module CreditCardValidations class Detector class_attribute :rules self.rules = {} attr_reader :number def initialize(number) @number = number.to_s.delete(' ') end # credit card number def valid?(*brands) !!valid_number?(*brands) end #brand name def brand valid_number? end def valid_number?(*brands) return nil unless valid_luhn? number_length = number.length brand_rules = brands.blank? ? self.rules : self.rules.slice(*{ |el| el.downcase }) unless brand_rules.blank? brand_rules.each do |brand_name, rules| rules.each do |rule| return brand_name if (rule[:length].include?(number_length) and number.match(rule[:regexp])) end end end nil end #check if luhn valid def valid_luhn? Luhn.valid?(number) end class << self #create regexp by array of prefixes def compile_regexp(prefixes)"^((#{prefixes.join(")|(")}))") end #create rule for detecting brand def add_rule(brand, length, prefixes) prefixes = Array.wrap(prefixes) length = Array.wrap(length) rules[brand] = [] if rules[brand].blank? rules[brand] << {length: length, regexp: compile_regexp(prefixes), prefixes: prefixes} #create methods like visa? mastercard? etc class_eval <<-BOOLEAN_RULE, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{brand}? valid?(:#{brand}) end BOOLEAN_RULE end end CardRules.constants.each do |const_name| CardRules.const_get(const_name).each do |const_value| self.add_rule(const_name.to_s.downcase.to_sym , const_value[:length], const_value[:prefixes]) end end end end