require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' # Michael Ende (1929-1995) # The Neverending Story is a fantasy novel by German writer Michael Ende, # The English version, translated by Ralph Manheim, was published in 1983. class CustomDrawText include Glimmer def launch window('Michael Ende (1929-1995) The Neverending Story', 600, 500) { margined true vertical_box { form { stretchy false font_button { |fb| label 'Font' on_changed do @font = fb.font @area.queue_redraw_all end } color_button { |cb| label 'Color' on_changed do @color = cb.color @area.queue_redraw_all end } color_button { |cb| label 'Background' on_changed do @background = cb.color @area.queue_redraw_all end } combobox { |c| label 'Underline' items Glimmer::LibUI.enum_symbols(:underline).map(&:to_s).map {|word| word.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')} selected 'None' on_selected do @underline = c.selected_item.underscore @area.queue_redraw_all end } combobox { |c| label 'Underline Built-In Color' items Glimmer::LibUI.enum_symbols(:underline_color).map(&:to_s).map(&:capitalize) selected 'Custom' on_selected do @underline_custom_color_button.enabled = c.selected_item == 'Custom' if c.selected_item == 'Custom' @underline_color = @underline_custom_color_button.color else @underline_color = c.selected_item.underscore @underline_custom_color_button.color = :black end @area.queue_redraw_all end } @underline_custom_color_button = color_button { label 'Underline Custom Color' on_changed do @underline_color = @underline_custom_color_button.color @area.queue_redraw_all end } } @area = area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| text { # default arguments for x, y, and width are (0, 0, area_draw_params[:area_width] - 2*x) # align :left # default alignment string { font @font color @color background @background underline @underline underline_color @underline_color ' At last Ygramul sensed that something was coming toward ' \ 'her. With the speed of lightning, she turned about, confronting ' \ 'Atreyu with an enormous steel-blue face. Her single eye had a ' \ 'vertical pupil, which stared at Atreyu with inconceivable malignancy. ' \ "\n\n" \ ' A cry of fear escaped Bastian. ' \ "\n\n" \ ' A cry of terror passed through the ravine and echoed from ' \ 'side to side. Ygramul turned her eye to left and right, to see if ' \ 'someone else had arrived, for that sound could not have been ' \ 'made by the boy who stood there as though paralyzed with ' \ 'horror. ' \ "\n\n" \ ' Could she have heard my cry? Bastion wondered in alarm. ' \ "But that's not possible. " \ "\n\n" \ ' And then Atreyu heard Ygramuls voice. It was very high ' \ 'and slightly hoarse, not at all the right kind of voice for that ' \ 'enormous face. Her lips did not move as she spoke. It was the ' \ 'buzzing of a great swarm of hornets that shaped itself into ' \ 'words. ' \ "\n\n" } } end } } }.show end end