Sha256: b33bc31902bb2adc54837eeda3b6ad4c1bf51452e0c07ef6b7d045188c9ebe37
Contents?: true
Size: 1.46 KB
Versions: 23
Stored size: 1.46 KB
3.3.0.alpha.3 (Bleeding Edge) a0824b32d17aa24527db91159b06dd18513c1088 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode :@imported_filenameI"shared:ET;[ :@template0: @linei: @options{ o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode :@value[I"z/* Change the box model for Mozilla, Webkit, IE8 and the future * * @param $bs * [ content-box | border-box ] */; F: @type:silent;[ ;i;@ o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode: @nameI"box-sizing; T: @args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;I"bs; T:@underscored_nameI"bs; T;@ 0:@splat0;[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode;I"bs; T: @expro:Sass::Script::Funcall;I"unquote; T;[o; ;I"bs; T;I"bs; T;i;@ :@keywords{ ;0;i;@ : @guarded0;[ ;i;@ o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode;I"experimental; T;[ o:Sass::Script::String ;I"box-sizing; T;:identifier;i;@ o; ;I"bs; T;I"bs; T;i;@ o; ;I" -moz; T;;;i;@ o; ;I"-webkit; T;;;i;@ o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando; ;I"-o; T;;;i;@ :@operator:not;i;@ o; ; o; ;I"-ms; T;;;i;@ ;!;";i;@ o; ; o; ;I"-khtml; T;;;i;@ ;!;";i;@ o; ;I" official; T;;;i;@ ;{ ;0;[ ;i;@ ;i :@has_childrenT;@ ; I"@import "shared"; // Change the box model for Mozilla, Webkit, IE8 and the future // // @param $bs // [ content-box | border-box ] @mixin box-sizing($bs) { $bs: unquote($bs); @include experimental(box-sizing, $bs, -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official ); } ; T;#T;@ ;i
Version data entries
23 entries across 23 versions & 1 rubygems