require 'test/unit' require 'benchmark' require 'tap/test/subset_methods' ENV['benchmark'] = 'true' class BenchmarkCheck < Test::Unit::TestCase include Tap::Test::SubsetMethods include Benchmark if match_platform?('darwin') require 'inline' inline do |builder| builder.c %Q{ int read_in_chunk(VALUE str, int n, int times) { char *filepath = RSTRING(str)->ptr; FILE *fp = fopen(filepath, "r"); char input[(n*times)]; int len = (n*times)+1; // ADD ONE to the read length because a null is appended as well if (fp != NULL) { fgets(input, len, fp); //printf(input); fclose(fp); return 1; } else return 0; }} end inline do |builder| builder.c %Q{ int read_in_pieces(VALUE str, int n, int times) { char *filepath = RSTRING(str)->ptr; FILE *fp = fopen(filepath, "r"); char input[n]; int len = n+1; // ADD ONE to the read length because a null is appended as well int i = 0; if (fp != NULL) { while(i < times) { fgets(input, len, fp); //printf(input); ++i; } fclose(fp); return 1; } else return 0; }} end inline do |builder| builder.c %Q{ int read_in_one_block(VALUE str, int len, int times) { char *filepath = RSTRING(str)->ptr; FILE *fp = fopen(filepath, "r"); char input[len*times]; int n_read; if (fp != NULL) { n_read = fread(input, len, times, fp); input[n_read*len] = NULL; //printf(input); fclose(fp); return 1; } else return 0; }} end inline do |builder| builder.c %Q{ int read_in_blocks(VALUE str, int len, int times) { char *filepath = RSTRING(str)->ptr; FILE *fp = fopen(filepath, "r"); char input[len]; int n_read; int i = 0; if (fp != NULL) { while(i < times) { fread(input, len, 1, fp); input[len] = NULL; //printf(input); ++i; } fclose(fp); return 1; } else return 0; }} end end def test_read_in_chunk_vs_read_in_pieces platform_test("darwin") do begin filepath = File.expand_path("background_test.txt"), "w") do |file| 10000.times do file << "0123456789" end end assert_equal 10000*10, File.size(filepath) benchmark_test(20) do |x|"1kx read in chunk") { 1000.times { assert read_in_chunk(filepath, 10, 10000) }}"1kx read in pieces") { 1000.times { assert read_in_pieces(filepath, 10, 10000) }}"1kx read in one block") { 1000.times { assert read_in_one_block(filepath, 10, 10000) }}"1kx read in blocks") { 1000.times { assert read_in_blocks(filepath, 10, 10000) }}"1kx") { 1000.times { }} end ensure FileUtils.rm(filepath) if File.exists?(filepath) end end end if match_platform?('darwin') require 'inline' inline do |builder| builder.c %Q{ VALUE unpack_to_array(VALUE str, int frame, int size, int times) { char *filepath = RSTRING(str)->ptr; FILE *fp = fopen(filepath, "r"); char input[frame*size*times]; char *p = input; int i, j; VALUE results, arr; if (fp == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "couldn't open file"); times = fread(input, frame*size, times, fp); results = rb_ary_new(); // convert to Fixnums i = 0; while(i < times) { j = 0; arr = rb_ary_new(); while(j < frame) { // no need to copy the data at *p, // apparently the conversion can // happen directly from the pointer rb_ary_push(arr, UINT2NUM(*p)); p += size; ++j; } rb_ary_push(results, arr); ++i; } fclose(fp); return results; }} end end require 'enumerator' def test_read_into_arrays platform_test("darwin") do begin filepath = File.expand_path("background_test.txt") times = 5000 frame = 5 size = 4 format = "I*" array = { (1..frame).to_a }, "w") do |file| file << array.flatten.pack(format) end assert_equal 10000*10, File.size(filepath) assert_equal array, unpack_to_array(filepath, frame, size, times) benchmark_test(20) do |x|"100x unpack to array") { 100.times { unpack_to_array(filepath, frame, size, times) }} results = [] do |arr| results << arr end assert_equal array, results"100x") do 100.times do results = [] do |arr| results << arr end end end end ensure FileUtils.rm(filepath) if File.exists?