{response.inspect}" case response when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPNotModified logger.debug "Send Profile: OK" when Net::HTTPBadRequest logger.warn "Send Profile: FAILED: The Account Key [#{config.settings['key']}] is invalid." else logger.warn "Send Profile: FAILED: #{response.inspect}" end rescue Exception logger.debug "Exception sending request to server: #{$!.message}" ensure response end # take care of http/https proxy, if specified in command line options # Given a blank string, the proxy_uri URI instance's host/port/user/pass will be nil # Net::HTTP::Proxy returns a regular Net::HTTP class if the first argument (host) is nil def build_http(uri) proxy_uri = URI.parse(config.settings['proxy'].to_s) http = Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_uri.host, proxy_uri.port, proxy_uri.user, proxy_uri.port).new(uri.host, uri.port) if uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS) http.use_ssl = true http.ca_file = CA_FILE http.verify_mode = VERIFY_MODE end http end end # module Reporting include Reporting end # class Agent end # module ProfileIt