# CfnGuardian [Documentation](docs/overview.md) CfnGuardian is a AWS monitoring tool with a few capabilities: - creates cloudwatch alarms through cloudformation based upon resources defined in a YAML config - alerting through SNS using 4 levels of severity [ Critical, Warning, Task, Informational ] - has a standard set of default alarms across many AWS resources - creates cloudwatch log metric filters with default alarms - creates specfic aws events with sns targets - creates custom metrics for external checks through lambda functions such as - http endpoint availability - http status code matching - http body regex matching - domain expiry - ssl expiry - sql query - nrpe - sftp availability - sftp file download - tls version checking **Supported AWS Resources** - AmazonMq(RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ) - ApiGateway - Application Targetgroups - Network TargetGroups - AutoScalingGroups - CloudFront Distributions - DynamoDB Tables - EC2 Instances - ECS Clusters - ECS Services - EFS - Classic LoadBalancers - Lambda Functions - RDS Clusters - RDS Instances - Redshift Cluster - SQS Queues - LogGroup Metric Filters