See the [Changelog](changelog) for a complete list of changes from VCR 1.x to 2.0. This file simply lists the most pertinent ones to upgrading. ## Supported Rubies Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.9.1 are no longer supported. ## Configuration Changes In VCR 1.x, your configuration block would be something like this: ``` ruby VCR.config do |c| c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' c.stub_with :fakeweb, :typhoeus end ``` This will continue to work in VCR 2.0 but will generate deprecation warnings. Instead, you should change this to: ``` ruby VCR.configure do |c| c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' c.hook_into :fakeweb, :typhoeus end ``` ## New Cassette Format The cassette format has changed between VCR 1.x and VCR 2.0. VCR 1.x cassettes cannot be used with VCR 2.0. The easiest way to upgrade is to simply delete your cassettes and re-record all of them. VCR also provides a rake task that attempts to upgrade your 1.x cassettes to the new 2.0 format. To use it, add the following line to your Rakefile: ``` ruby load 'vcr/tasks/vcr.rake' ``` Then run `rake vcr:migrate_cassettes DIR=path/to/your/cassettes/directory` to upgrade your cassettes. Note that this rake task may be unable to upgrade some cassettes that make extensive use of ERB. In addition, now that VCR 2.0 does less normalization then before, it may not be able to migrate the cassette perfectly. It's recommended that you delete and re-record your cassettes if you are able. ## Custom Request Matchers VCR 2.0 allows you to register custom request matchers: ``` ruby VCR.configure do |c| c.register_request_matcher :port do |request_1, request_2| URI(request_1.uri).port == URI(request_2.uri).port end end ``` You can also pass any callable (an object that responds to #call, such as a lambda) to the `:match_requests_on` option: ``` ruby port_matcher = lambda do |request_1, request_2| URI(request_1.uri).port == URI(request_2.uri).port end VCR.use_cassette("example", :match_requests_on => [:host, port_matcher, :method]) do # make an HTTP request end ``` In addition, a helper method is provided for generating a custom matcher that ignores one or more query parameters: ``` ruby uri_without_timestamp = VCR.request_matchers.uri_without_param(:timestamp) VCR.configure do |c| c.register_request_matcher(:uri_without_timestamp, &uri_without_timestamp) end ``` ## Custom Serializers VCR 2.0 supports multiple serializers. `:yaml`, `:json`, `:psych` and `:syck` are supported out of the box, and it's easy to implement your own. Custom serializers must implement `#file_extension`, `#serialize` and `#deserialize`: ``` ruby VCR.use_cassette("example", :serialize_with => :json) do # make an HTTP request end marshal_serializer = marshal_serializer.instance_eval do def file_extension "marsh" end def serialize(hash) Marshal.dump(hash) end def deserialize(string) Marshal.load(string) end end VCR.configure do |c| c.cassette_serializers[:marshal] = serializer c.default_cassette_options = { :serialize_with => :marshal } end ``` ## Request Hooks VCR 2.0 has new request hooks, allowing you to inject custom logic before an HTTP request, after an HTTP request, or around an HTTP request: ``` ruby VCR.configure do |c| c.before_http_request do |request| # do something with the request end c.after_http_request do |request, response| # do something with the request or response end # around_http_request only works on ruby 1.9 c.around_http_request do |request| uri = URI(request.uri) if == '' # extract an address like "1700 E Pine St, Seattle, WA" # from a query like "address=1700+E+Pine+St%2C+Seattle%2C+WA" address = CGI.unescape(uri.query.split('=').last) VCR.use_cassette("geocoding/#{address}", &request) else request.proceed end end end ``` ## Ignore a Request Based on Anything You can now define what requests get ignored using a block. This gives you the flexibility to ignore a requets based on anything. ``` ruby VCR.configure do |c| c.ignore_request do |request| uri = URI(request.uri) == 'localhost' && uri.port == 7500 end end ``` ## Integration with RSpec 2 Metadata VCR can integrate directly with RSpec metadata: ``` ruby VCR.configure do |c| c.configure_rspec_metadata! end RSpec.configure do |c| # so we can use `:vcr` rather than `:vcr => true`; # in RSpec 3 this will no longer be necessary. c.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true end # apply it to an example group describe MyAPIWrapper, :vcr do end describe MyAPIWrapper do # apply it to an individual example it "does something", :vcr do end # set some cassette options it "does something", :vcr => { :record => :new_episodes } do end # override the cassette name it "does something", :vcr => { :cassette_name => "something" } do end end ``` ## Improved Faraday Integration VCR 1.x integrated with Faraday but required that you insert `VCR::Middleware::Faraday` into your middleware stack and configure `stub_with :faraday`. VCR 2 now takes care of inserting itself into the Faraday middleware stack if you configure `hook_into :faraday`. ## Improved Unhandled Error Messages When VCR is unsure how to handle a request, the error message now contains suggestions for how you can configure VCR or your test so it can handle the request. ## Debug Logger VCR 2.0 has a new configuration option that will turn on a logging mode so you can get more insight into what VCR is doing, for troubleshooting purposes: ``` ruby VCR.configure do |c| c.debug_logger ='log/vcr.log') # or... c.debug_logger = $stderr end ``` ## Playback Changes In VCR 1.x, a single HTTP interaction could be played back multiple times. This was mostly due to how VCR was implemented using FakeWeb and WebMock, and was not really by design. It's more in keeping with the philosophy of VCR to record the entire sequence of HTTP interactions (including the duplicate requests). In VCR 2, each recorded HTTP interaction can only be played back once unless you use the new `:allow_playback_repeats` option. In VCR 1.x, request matching was delegated to the HTTP stubbing library (typically FakeWeb or WebMock). They contain some normalization logic that can treat some URIs that are different strings as equivalent. For example, WebMock ignores the ordering of query parameters: ``` ruby > require 'webmock' => true > uri1 = "" => "" > uri2 = "" => "" > uri1 == uri2 => false > WebMock::Util::URI.normalize_uri(uri1) == WebMock::Util::URI.normalize_uri(uri2) => true ``` VCR 2, the `:uri` matcher simply [uses string equality]( This means that there are some cases of non-deterministic URIs that VCR 1.x matched but VCR 2.0 will not match. If you need the `:uri` matcher to be tolerant of slight variations like these, you can easily override it: ``` ruby VCR.configure do |c| c.register_request_matcher(:uri) do |r1, r2| WebMock::Util::URI.normalize_uri(r1.uri) == WebMock::Util::URI.normalize_uri(r2.uri) end end ``` ## Preserve Exact Body Bytes Sometimes the request or response body of an HTTP interaction cannot be serialized and deserialized properly. Usually this is due to the body having invalid UTF-8 bytes. This new option configures VCR to base64 encode the body in order to preserve the bytes exactly. It can either be configured globally with a block, or set on individual cassettes: ``` ruby VCR.configure do |c| c.preserve_exact_body_bytes do |http_message| == 'ASCII-8BIT' || !http_message.body.valid_encoding? end end # or.... VCR.use_cassette("my_cassette", :preserve_exact_body_bytes => true) do # ... end ```