# Rapa [![CircleCI](https://img.shields.io/circleci/project/github/r7kamura/rapa.svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/r7kamura/rapa) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/rapa.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/rapa) [![Documentation](http://img.shields.io/badge/docs-rdoc.info-blue.svg)](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/r7kamura/rapa) An API client library for Amazon Product Advertising API, written in Ruby. See the official documents for more details about Amazon Product Advertising API. - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/Welcome.html - https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/advertising/api/detail/main.html ## Requirements - Ruby 2.3 or higher ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem "rapa" ``` And then execute: ```bash bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ```bash gem install rapa ``` ## Usage ### Rapa::Client.new Available options: - `:access_key_id` - `:associate_tag` - `:secret_access_key` Returns a `Rapa::Client`. ```ruby require "rapa" client = Rapa::Client.new( access_key_id: "...", associate_tag: "...", secret_access_key: "...", ) ``` ### Rapa::Client#list_items Available options: - `:id_type` - `:item_ids` - `:domain` - `:related_item_page` - `:relationship_type` - `:response_groups` - `:search_index` Returns a `Rapa::Responses::ListItemsResponse`. ```ruby response = client.list_items( item_ids: ["..."], domain: "...", response_groups: ["..."], ) ``` ### Rapa::Client#search_items Available options: - `:browse_node_id` - `:domain` - `:item_page` - `:keywords` - `:power` - `:related_item_page` - `:relationship_type` - `:response_groups` - `:search_index` Returns a `Rapa::Responses::SearchItemsResponse`. ```ruby response = client.search_items( domain: "...", keywords: ["..."], response_groups: ["..."], ) ``` ### Rapa::Responses::SearchItemsResponse Available methods: - `#error` - `#has_error?` - `#has_valid_request?` - `#total_pages` - `#total_results` ### Rapa::Resources::ItemResource Available methods: - `#adult_product?` - `#alternate_versions` - `#asin` - `#authors` - `#binding` - `#browse_nodes` - `#creator_name` - `#creator_role` - `#ean` - `#ebook?` - `#episode_sequence` - `#genre` - `#has_customer_reviews?` - `#image_hi_res` - `#image_large` - `#image_medium` - `#image_small` - `#image_swatch` - `#image_thumbnail` - `#image_tiny` - `#isbn` - `#item_height` - `#item_length` - `#item_width` - `#label` - `#languages` - `#manufacturer` - `#number_of_pages` - `#package_height` - `#package_length` - `#package_weight` - `#package_width` - `#product_group` - `#product_type_name` - `#publication_date` - `#publisher` - `#related_item_count` - `#related_item_page` - `#related_item_page_count` - `#related_items` - `#relationship` - `#relationship_type` - `#release_date` - `#running_time` - `#sales_rank` - `#season_sequence` - `#similar_products` - `#studio` - `#title` - `#url_add_to_wishlist` - `#url_all_customer_reviews` - `#url_all_offers` - `#url_customer_reviews_iframe` - `#url_details_page` - `#url_tell_a_friend` ## Hints ### Domain Available `:domain` option examples: - `"ca"` - `"cn"` - `"co.jp"` - `"co.uk"` - `"com"` - `"com.br"` - `"com.mx"` - `"de"` - `"es"` - `"fr"` - `"in"` - `"it"` ### IdType Available `:id_type` option examples: - `"ASIN"` - `"EAN"` - `"ISBN"` - `"JAN"` - `"SKU"` - `"UPC"` ### SearchIndex Available `:search_index` option examples: - `"All"` - `"Apparel"` - `"Appliances"` - `"Automotive"` - `"Baby"` - `"Beauty"` - `"Blended"` - `"Books"` - `"Classical"` - `"CreditCards"` - `"DVD"` - `"Electronics"` - `"ForeignBooks"` - `"GiftCards"` - `"Grocery"` - `"HealthPersonalCare"` - `"Hobbies"` - `"HomeImprovement"` - `"Industrial"` - `"Jewelry"` - `"KindleStore"` - `"Kitchen"` - `"Marketplace"` - `"MP3Downloads"` - `"Music"` - `"MusicalInstruments"` - `"OfficeProducts"` - `"PCHardware"` - `"PetSupplies"` - `"Shoes"` - `"Software"` - `"SportingGoods"` - `"Toys"` - `"Video"` - `"VideoDownload"` - `"VideoGames"` - `"Watches"` See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/localevalues.html for more details.