module Commands class AddInstance # holds the options that were passed # you can set any initial defaults here def options @options ||= { :instance_size => "c1.medium", :start_app => false, :availability_zone => "us-east-1c" # this is where our reserved instance currently are } end # required options def required_options @required_options ||= [ :role, :group, :config_access_key, :config_secret_key, ] end def register(opts, global_options) opts.banner = "Usage: add [options]" opts.description = "Add a server instance" opts.on('-s', "--size instance_size", ["t1.micro", "m1.small", "c1.medium"], "The amazon instance size - currently we limit to 32 bit instances.") do |v| options[:instance_size] = v end opts.on('-z', "--zone availability_zone", MetaOptions.availability_zones, "The amazon availability zone - currently we only support the east coast.") do |v| options[:availability_zone] = v end opts.on('-r', "--role role", MetaOptions.roles, "Required - Role server will play.") do |v| options[:role] = v end opts.on("--start_app", "Set if you want to deploy and start the app after instance is ready.") do |v| options[:start_app] = v end opts.on('-e', "--extra extra", MetaOptions.roles, "Optional extra data associated with this instance.") do |v| options[:extra] = v end opts.on('-g', "--group deploy_group", "Required - The deploy group we are in. A deploy group is a set of servers that are required to run the infrastructure for a server.") do |v| options[:group] = v end opts.on('-p', "--print path", "The directory into which we output the data as a file per host.") do |v| options[:result_path] = v end opts.on("--config_akey AmazonAccessKey", "Required - Amazon access key to store on server.") do |v| options[:config_access_key] = v end opts.on("--config_skey AmazonSecretKey", "Required - Amazon secret key to store on server.") do |v| options[:config_secret_key] = v end end def run(global_options, amazon) ec2 = amazon.ec2 utils = user_json = JSON.pretty_generate(options) # deploy group group_name = options[:group] role = options[:role] extra = options[:extra] start_app = options[:start_app] # first see if already exists deploy_group = amazon.find_deploy_group(group_name) recipes_deploy_tag = deploy_group.recipes_deploy_tag group_config = deploy_group.config availability_zone = options[:availability_zone] || group_config[:availability_zone] # the security key security_key = group_config[:amazon_security_key] # the security group security_group = group_config[:amazon_security_group] # find ones matching the role match = amazon.find_by_role(group_name, role) # stop if we have a case where we only allow one of a particular kind case role.to_sym when :app_master, :db, :solo if match.length > 0 raise "Argument error: You already have a duplicate role of #{role}. The existing instance is #{match[0]}." end end # now find the proper AMI image to use baseline_image = group_config[:amazon_image] # first see if we have a specific image for this role role_image = "#{baseline_image}_#{role}" match_image = amazon.find_typed_resource("image", "Name", role_image) if match_image.length > 1 raise "You must have only one AMI Image for #{role_image}. Found: #{match_image.length}" end if match_image.length != 1 # didn't have a specific role image so get the generic one match_image = amazon.find_typed_resource("image", "Name", baseline_image) if match_image.length != 1 raise "Need to have exactly one AMI Image for #{baseline_image}. Found: #{match_image.length}" end end instances = ec2.run_instances(match_image[0], 1, 1, [security_group], security_key, user_json, nil, options[:instance_size], nil, nil, availability_zone) inst_id = instances[0][:aws_instance_id] puts "Waiting for instance #{inst_id} to boot" aws_state = "" instance = nil waits = 0 while aws_state != "running" do print "." STDOUT.flush sleep(1) waits += 1 # this silly bit of logic is needed because sometimes Amazons API does not know # about the newly created instance for a brief period so don't ask till we give it # a chance to learn about it if waits >= 10 instance = ec2.describe_instances(inst_id)[0] aws_state = instance[:aws_state] end end puts puts "Tagging instance." ec2.create_tags(inst_id, {"Name" => "#{group_name}_#{role}_#{inst_id}", :group => group_name, :role => role, :extra => extra, :state => 'booting', :deploy_app => ZZSharedLib::Utils::NEVER, :deploy_chef => ZZSharedLib::Utils::NEVER }) dns_name = instance[:dns_name] ssh_cmd = "ssh -t -i ~/.ssh/#{group_config[:amazon_security_key]}.pem ec2-user@#{dns_name}" puts ssh_cmd test_cmd = 'echo "connected"' test_cmd = "#{ssh_cmd} '#{test_cmd}'" tries = 0 while true do puts "testing ssh connection" result = ZZSharedLib::CL.do_cmd_result test_cmd break if result == 0 sleep(6) tries += 1 if tries >= 40 # todo decide if we should terminate this instance ec2.create_tags(inst_id, {:state => 'failed_boot' }) raise "Not able to establish ssh connection, make sure the security group has the ssh port open." end end # if we get here we should have verified that the machine is ready and we can ssh into it, lets # do the initial upload step for the chef recipes by fetching the proper tag on the remote machine ec2.create_tags(inst_id, {:state => 'ready' }) remote_cmd = "#{ssh_cmd} #{make_amazon_config_command(options[:config_access_key], options[:config_secret_key])}" result = ZZSharedLib::CL.do_cmd_result remote_cmd if result != 0 raise "The instance was created but we were unable to upload amazon keys." end git_cmd = ChefUpload.get_upload_command(recipes_deploy_tag) remote_cmd = "#{ssh_cmd} \"#{git_cmd}\"" result = ZZSharedLib::CL.do_cmd_result remote_cmd if result != 0 raise "The instance was created but we were unable to upload the chef recipes.\nYou should try again by using 'chef_upload' and make sure you have a valid git tag." end # set up our instance id # first get all instances in our group which should include us amazon.flush_tags # force a refresh of the cached tags all_instances = amazon.find_and_sort_named_instances(group_name) just_our_instance = all_instances.reject { |inst| inst[:resource_id] != inst_id } # deploy the chef config puts "Updating chef configuration for new instance." BuildDeployConfig.do_config_deploy(utils, amazon, just_our_instance, group_name, deploy_group, options[:result_path]) # optionally deploy and start app # note in this case we redeploy the whole group since # there are dependencies between the instances if start_app puts "Now deploying all app instances since the configuration changed." BuildDeployConfig.do_app_deploy(utils, amazon, all_instances, group_name, deploy_group, '', false, false, options[:result_path]) end end # build the command to create the amazon.json file containing the keys passed def make_amazon_config_command(akey, skey) file = "/var/chef/amazon.json" cmd = "'sudo rm -f #{file} ( cat <<'EOP' { \"aws_access_key_id\": \"#{akey}\", \"aws_secret_access_key\": \"#{skey}\" } EOP ) > #{file} sudo chown root:root #{file} sudo chmod 0644 #{file}'" end end end