module Avo module Dsl class FieldParser attr_reader :as attr_reader :args attr_reader :id attr_reader :block attr_reader :instance attr_reader :order_index def initialize(id:, order_index: 0, **args, &block) @id = id @as = args.fetch(:as, nil) @order_index = order_index @args = args @block = block @instance = nil end def valid? instance.present? end def invalid? !valid? end def parse # The field is passed as a symbol eg: :text, :color_picker, :trix @instance = if as.is_a? Symbol parse_from_symbol elsif as.is_a? Class parse_from_class end self end private def parse_from_symbol field_class = field_class_from_symbol(as) if field_class.present? # The field has been registered before. instantiate_field(id, klass: field_class, **args, &block) else # The symbol can be transformed to a class and found. class_name = as.to_s.camelize field_class = "#{class_name}Field" # Discover & load custom field classes if Object.const_defined? field_class instantiate_field(id, klass: field_class.safe_constantize, **args, &block) end end end def parse_from_class # The field has been passed as a class. if Object.const_defined? as.to_s instantiate_field(id, klass: as, **args, &block) end end def instantiate_field(id, klass:, **args, &block) if block, **args || {}, &block) else, **args || {}) end end def field_class_from_symbol(symbol) matched_field = Avo.field_manager.all.find do |field| field[:name].to_s == symbol.to_s end return matched_field[:class] if matched_field.present? && matched_field[:class].present? end end end end