require 'spec_helper' describe BooticClient::Relation do let(:client) { double(:client) } let(:attributes) {{'href' => '/foo/bars', 'type' => 'application/json', 'title' => 'A relation', 'name' => 'self'}} let(:relation) {, client) } describe 'attributes' do it 'has readers for known relation attributes' do expect(relation.href).to eql('/foo/bars') expect(relation.type).to eql('application/json') expect(relation.title).to eql('A relation') expect( eql('self') end end describe '#to_hash' do it 'returns attributes' do hash = relation.to_hash expect(hash).to eq attributes end end describe '#run' do let(:entity) {{'title' => 'Foobar'}, client) } describe 'running GET by default' do it 'fetches data and returns entity' do allow(client).to receive(:request_and_wrap).with(:get, '/foo/bars', BooticClient::Entity, {}).and_return entity expect( eql(entity) end context 'without URI templates' do let(:relation) {{'href' => '/foos/bar', 'type' => 'application/json', 'title' => 'A relation'}, client) } it 'is not templated' do expect(relation.templated?).to eql(false) end it 'does not have parameters' do expect(relation.parameters).to eql [] end it 'passes query string to client' do expect(client).to receive(:request_and_wrap).with(:get, '/foos/bar', BooticClient::Entity, id: 2, q: 'test', page: 2).and_return entity expect( 2, q: 'test', page: 2)).to eql(entity) end end context 'with URI templates' do let(:relation) {{'href' => '/foos/{id}{?q,page}', 'type' => 'application/json', 'title' => 'A relation', 'templated' => true}, client) } it 'is templated' do expect(relation.templated?).to eql(true) end it 'complains if missing path variables' do expect{ }.to raise_error BooticClient::InvalidURLError end it 'works with defaults' do expect(client).to receive(:request_and_wrap).with(:get, '/foos/123', BooticClient::Entity, {}).and_return entity expect( 123)).to eql(entity) end it 'has parameter list' do expect(relation.parameters).to eql ['id', 'q', 'page'] end it 'interpolates tokens' do expect(client).to receive(:request_and_wrap).with(:get, '/foos/2?q=test&page=2', BooticClient::Entity, {}).and_return entity expect( 2, q: 'test', page: 2)).to eql(entity) end it 'complains if passing undeclared query variables' do expect{ 2, q: 'test', page: 2, other: 'foo') }.to raise_error BooticClient::InvalidURLError end end context "configured to not complain on undeclared variables" do it "whitelists params but does not complain" do BooticClient::Relation.complain_on_undeclared_params = false relation ={ 'href' => '/foos/{id}{?q,page}', 'templated' => true }, client, ) expect(client).to receive(:request_and_wrap).with(:get, '/foos/2?q=test&page=3', BooticClient::Entity, {foo: 1}).and_return entity 2, q: 'test', page: 3, foo: 1) BooticClient::Relation.complain_on_undeclared_params = true end end end describe 'POST' do let(:relation) {{'href' => '/foo/bars', 'type' => 'application/json', 'name' => 'self', 'method' => 'post'}, client) } let(:relation_templated) {{'href' => '/foo/{bars}', 'templated' => true, 'type' => 'application/json', 'name' => 'self', 'method' => 'post'}, client) } it 'POSTS data and returns resulting entity' do allow(client).to receive(:request_and_wrap).with(:post, '/foo/bars', BooticClient::Entity, {}).and_return entity expect( eql(entity) end it 'interpolates templated URLs and sends remaining as BODY' do allow(client).to receive(:request_and_wrap).with(:post, '/foo/123', BooticClient::Entity, {foo: 'bar'}).and_return entity expect( 123, foo: 'bar')).to eql(entity) end end describe 'DELETE' do let(:relation) {{'href' => '/foo/bars', 'type' => 'application/json', 'name' => 'self', 'method' => 'delete'}, client) } it 'DELETEs data and returns resulting entity' do allow(client).to receive(:request_and_wrap).with(:delete, '/foo/bars', BooticClient::Entity, {}).and_return entity expect( eql(entity) end end end end