(filepath) end end end if match_platform?('darwin') require 'inline' inline do |builder| builder.c %Q{ VALUE unpack_str(VALUE str, int frame, int size, int times) { char *p = RSTRING(str)->ptr; int i, j; VALUE results, arr; char directive = 'I'; results = rb_ary_new(); i = 0; while(i < times) { j = 0; arr = rb_ary_new(); while(j < frame) { switch(directive) { case 'I': {// no need to copy the data at *p, // apparently the conversion can // happen directly from the pointer rb_ary_push(arr, UINT2NUM(*p)); p += size; ++j;} break; } } rb_ary_push(results, arr); ++i; } return results; }} end end require 'enumerator' def test_unpack_speed platform_test("darwin") do begin filepath = File.expand_path("background_test.txt") times = 5000 frame = 5 size = 4 format = "I*" array = { (1..frame).to_a }, "w") do |file| file << array.flatten.pack(format) end assert_equal 10000*10, File.size(filepath) str = assert_equal array, unpack_str(str, frame, size, times) benchmark_test(20) do |x|"100x unpack") { 100.times { unpack_str(str, frame, size, times) }} results = [] do |arr| results << arr end assert_equal array, results"100x str.unpack") do 100.times do results = [] str.unpack(format).each_slice(frame) do |arr| results << arr end end end end ensure FileUtils.rm(filepath) if File.exists?(filepath) end end end if match_platform?('darwin') require 'inline' inline do |builder| builder.c %Q{ int work_with_values() { int a = NUM2INT(rb_iv_get(self, "@a")); int b = NUM2INT(rb_iv_get(self, "@b")); return a + b; }} end end attr_accessor :a, :b def test_work_with_values platform_test("darwin") do @a = 10 @b = 2 assert_equal 12, work_with_values end end if match_platform?('darwin') require 'inline' module FileExt inline do |builder| builder.include "" builder.c %Q{ int read_from_file(int n) { FILE *fp = RFILE(self)->fptr->f; char input[n]; int len = n+1; // ADD ONE to the read length because a null is appended as well if (fp != NULL) { fgets(input, len, fp); //printf(input); fclose(fp); return 1; } else return 0; }} end end end def test_get_file_pointer platform_test("darwin") do begin filepath = File.expand_path("background_test.txt"), 'w+') do |file| file.extend FileExt file << "hello world" file.pos = 0 assert file.read_from_file(5) end ensure FileUtils.rm(filepath) if File.exists?(filepath) end end end if match_platform?('darwin') require 'inline' inline do |builder| builder.include "" builder.c %Q{ int read_from_file(int len, int times) { FILE *fp = RFILE(rb_iv_get(self, "@file"))->fptr->f; char input[len*times]; if (fp == NULL) return 0; fread(input, len, times, fp); input[len*times] = NULL; // printf(input); return 1; }} end end attr_reader :file def test_read_from_open_file platform_test("darwin") do begin filepath = File.expand_path("background_test.txt"), "w") do |file| 10000.times do file << "0123456789" end end assert_equal 10000*10, File.size(filepath) do |file| @file = file file.pos = 0 assert read_from_file(10, 2) benchmark_test(20) do |x|"1kx read from file") { 1000.times { file.pos = 0; read_from_file(10, 10000) }}"1kx") { 1000.times { file.pos = 0; }} end end ensure FileUtils.rm(filepath) if File.exists?(filepath) end end end def test_array_methods benchmark_test(20) do |x| a = []"1M <<") { (1*1000000).times { a << 1 } } a.clear"1M []") { (1*1000000).times { a[1] = 1 } } end end end